Bad News Thread

Las Vegas strip club offers vaccine clinic

Patrons who show proof of vaccination at the club will reportedly be treated to a one-year Platinum membership, dances from a vaccinated stripper, complimentary bottle of alcohol and tickets to "Sexxy After Dark" with a limousine pickup.

Hey @Dominic, free Platinum membership with proof of Vax? Come on man :)
Crush, with no link there isn't a good way for us to make use of the offer..... ;)
Las Vegas strip club offers vaccine clinic

Patrons who show proof of vaccination at the club will reportedly be treated to a one-year Platinum membership, dances from a vaccinated stripper, complimentary bottle of alcohol and tickets to "Sexxy After Dark" with a limousine pickup.

Hey @Dominic, free Platinum membership with proof of Vax? Come on man :)
Hey, this is almost my, "Set the vaccinations up at the door to the Casinos" idea. We needed to get those folks early as they are obviously willing to "gamble". If the casinos are open and they aren't vaccinated, they may be thinking, "I'll take my chances."
Crush, with no link there isn't a good way for us to make use of the offer..... ;)
That's why we have Vegas Guy and Vegas Parent. Hey, "two Vegas dudes", if I were to take one or two for the team, I think Vegas would be the place to do it, where? Fat chance I win lotto in Ohio or NY so Vegas is the place to go for shots now. I'll ask my pal Colin who lives out by Summerland. He's playing poker again at the Winn today. No vax for him yet but I bet he caves in.
You know, I believe virtue signaling is often used for people being "disingenuous". I'm not going to put that on @dad4. I think he honestly believes his viewpoint. I respect that.
It's one thing to honestly believe your viewpoint, its another to tell others how to live their life. I think he is sincere in his concern for Covid, but that doesn't give him the right to tell others how to live their lives. He and I took two different approaches to Covid, we both ended up with the same Covid results for our family. Yet, he continues to criticize my and others behaviors that are different from his. Did I ever criticize him for keeping his kids lock downed and hurting their mental health, no, because its not any of my business and I have no clue as how he actually handled things with his kids, Sorry, but sanctimony is a character trait that I find incredibly rude, and not polite at all. He doesn't know my circumstances, nor do I know his. Like I said we come from two different backgrounds, which results in our two different approaches. But he can't accept that. I'm certainly not the poster child for politeness, but he wears a mask out of politeness, but then tells others how to live their lives. If that's not "disingenuous", I don't know what is.

Dad4, I'm glad your approach worked for your family. You know what's best for them, and did the right thing. I respect that. But please don't tell me how to live my life.

I shouldn't have to justify my actions, but just a heads up, we showed up late to the basketball game and had to sit on the opposition side. I was a few feet away from a masked women, so I wore my mask. 2nd half we moved to our teams side to an empty section, the closest people were over 10 feet away unmasked. I took off my mask, When in my glasses were fogging up.

I don't judge people whether they wear a mask or not, I evaluate people on substantive behavior (of which politics is not).
It's one thing to honestly believe your viewpoint, its another to tell others how to live their life. I think he is sincere in his concern for Covid, but that doesn't give him the right to tell others how to live their lives. He and I took two different approaches to Covid, we both ended up with the same Covid results for our family. Yet, he continues to criticize my and others behaviors that are different from his. Did I ever criticize him for keeping his kids lock downed and hurting their mental health, no, because its not any of my business and I have no clue as how he actually handled things with his kids, Sorry, but sanctimony is a character trait that I find incredibly rude, and not polite at all. He doesn't know my circumstances, nor do I know his. Like I said we come from two different backgrounds, which results in our two different approaches. But he can't accept that. I'm certainly not the poster child for politeness, but he wears a mask out of politeness, but then tells others how to live their lives. If that's not "disingenuous", I don't know what is.

Dad4, I'm glad your approach worked for your family. You know what's best for them, and did the right thing. I respect that. But please don't tell me how to live my life.

I shouldn't have to justify my actions, but just a heads up, we showed up late to the basketball game and had to sit on the opposition side. I was a few feet away from a masked women, so I wore my mask. 2nd half we moved to our teams side to an empty section, the closest people were over 10 feet away unmasked. I took off my mask, When in my glasses were fogging up.

I don't judge people whether they wear a mask or not, I evaluate people on substantive behavior (of which politics is not).

This actually explains a lot of his motivation. It's not really virtue signaling. It's more of a reflex against an existential threat to his class. It's also why I'm an apostate....I'm part of that class yet see through the BS and betray my own kind. Article is a little over the top but hits many important notes.

Was at islands on the patio today (had the dog with me). Fully vaxxed grandma with 2 grandkids sat next to us (she's was explaining to the kids what fully vaxxed was). Grandkids were around 10 and 3 (3 year old in a high chair....go figure). She kept lecturing them to keep their masks on, and when they ate, to hurry so that the masks could go back on. Gave me the evil eye of sipping on my mai tai slowly and then getting up off the table without a mask despite that I was 10 feet away. California is wacky. I was frankly surprised to see 1/2 the crowd at state cup without masks. Apparently similar dynamic at play for FL/NY.


