Farm workers in general were hit very hard, up and down the valley. Bunk housing is very effective at spreading covid.Did you forget the Central Valley is part of California and not SoCal. Deaths per million there without the population density of LA.
Fresno alone had 1700+ deaths with a population in the 500k range.
The LA versus Norcal argument is mostly me giving the middle finger to the folks who keep bringing up CA death rates while ignoring the fact that, at the time, LA had a different disease than any other state. It’s completely intellectually dishonest, and by now they ought to know it.
So, if they want to compare a high transmission disease to a low transmission disease, I can play that game. They compare FL to CA. I compare LA to Norcal. Neither comparison is at all valid.
In truth, LA did reasonably with the rotten hand they were dealt last fall. Had San Jose gotten the LA or UK variant 4 months earlier, we would have had a rough time, too.