Bad News Thread

You didn't show anything incorrect in the statement.
Other than the head of the CDC and Fauci saying the public should not be wearing them you are 100% correct.

So yeah I guess you got me.

I know you can type. Can you read and understand what you are reading?

Trick question.
The CDC says the general public should not wear the N95s. This is from Jan of this yr.

"There's been a lot of back and forth throughout the pandemic with doctors recommending wearing N95 masks, but CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is recommending the general public not to wear them.

"They're very hard to breathe in when you wear them properly," Walensky said. "They're very hard to tolerate when you wear them for long periods of time."


"Dr. Walensky, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci, are still saying people should wear a mask, but say the general public doesn't need to wear the N95 ones because they're uncomfortable and hard to breathe in."
"I have spent a reasonable amount of time in an N95 mask. They're hard to tolerate all day every day,"

You left out this --
"And in fact, when you really think about how well people will wear them, I worry that if, if we suggest or require that people wear an N95, they won't wear them all the time."

Were you being clever there, or just clumsy?
Other than the head of the CDC and Fauci saying the public should not be wearing them you are 100% correct.

So yeah I guess you got me.

I know you can type. Can you read and understand what you are reading?

Trick question.

That's not exactly what they said (unless you depend only on your edited version of what they said).
A mask anecdote that actually happened to me -- I spent a night in the hospital in March 2019 because I was having trouble breathing and my measured lung capacity and blood O2 were low. They ran a few tests I expected - blood and urine - and also a cotton swab up the nose until I could see it as a disturbance on the back of my eyeball - like they do now for the covid tests. About noon a doctor came into my room in a surgical gown and mask and put on a fresh set of gloves. She looked over my chart and test results and then took the mask off to tell me I had COPD and nothing infectious such as influenza or pneumonia. Since I wasn't exhaling anything infectious, she didn't need the mask anymore.
You read and posted a recommendation during the fear portion of the pandemic for starters...and you fail to realize what they said was because there was a severe shortage of masks. So at that point and time said wear them all day (medical personnel).

So as usual you missed the forest for the trees
So, you knew there was a severe shortage of PPE, and you still thought your right to beer and pizza was the more important consideration.

That kind of says it all.
Hey dad, my pal lives in Columbus and just told me he got his shot and now has a shot at winning $1,000,000. He told me that opportunity to win a million bucks got him to get his shots. Whatever it takes I guess.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has come up with an unorthodox incentive for Ohioans to get vaccinated.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announces $1M lottery for vaccinated citizens

Starting next Wednesday, adults who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and are at least 18 years old, may enter a lottery that will provide a $1 million prize each Wednesday for five weeks.
Hey dad, my pal lives in Columbus and just told me he got his shot and now has a shot at winning $1,000,000. He told me that opportunity to win a million bucks got him to get his shots. Whatever it takes I guess.
Whatever it takes, cause I love the vaccine in my veins? Imagine Dragons, right?
Whatever it takes, cause I love the vaccine in my veins? Imagine Dragons, right?
You are one smart dad bro. Plus, looks like that race horse owner gave his horsey some extra something something so his horse wins. Offering a $1,000,000 prize so you can take shots is whacko all the way from what I see today.
"whip whip, run me like a race horse.
Whatever it takes cause I love the vaccine in my veins"
So, you knew there was a severe shortage of PPE, and you still thought your right to beer and pizza was the more important consideration.

That kind of says it all.
That is the new age trump Republican in a nutshell. The Reagan era “ME” generation on steroids. It went from the now quaint, “ME first! Outta the way!” to the full throttle, “FUCK YOU! ME FIRST I DON’T CARE IF YOU DIE! I’LL RUN YOUR ASS OVER TO GET WHAT WANT! ME! ME! ME!”
So, you knew there was a severe shortage of PPE, and you still thought your right to beer and pizza was the more important consideration.

That kind of says it all.
Actually as usual you have it all wrong. In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

Let me recap for you...AGAIN.

In March and April of last year I didn't go out except for necessary items. My kids didn't go anywhere.

By May it was apparent who was at risk. AZ started opening up a bit. There were no mask requirements. So I didn't wear any.

In June they decided to institute safety theater and require masks. So in the grocery stores, etc I wore them. For bars and restaurants the rule was to walk in wearing one and then you could take it off for the rest of the time. I followed that rule as well.

My kids wore a mask in school when mandated.

We finally ditched the mask requirements. So I don't wear them except for the few remaining places that want to virtue signal.

So that is what happened big guy. Per usual you got it wrong in terms of what I did.