Happy Day of Pentecost Everyone :)
Miracles took place to honor this amazing day of celebration a long long time ago. Had great celebration with my wife and some friends this morning. Today is also 5/23/2021 {555} Check Q drop 555. Also, today is five twenty three. Q drop 523 is? I call today, "Second Chance Harvest." Oh yes, remember the great parting of the Red Sea to bring God's people out of slavery? This was the festival they would have every 50 years. The jubilee it was called. Every 50 years the bros would all meet up and forgive everyone their debts :) A fresh start so to speak. In Acts Chapter 2, this Day of Pentecost was like none other. Read up on it. Talk about a great awaking to the masses :) So today is a big day for someone like me. I told everyone we all need a second chance or for most of us, lot's of them. Might as well throw in some Mulligans as well. All you have to do is come clean and stop cheating and you will live in bliss :) No one knows the times and dates, only the signs that come before the reign of Christ for 1000 years. This will be epic and blow EVERYONE away and some of you will need to just admit that their is a God.
This actually explains a lot of his motivation. It's not really virtue signaling. It's more of a reflex against an existential threat to his class. It's also why I'm an apostate....I'm part of that class yet see through the BS and betray my own kind. Article is a little over the top but hits many important notes.

I can speak for myself, thanks.

If I say that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules, it means that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules.

No translation necessary.
I can speak for myself, thanks.

If I say that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules, it means that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules.

No translation necessary.
You’ve demonstrated repeatedly not having very much by way of self awareness. There’s a lot I admire about you but that definitely not one of them. The article also explains the motivations of the other side: it’s no more selfish than the people who are absolutely insisting on remaining covid free despite that viruses are part of our natural state of being and damn the businesses that might go under, the children who bore the burden or the ods suicides and delayed procedures which may result (plus btw we’re going to force the essential workers to take their risks).

but then to someone for whom this is religion it’s easy to see black and white: the holy and the damned.
Was at islands on the patio today (had the dog with me). Fully vaxxed grandma with 2 grandkids sat next to us (she's was explaining to the kids what fully vaxxed was). Grandkids were around 10 and 3 (3 year old in a high chair....go figure). She kept lecturing them to keep their masks on, and when they ate, to hurry so that the masks could go back on. Gave me the evil eye of sipping on my mai tai slowly and then getting up off the table without a mask despite that I was 10 feet away. California is wacky. I was frankly surprised to see 1/2 the crowd at state cup without masks. Apparently similar dynamic at play for FL/NY.

This actually explains a lot of his motivation. It's not really virtue signaling. It's more of a reflex against an existential threat to his class. It's also why I'm an apostate....I'm part of that class yet see through the BS and betray my own kind. Article is a little over the top but hits many important notes.

How science has been corrupted - UnHerd
The pandemic has revealed a darkly authoritarian side to expertise

Cue crying baby.
This actually explains a lot of his motivation. It's not really virtue signaling. It's more of a reflex against an existential threat to his class. It's also why I'm an apostate....I'm part of that class yet see through the BS and betray my own kind. Article is a little over the top but hits many important notes.

How science has been corrupted - UnHerd
The pandemic has revealed a darkly authoritarian side to expertise

Cue crying baby.
Hahaha! I saw this and thought of two people. Any ideas who?

Authority has always been located in hierarchical structures of expertise, guarded by accreditation and long apprenticeship, whose members develop a “reflexive loathing of the amateur trespasser”.


The phrase “follow the science” has a false ring to it. That is because science doesn’t lead anywhere. It can illuminate various courses of action, by quantifying the risks and specifying the tradeoffs. But it can’t make the necessary choices for us. By pretending otherwise, decision-makers can avoid taking responsibility for the choices they make on our behalf.

Increasingly, science is pressed into duty as authority. It is invoked to legitimise the transfer of sovereignty from democratic to technocratic bodies, and as a device for insulating such moves from the realm of political contest.

Over the past year, a fearful public has acquiesced to an extraordinary extension of expert jurisdiction over every domain of life. A pattern of “government by emergency” has become prominent, in which resistance to such incursions are characterised as “anti-science”.
Looks like India has finally turned the corner but the anecdotal evidence is that the Indian variant is more severe than others having struck down groups previously not affected as much including pregnant women and people in their 40s and 50s

taiwan has lost its shield. Previously unaffected due to failure to control its border its now at 400 cases and may be looking at a South Korea scenario of 400 cases per day

whatever is going on in Asia seems to have broken through whatever prior immunity they had with Japan Thailand and Vietnam affected (Singapore still spared)

Europe with the exception of the nordics that have been unaffected so far (Norway Finland) and a handful of others on the down slope

all South America a mess including sadly Chile which did so well with vaccines but relied on the China vaccines but it seems to have at least helped with deaths

South Africa is beginning to rise again which puts an end to the herd immunity theory. South Africa variant may be a toothless tiger in comparison to the India one
Hahaha! I saw this and thought of two people. Any ideas who?

