You know, I think medical decisions in a free society, each individual assumes their own risk, and the thing is, if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, and you are vaccinated, they're not a risk to you, they're taking a risk for themselves. So I think really medical decisions should be private.
In fact we used to all believe that. There's a law called HIPAA that really says we're really not supposed to pry into the affairs, the medical affairs, of our employees, so I think really in the end we need to have a little bit more of a relaxed atmosphere here, because I think people, particularly on the left, they're saying 'oh, I could never go to a restaurant if someone next to me wasn't vaccinated.' It's like well it shouldn't matter to you at all.
If you've been vaccinated you're protected and that's their business if they have a religious or philosophic reason, maybe they just think the pandemic's over and don't want to get vaccinated, or maybe they're like me. I already had it, I mean, should they force people to get vaccinated who had COVID and survived? They would first have to prove that the vaccine is better than being infected. I'm not saying that it's wise to get infected on purpose, but a lot of us got infected whether we wanted to or not, about 100 million of us got infected. And I think that we should have a choice whether we get a vaccine or not because frankly all the studies show that I have just as good of immunity as the people who've been vaccinated.
Now in a year's time if people say 'oh, people that have had it naturally are getting infected a lot more than people who've been vaccinated,' it's--I may change my mind. But until they show me evidence that people that've already had the infection are dying in large numbers, or being hospitalized or getting very sick, I just made my own personal decision that I'm not getting vaccinated because I've already had the disease and I have natural immunity now.
But that should be my--you know in a free country, you would think people would honor, you know, the idea that each individual would get to make their medical decisions and it wouldn't be big brother coming in telling me what I have to do. Are they also gonna tell me I can't have a cheeseburger for lunch? Are they gonna tell me I have to eat carrots only, and cut my calories? All of that is probably good for me, but I don't think Big Brother oughta tell me to do it.