Bad News Thread

You can measure that long tailpipe.

Include the energy used to make the battery. Mining and smelting aren’t clean, so also include the emissions.

You still end up with a vehicle that is more efficient and pollutes less than a comparable gasoline vehicle.

There is also an advantage to ending your tailpipe at the power plant. The power plant has a multi million dollar emission control system with continuous monitoring by a team of engineers. Your car does not. The power plant creates a lot less pollution per Joule than your car.

One must also factor in the growing proportion of electricity that is produced by renewables

A lot of small engines scattered across the landscape burning hydrocarbons to make energy is about the least efficient method imaginable.
The State is almost universally considered an institution of social service. Some theorists venerate the State as the apotheosis of society; others regard it as an amiable, though often inefficient, organization for achieving social ends; but almost all regard it as a necessary means for achieving the goals of mankind, a means to be ranged against the “private sector” and often winning in this competition of resources. With the rise of democracy, the identification of the State with society has been redoubled, until it is common to hear sentiments expressed which violate virtually every tenet of reason and common sense such as, “we are the government.” The useful collective term “we” has enabled an ideological camouflage to be thrown over the reality of political life. If “we are the government,” then anything a government does to an individual is not only just and un-tyrannical but also “voluntary” on the part of the individual concerned. If the government has incurred a huge public debt which must be paid by taxing one group for the benefit of another, this reality of burden is obscured by saying that “we owe it to ourselves”; if the government conscripts a man, or throws him into jail for dissident opinion, then he is “doing it to himself” and, therefore, nothing untoward has occurred. Under this reasoning, any Jews murdered by the Nazi government were not murdered; instead, they must have “commit- ted suicide,” since they were the government (which was democratically chosen), and, there- fore, anything the government did to them was voluntary on their part. One would not think it necessary to belabor this point, and yet the overwhelming bulk of the people hold this fallacy to a greater or lesser degree. --Rothbard
One must also factor in the growing proportion of electricity that is produced by renewables

A lot of small engines scattered across the landscape burning hydrocarbons to make energy is about the least efficient method imaginable.
The growing proportion? Never thought I'd read those flat earth words in one of your post.
One must also factor in the growing proportion of electricity that is produced by renewables

A lot of small engines scattered across the landscape burning hydrocarbons to make energy is about the least efficient method imaginable.
No, gasoline is not the worst imaginable. That honor goes to hydrogen.

We heat natural gas with steam, collect the hydrogen, lose half the hydrogen as we ship it around, and then use the remaining hydrogen to run fuel cell vehicles. As a bonus, the fuel cell vehicle uses more resources to create than most other vehicles use over the lifetime of the car.

I’m all for making our car fleet better, but that means we have to think with our heads, not our hearts.
"Eagle one nine, Eagle one nine, do you copy?" Time to help the kids. If anyone likes to help people who are down on their luck, then you will be in high demand. Those who think their life is way better then all the rest, then enjoy your life alone. This planet is in need of big time healing because of the Big Lie put on all of us so just a few can win.

Oh shit, breaking news. Look what Dr F is saying and the CDC. My question for dad 4. How does one know if the human without a mask on had the "V-Shots?" Magnet on their arm? The "V" or mark of the beast on their forehead? What if my "V" stands for Veggie's Only? This is starting to get freaking crazy.

CDC to say people fully vaccinated against COVID can stop wearing masks while inside in most places

View attachment 10752

But but but what about the variants?????????

BTW, if fully vaccinated could ditch their masks it means it probably (other than as a show of solidarity and to make policing easier) was o.k. for people who had to COVID recently to go without a mask, as Rand Paul had been arguing to Fauci.
But but but what about the variants?????????

BTW, if fully vaccinated could ditch their masks it means it probably (other than as a show of solidarity and to make policing easier) was o.k. for people who had to COVID recently to go without a mask, as Rand Paul had been arguing to Fauci.
But but but what about the girl at grocery store who raises her voice at me right now and get's all frantic because I have no mask? Just wait until she's in charge to see if it's ok not to wear a mask. This is starting to get interesting. Can you buy and sell without the "V" on the arm or forehead?
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No, gasoline is not the worst imaginable.

This is the most classist, ivory tower thing you have said yet. Of course in your zoom fortress you don't need gas. Even if I were back in the office, I wouldn't need gas...I could just remote in my work and the bosses would nod and understand. A teacher wouldn't need it because the union would protect them and just call a gas day holiday anyway (since the kids would be missing too). But if you are working that factory or restaurant or janitorial gig, you better find a way least in the big city you have the metros and buses, not so in the rest of America.

