I can only speak to my (unfortunate) experience with childhood cancer- and trust me when I say this is dangerous for them. Pardon me but it seems as if you look at low death rate as not meaning much of an impact? For a child going through chemo, any type of viral illness is major- doesn't always mean death, no. But is that all we care about? It may mean them having blood counts so low their therapy is stopped until they rebound, (which is dangerous,) it may mean them catching it and being put in the PICU, (expensive, exhausting, stressful hospital stay,) or worst case dying- which I know first hand has happened.Remember since the beginning of this till now only 266 people under the age of 17 have died.
It just isn't a group that has any risk at all. So even with the "slew" of childhood cancer patients, that has not translated into large number of deaths over the past year.
So it isn't as you say of "not much risk" for young is that they really have no risk at all.
To put things further into perspective.
We are at 580k deaths since the beginning of this.
TOTAL deaths of people under the age of 39 is just 8,305. Think about that number
And if we look at total deaths of people 49 and under we are at just 24,510
So it is not a surprise that a decent percentage of people under 49 are in no hurry to get vaccinated.
- The are not at risk
- The authorities are saying even after getting vaccinated they want you to wear a mask and distance (so what is the point)
- And again they really are not at risk.
Now notice the age groups at risk. Almost all the deaths are the 65-70+ aged individuals. They know they are at risk and they have logically gotten vaccinated at very high rates.