Yes, Osterholm’s projection was way off, and epidemiologists are not the type to have a feud on national TV.
I take it you keep posting this because you want to undermine anything else we hear from epidemiologists.
India had a similar reaction. They decided that the eggheads clearly don’t know what they are talking about. Here’s an article from a month ago, explaining that epidemiologists predictions are all wrong, and that Indians have nothing to worry about.
India News: NEW DELHI: It has been a year since India announced one of the most stringent nationwide lockdowns in the world to curb the spread of Covid-19.
Five weeks later, India has the world’s worst case spike and is in desperate need of medical help. Maybe those eggheads knew a little bit after all.
You should read the you usually say. It doesn't say what you imply above.
They are mainly talking about predictions made in Spring of 2020.
There were 5 predictions the article talks about.
1) In March of 2020 they (some center) predicted HALF of India would by infected by Feb of 2021. As of the article publish date there were at about 12 million.
So the experts were wrong on that prediction.
2) The Univ of Washington predicted that by Dec of 2020 India would have 490k deaths. As of today India is at 200k.
So the experts were wrong on that predication.
3) The experts said that the virus may not be easily transmitted in hot and humid environments. That prediction was made around the onset of the pandemic. The article points out that has been proven wrong.
So the experts were wrong on that predication.
4) The gov predicted that India would have NO CASES by May 2020.
We know that has been wrong.
So the experts were wrong on that prediction.
5) They said the lockdowns would be effective in stopping the virus.
This didnt happen either.
So the experts were wrong on that prediction.
There is NOTHING in that article that says India has nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact the very last sentence in the article says
"A year on, the Covid-19 threat is far from over."
If anything the article points out again that time and time again the experts have been WRONG.