Bad News Thread

I do like to keep bringing this up for people like @dad4 and other true believers. I know it is beating a dead horse...but beat it I will and that is because people and various gov institutions beat the drum on masks DESPITE actual evidence. If we are going to be subjected to rules, they should be based on DATA.

Studies over decades have shown masks don't do anything with influenza like illness.

Recently I posted a study from the EU version of the CDC saying that they cannot at this time show masks actually work.

And here is from the WHO in Dec who published their study/recommendations. They do recommend wearing masks. However when you read their documentation they have this to say regarding how effective masks are:

From Page 8

"Evidence on the protective effect of mask use in community settings

At present there is only limited and inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (75). A large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2 (76). A recent systematic review found nine trials (of which eight were cluster-randomized controlled trials in which clusters of people, versus individuals, were randomized) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness. Two trials were with healthcare workers and seven in the community. The review concluded that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness."

YouTube keeps removing information people need about the virus, as we know, but now the Wall Street Journal, rather a significant platform, is blasting them for it.

The most recent example comes in the form of an article by Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, who later this week will once again be my guest on the Tom Woods Show.

Bhattacharya writes about the panel of scientists advising Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, and the roundtable discussion they recently had that YouTube decided needed to be hidden from the public.

The other panelists were Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard and Scott Atlas of Stanford.

Writes Bhattacharya:

But last week YouTube removed a recording of this routine policy discussion from its website. The company claimed my fellow panel members and I were trafficking in misinformation. The company said it removed the video "because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19."

Yet the panelists are all experts, and all spoke against requiring children to wear masks.

The scientific evidence is clear. Consider a study from Iceland conducted early in the epidemic when masking was uncommon. The study used a representative sample to track the source of Covid infections. The authors used contact-tracing methods paired with genetic sequencing analysis to establish precisely how the disease spread. The senior author of the study, Kari Stefansson, later told reporters that "even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents." Many studies in the scientific literature reach a similar conclusion: Even unmasked children pose less of a risk for disease spread than adults.

And he continues from there.

Bhattacharya has been a hero throughout the entire crisis, and has taken enormous abuse and been on the receiving end of wild accusations -- for example, that he must be in the pay of radical libertarians (as if one would need to be bribed in order to point out that lockdowns destroy lives).
This isn’t necessarily great news. 3 dead despite full vaccination isn’t going to exactly inspire confidence even though given how aggressively us counts deaths it was always likely.

lots of bad vaccine news out there. Europe says Johnson & Johnson might have same blood clot issue as az. Chinas vaccine effectiveness is low. South Africa variant might breakthrough Pfizer.
And once those alleged vaccines are in your body there is no getting them out.
. The senior author of the study, Kari Stefansson, later told reporters that "even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents." Many studies in the scientific literature reach a similar conclusion: Even unmasked children pose less of a risk for disease spread than adults.[/I]

I believe Biden made similar claims during a Town Hall meeting when addressing the question of a concerned parent and her young daughter.
Less than 4 weeks for Osterholm's prediction.

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Just for you my friend from somewhere. I can't control Crush today brother. Lot's going on today and soon no one will be able to escape the truth! I know this Normal family really well. They obey because they were winning at the old game of life that had so many cheaters playing in the game that 98% of all court cases got settled before justice got served. Camp Snoopy is closed for good and Camp Justice is now in business to deal with all the cheaters, liars, pedos, murderers and the like. The old game is coming to a close ((thank God)). It's interesting to watch this all fold out before our eyes and our brains K & S. We must think with the brain and not emotionally. Love you man :)

Ain't this the truth. Same folks that started shit on FB in 2016 are the same fools yelling because of mask disobedience and not wanting to inject BG's poison. WTHUP folks. Game is almost over. Don't wait until it's too late, if you know what I mean :)

Why are people bothered when you fail to wear a mask, or attend an indoor gathering?

Nothing to do with whether you "obey". We don't glare at you for jaywalking, after all.

By refusing to follow basic public health advice, you increase the overall prevalence of the virus. You're placing all of us in a viral environment.

Avoiding you does not solve the problem. The problem is not the direct risk from you to me today.

The problem is the overall amount of virus in the community. And, whenever we make progress, an self-absorbed minority keeps throwing a lifeline to a plague that really ought to be dead by now.
Douglas C and those like him are going to be no more. These losers are 98% of the reasons were in this mess in the first place. Total control freaks who think they own the children they produce. New game is coming soon :)

Why are people bothered when you fail to wear a mask, or attend an indoor gathering?

Nothing to do with whether you "obey". We don't glare at you for jaywalking, after all.

By refusing to follow basic public health advice, you increase the overall prevalence of the virus. You're placing all of us in a viral environment.

Avoiding you does not solve the problem. The problem is not the direct risk from you to me today.

The problem is the overall amount of virus in the community. And, whenever we make progress, an self-absorbed minority keeps throwing a lifeline to a plague that really ought to be dead by now.
When, in your lifetime, were you ever not in a viral environment? Speaking of dead.

By refusing to follow basic public health advice, you increase the overall prevalence of the virus. You're placing all of us in a viral environment.
Follow basic public advice? You mean like masks in which they don't actually know they work?

Or them saying even after getting a vaccine don't go out because they don't know?

The onus is on them to KNOW these things before making advice. They shouldn't be restricting things if they really don't know what they are talking about.
Hey Daddy of 4, this is the true solution. Clean up what's inside the body & soul first and live a clean & pure life on earth and you will have true abundance. Earth is a planet marked for life, not death, war, division, hate race bait & even more destruction with fear as the weapon of evil. What are you so afraid of sir? I'm down to 182 btw. I say this with a smile of accomplishment and some boasting, but boasting only to inspire every person who doesnt have crush ignored to flat out change. I swear if you eat Veggie, Fruits, nuts and salads, you will lose a ton of toxic waste around the waste line and root chakra area. My triple chin is no more. I have six pack of abs now too. I weigh way less now then when I got married. When one changes like me, then the wifey notices that her man is a changed man and things get HOT!!! Remember, HOT=Honest, Openness and Transparency. Dad, you are as cold as ice and that is a scary place to be bro. Seriously, as a pal from socal, dont be caught COLD handed.

Why are people bothered when you fail to wear a mask, or attend an indoor gathering?

Nothing to do with whether you "obey". We don't glare at you for jaywalking, after all.

By refusing to follow basic public health advice, you increase the overall prevalence of the virus. You're placing all of us in a viral environment.

Avoiding you does not solve the problem. The problem is not the direct risk from you to me today.

The problem is the overall amount of virus in the community. And, whenever we make progress, an self-absorbed minority keeps throwing a lifeline to a plague that really ought to be dead by now.
It’s not even dead in Australia and New Zealand or Israel for that matter. The closer we get to this being over the more extreme your positions seem to be getting.
When, in your lifetime, were you ever not in a viral environment? Speaking of dead.

Depends on the virus. They aren’t all the same. I’ve seen a lot of colds. Never met smallpox.

Look at the prescriptions from your side. No masks, no vaccines, do all business in person, open everything. Are there any anti-viral measures you don’t oppose?

The annoying part is, if 20% of the country believes your nonsense, then there isn’t anything the rest of us can do to get rid of this disease. You guys will act as a resevior.