It's one thing to honestly believe your viewpoint, its another to tell others how to live their life. I think he is sincere in his concern for Covid, but that doesn't give him the right to tell others how to live their lives. He and I took two different approaches to Covid, we both ended up with the same Covid results for our family. Yet, he continues to criticize my and others behaviors that are different from his. Did I ever criticize him for keeping his kids lock downed and hurting their mental health, no, because its not any of my business and I have no clue as how he actually handled things with his kids, Sorry, but sanctimony is a character trait that I find incredibly rude, and not polite at all. He doesn't know my circumstances, nor do I know his. Like I said we come from two different backgrounds, which results in our two different approaches. But he can't accept that. I'm certainly not the poster child for politeness, but he wears a mask out of politeness, but then tells others how to live their lives. If that's not "disingenuous", I don't know what is.
Dad4, I'm glad your approach worked for your family. You know what's best for them, and did the right thing. I respect that. But please don't tell me how to live my life.
I shouldn't have to justify my actions, but just a heads up, we showed up late to the basketball game and had to sit on the opposition side. I was a few feet away from a masked women, so I wore my mask. 2nd half we moved to our teams side to an empty section, the closest people were over 10 feet away unmasked. I took off my mask, When in my glasses were fogging up.
I don't judge people whether they wear a mask or not, I evaluate people on substantive behavior (of which politics is not).