Authority has always been located in hierarchical structures of expertise, guarded by accreditation and long apprenticeship, whose members develop a “reflexive loathing of the amateur trespasser”.


The phrase “follow the science” has a false ring to it. That is because science doesn’t lead anywhere. It can illuminate various courses of action, by quantifying the risks and specifying the tradeoffs. But it can’t make the necessary choices for us. By pretending otherwise, decision-makers can avoid taking responsibility for the choices they make on our behalf.
Increasingly, science is pressed into duty as authority. It is invoked to legitimise the transfer of sovereignty from democratic to technocratic bodies, and as a device for insulating such moves from the realm of political contest.

Over the past year, a fearful public has acquiesced to an extraordinary extension of expert jurisdiction over every domain of life. A pattern of “government by emergency” has become prominent, in which resistance to such incursions are characterised as “anti-science”.
Those words struck me as well. Science isn't an absolute. Science doesn't come with any inherent authority or credibility, despite what zealots and academics would have you believe. We shouldn't follow the science. We should consider the science, as well as other factors.

Science is clearly at a crossroads given the events of the last year. Science has been damaged like never before, due to the so-called experts. I will say it for the umpteenth time, science can tell you what happened, but it can't predict the future. I'm not saying to ignore science, but take it with a huge grain of salt, and always question it. Be particularly skeptical when the science message is put into the hands of one individual like Fauci. He became the prophet of a new religion. Don't dare to question the prophet.
Looks like myocarditis is beginning to be acknowledged to be a rare but potential side effect of the mRNA vaccines particularly fir young and adolescent males. Dr John Campbell did a video summarizing the concern. It may end up the mRNA vaccines get recommended for younger women and the adenovirus vaccines for younger men.
Looks like India has finally turned the corner but the anecdotal evidence is that the Indian variant is more severe than others having struck down groups previously not affected as much including pregnant women and people in their 40s and 50s

taiwan has lost its shield. Previously unaffected due to failure to control its border its now at 400 cases and may be looking at a South Korea scenario of 400 cases per day

whatever is going on in Asia seems to have broken through whatever prior immunity they had with Japan Thailand and Vietnam affected (Singapore still spared)

Europe with the exception of the nordics that have been unaffected so far (Norway Finland) and a handful of others on the down slope

all South America a mess including sadly Chile which did so well with vaccines but relied on the China vaccines but it seems to have at least helped with deaths

South Africa is beginning to rise again which puts an end to the herd immunity theory. South Africa variant may be a toothless tiger in comparison to the India one

why do you say Asia had some kind of immunity? Not much evidence for it. You seem to like the theory mostly because it supports your “it’s all impossible” narrative.

It is a simpler explanation to say that Asia has behavior. A set of behavior that reduces R by 75% is enough to handle a disease with R0=3, but not enough to handle a disease with R0=5. So wild type covid can’t grow there because it ends up with Rt below 1. The India variant is more highly transmissible, which results in Rt being above 1.

In bad news for us, a variant which can grow in a 75% behavior reduction can also grow in a 75% immune population.
I can speak for myself, thanks.

If I say that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules, it means that I believe the pandemic has dragged on forever because some selfish people insist on not having rules.

No translation necessary.
"some selfish people" = most of the world. Be careful. This sounds like a mile marker on the road to misanthropy that one of your consistent supporters has already followed to its natural end.
Those words struck me as well. Science isn't an absolute. Science doesn't come with any inherent authority or credibility, despite what zealots and academics would have you believe. We shouldn't follow the science. We should consider the science, as well as other factors.

Science is clearly at a crossroads given the events of the last year. Science has been damaged like never before, due to the so-called experts. I will say it for the umpteenth time, science can tell you what happened, but it can't predict the future. I'm not saying to ignore science, but take it with a huge grain of salt, and always question it. Be particularly skeptical when the science message is put into the hands of one individual like Fauci. He became the prophet of a new religion. Don't dare to question the prophet.
It almost always comes down to power and ego. How can "this" <whatever is in front of us> be used to increase the power and prestige of my associated group with the obvious side-effect of reducing the power and isolating another group. The divide drives extremism in both "sides". It's a human condition. The only real "solution" is engagement with a commitment to understanding and willingness to allow for other perspectives - even those we find distasteful or worse.
It almost always comes down to power and ego. How can "this" <whatever is in front of us> be used to increase the power and prestige of my associated group with the obvious side-effect of reducing the power and isolating another group. The divide drives extremism in both "sides". It's a human condition. The only real "solution" is engagement with a commitment to understanding and willingness to allow for other perspectives - even those we find distasteful or worse.
Nothing can stop what is here bro. It's about the kids, not the pandemic or this or that. Kids rule!!!