You keep living in fantasy land that people were going to hide out for months on end not working, or letting their biz die, or not socializing, etc. If you had an ounce of insight you would have known that was never going to happen. People could do 15 days to "flatten the curve". The vast majority of people would not and could not do that for months on end and that was and is your fantasy land scenario.
That is the new age trump Republican in a nutshell. The Reagan era “ME” generation on steroids. It went from the now quaint, “ME first! Outta the way!” to the full throttle, “FUCK YOU! ME FIRST I DON’T CARE IF YOU DIE! I’LL RUN YOUR ASS OVER TO GET WHAT WANT! ME! ME! ME!”
You forgot to take your meds.

It is guys like you that keep this country so divided. You are all about coloring inside the lines and following the rules your tribe describes. And everyone who doesn't think like you, you think is the enemy.

You are the perfect example of why there is so much disfunction in this country.
Carbon monoxide, 5G towers, muzzle, you're going to hell, all a hoax, want a piece of me, fuck you, etc opposed to "Want a free mask?"
EOTL is back. How are you doing? Scared? Fear got you bad. I can help you. PM me dude and I will help you. Fear is real and you have it all over you face. Perfect love drives out fear :)
You forgot to take your meds.

It is guys like you that keep this country so divided. You are all about coloring inside the lines and following the rules your tribe describes. And everyone who doesn't think like you, you think is the enemy.

You are the perfect example of why there is so much disfunction in this country.
Freedom for ALL, not just for you or for me, period. That’s why people like you are the problem, you don’t believe in true freedom. You scream about it in here. When someone constantly tells me who they are I believe them.
No more Mask June 15th in California. Oh yippy hooray!!! So I guess the virus is packing up and going over to Florida and Texas June 15th? Can we also tell the folks to stop yelling at us if we dont have a mask on today? What, the virus is here today and gone tomorrow? June 15th?

California governor says mask mandate to end after June 15

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday the nation's most populous state would stop requiring people to wear masks in almost all circumstances on June 15, describing a world he said will look “a lot like the world we entered into before the pandemic.”
EOTL is back. How are you doing? Scared? Fear got you bad. I can help you. PM me dude and I will help you. Fear is real and you have it all over you face. Perfect love drives out fear :)
Sorry, but you ooze your insecurities in here for all to see then try to claim you have the answers? Lol! Get professional help please.
Sorry, but you ooze your insecurities in here for all to see then try to claim you have the answers? Lol! Get professional help please.
You are full of fear, it's in your blood Husker. Big scared cheaters. Husker, your team cheated so bad that your face is red with guilt. Sad and sick. Karma is coming!!! Husker, when you tell the guy in the debate they need professional help, it only means you lost the debate. I do have the answers and it's not division and cheating and killing innocent babies before their born. Plus, raping and torture kids and then killing them for religious purposes. You on the side of human trafficking. That is not good.
No more Mask June 15th in California. Oh yippy hooray!!! So I guess the virus is packing up and going over to Florida and Texas June 15th? Can we also tell the folks to stop yelling at us if we dont have a mask on today? What, the virus is here today and gone tomorrow? June 15th?

California governor says mask mandate to end after June 15

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday the nation's most populous state would stop requiring people to wear masks in almost all circumstances on June 15, describing a world he said will look “a lot like the world we entered into before the pandemic.”
Welcome back to freedom. Or in the case of CA...partial freedom ;). It is a step in the right direction.
Open your eyes Husker!!!

Hey Husker and Espola and Dad4, this is what it's always been about. The kids who need our help. I had a pal send this to me and it made me cry. I was adopted and brought to this planet to help people like you WTFU!!! I will encourage you to look above the White House at the 2:45-2:50 mark. Do you have any idea what DC was built on? Do you know who was living under ground? Pure evil dude. Plus, Mr. T was picked for this job from the Military. Listen carefully to t's words when he shared his #1 goal: To END human trafficking. No contain or make better, no, it's called ending evil and the crap that was going on will make you puke, if you have any heart. No heart, then you will continue to mock me fellas. Soccer will be used to heal the world, just like I said it would.

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Ah the union in SF looking out for best interests of the kids. Good stuff. Or not.

The union doesn't care about kids or education.

"In what some are calling a blatant money grab, the deal between the district and teachers union will bring seniors back “for at least one day before the end of the school year,” so the city’s public schools could qualify for $12 million in state reopening funds."

This part probably warms @dad4 s heart.

"The teachers union, which acknowledged the academic and emotional harm to many students from remote learning, argued it wasn’t safe to return until educators were vaccinated and even then resisted a fuller reopening."

This part is rich. Bring them to school for a day or two. But no need to be with a teacher or actually take a class.

"While the teachers union announced Sunday that it had reached an agreement with the district to allow seniors to return to schools, it didn’t release specifics. The Chronicle obtained a copy of the deal Monday.

Each cohort of students would have two teachers or staff supervising them on campus. Activities might include “end of high school conversations,” or “college and career exploration,” said district officials, who were still working out the cohort size."