BTW, it's also why doctors in the 70s got gas priority....we wanted them to show up to mom always had to borrow my dad's car to shuffle us around.
No, gasoline is not the worst imaginable. That honor goes to hydrogen.

We heat natural gas with steam, collect the hydrogen, lose half the hydrogen as we ship it around, and then use the remaining hydrogen to run fuel cell vehicles. As a bonus, the fuel cell vehicle uses more resources to create than most other vehicles use over the lifetime of the car.

I’m all for making our car fleet better, but that means we have to think with our heads, not our hearts.
Well, well, well. Looky here. How do we make our car fleets better than the plastic cars that we now build.
But but but what about the variants?????????

BTW, if fully vaccinated could ditch their masks it means it probably (other than as a show of solidarity and to make policing easier) was o.k. for people who had to COVID recently to go without a mask, as Rand Paul had been arguing to Fauci.
What a novel idea. Not as novel as Corona though. Lol!!
This is the most classist, ivory tower thing you have said yet. Of course in your zoom fortress you don't need gas. Even if I were back in the office, I wouldn't need gas...I could just remote in my work and the bosses would nod and understand. A teacher wouldn't need it because the union would protect them and just call a gas day holiday anyway (since the kids would be missing too). But if you are working that factory or restaurant or janitorial gig, you better find a way least in the big city you have the metros and buses, not so in the rest of America.

BTW, it's also why doctors in the 70s got gas priority....we wanted them to show up to mom always had to borrow my dad's car to shuffle us around.
Read the sentence. Read the sentence I replied to. Think. Parse. Repeat.

( My post was not advocating an end to gas cars. It was mocking one of the suggested replacements. )
Bill DeBlasio Eats French Fries On Zoom Call, Touts Shake Shack Giving Away Free Fries For Vaccinated People…

The mayor of NYC is eating unhealthy French Fries and also giving a plug to a pal that anyone who comes to the Shake Shake will also get free fries if they got both shots. This is insane. I'm sorry but Shakes & Fries & Cheese Burgers does not sound like the real "V" we all need. How does one show Shake Shake they got the shots? "V" on their forehead or on their arm? Papers? Or do we just say, "I got the "V?" Dad or Espoala, please answer. Also, what about the non vaxxers dad? No free fries for us? Sounds like division again to me. What a crock. I should get free fries too for eating all my veggies and fruits. No shakes for me although I would take a free smoothie :)
So if you live in Columbus, OH, you get a chance to win a $1,000,000 if you get the shots. Shake Shack is giving away free fries. Here's my deal to anyone WHO wants to make deal for me. <y wife and kids can each make their own deal. I will take two shots made from Billy's fake company or Mr. Johnsons only if I am promised eternal life in Paradise. If someone can make that deal with me, I'm all in :)
Bill DeBlasio Eats French Fries On Zoom Call, Touts Shake Shack Giving Away Free Fries For Vaccinated People…
View attachment 10755

The mayor of NYC is eating unhealthy French Fries and also giving a plug to a pal that anyone who comes to the Shake Shake will also get free fries if they got both shots. This is insane. I'm sorry but Shakes & Fries & Cheese Burgers does not sound like the real "V" we all need. How does one show Shake Shake they got the shots? "V" on their forehead or on their arm? Papers? Or do we just say, "I got the "V?" Dad or Espoala, please answer. Also, what about the non vaxxers dad? No free fries for us? Sounds like division again to me. What a crock. I should get free fries too for eating all my veggies and fruits. No shakes for me although I would take a free smoothie :)

They probably just look at your sticker. Fries are almost free to them anyway. It’s worth it to get you in the door. Same as they might give away free fries when the Yankees clinch the division.

No fries for me. I eat my veggies and got my shot.
So if you live in Columbus, OH, you get a chance to win a $1,000,000 if you get the shots. Shake Shack is giving away free fries. Here's my deal to anyone WHO wants to make deal for me. <y wife and kids can each make their own deal. I will take two shots made from Billy's fake company or Mr. Johnsons only if I am promised eternal life in Paradise. If someone can make that deal with me, I'm all in :)
Sure. I promise you that, if you get your covid shot, God will see that your care about your fellow man, and he will reward you with eternal life in paradise.

Now you have your promise. Go get your shot.