Bad News Thread

Turnaround is about a day or two now. You’ve got options.

You can even go with the full, oversensitive nasal swab PCR that IZ hates.
It's obviously not a good tool for one size fits all policies. No need to hate PCR. It just is what it is not meant to be used for.
And so I think we mistook the curves. We mistook all kinds of things for this PCR phenomenon happening to misdiagnose, over-diagnose, or misunderstand the real pandemic that was put. Did a pandemic occur?. Yes, 12,800 pandemics have occurred since 1976. So we had a fundamental change in the human immune system in 1976 with the virome. This is when hepatitis C went berserk. This is when we developed a change in relationship with all the herpes viruses, that would bring about the change in the relationship to that HIV virus, that would then create the syndrome of AIDS by the early '80s. So we had this fundamental shift and the CDC and the WHO tracked some 12,000 respiratory virus pandemics that have happened since then. 12,800 in just that short 40 year period is telling you that you have thousands and thousands of viruses that are traveling globally every year in very predictable patterns, seasonally.

And so when we say, when people say, "It's a made up thing." Well, no, we don't have to say that. It's a normal thing. It's so normal that you've got hundreds of these viruses going pandemic every year. If you want to use that term pandemic. And so you have global travel of new viral genomic sequences that will be proliferated by humans, that's what happens in a pandemic. Humans become a vector for information genetically to one another. It's not pigs attacking us. It's not bats attacking us. It's like that whole zoonotic mystification of where do these things come from is overblown.
The reality is humans take this information into our cellular matrix and genomic apparatus for protein synthesis and genetic replication. And we've already shown just in recent months in two different studies now that the Corona virus has now been integrated into the human genome. So that RNA strand coming into the virus has been reversed, transcribed into DNA in the human, and then can be replicated from the human cell decision to go and make that RNA and the proteins that are being beat downstream from that, all of that.
So we have, like many viruses, integrated this genetic information into us now. That's why these things burn out as a clinical syndrome in 18 months is because many of us have now integrated this information into our cellular matrix, into our genetic matrix. And we now decide when we need proteins from that viral insert or not. Interestingly, what I just described sounds novel. What Corona virus is integrated in human DNA? That's how we occurred. Over 50% of the genes that we've now mapped in the human genome are able to be directly demonstrated, have been inserted by a virus sometime in the last billion years.
So mammals became possible only through viral adaptation modifications that allowed for change in function and adaptability and by diversification of our biology. And these are critical genes. The gene that allows us to have a placenta as a mammal came directly from an RNA virus. The gene that allows for the male sperm to dump its mitochondria before injecting its nuclear DNA into the ovum of the woman that it's about to be impregnated is a viral genomic sequence that allows for that to occur. So we couldn't have had the first pregnancy, let alone the first intrauterine pregnancy that would lead to the live birth that's unique to the mammals, without viral updates, without viral gain of function.
You hear all of this terror, maybe there's a government lab doing gamma function virus stuff. Well, first of all, that's stupid we shouldn't be doing that. Second of all, though, nature has been doing gamma function virome since its origin-Nature has been doing gain-of-function virome since its origin. And so we shouldn't be afraid of gain-of-function. No, that's what viruses are. They are all there to increase the adaptability and biodiversity on the planet and we happen to be able to be adapted by that. And so what I'm describing here is that we have 12,800 new genetic updates since 1976, in the last 40 years, and some of those we've taken up and others we've rejected from the human DNA.
And so when we say yes, there was a pandemic, then we can ask the clinical things around what pattern did it occur? Did we have excess death this year or not? And the short answer to that is if you look over a seven-year trend the year before we had this narrative of a pandemic, we had the lowest respiratory mortality than we had in seven years. And so there was a pent up population that didn't die last year. That's going to die of respiratory causes the following year. The CDC, NIH, WHO knew that data. We didn't because they publish their data two years behind typically. And so we didn't see that until retrospective now, but we know the powers that be, that are watching these numbers must have known that we had a low respiratory death rate that year.
And so we could have predicted that we would have an increased respiratory mortality in 2019, 2020 in the northern hemisphere. And then later in 2020 and into 2020 in the southern hemisphere, we would have this increased respiratory mortality. And so it's interesting that, that's all unfolding now and we're blaming coronavirus when, in fact, we could have pegged it on any respiratory virus cause it was going to happen. We were going to have a catch-up year.
... This particular coronavirus, the COVID- 19 coronavirus, is just one of thousands that come our way through a period of years. And they carry information with them that continue to update our genome so that we can better adapt to the environment. Is that an approximation of what you're, what you're suggesting?
Very accurate and I'm glad you took it to that next step is what is the adaptation? Okay, so we have all these viruses and those, those 12,800 that I named, those are just the ones that we were able to identify. That is a fraction of the 10 to the 31, which is one with 31 zeros after it, which happens to be about 10 million times more than our stars in the entire universe. That's how many viruses are actually in the air at any given moment, not seasonally, not sometimes all the time. And so we have 10 of the 31 viruses in the air that we breathe a very small, small percentage of those have we gained insight into and actually taking the time to sequence and name. And so we're really talking about billions and billions of respiratory viruses that we're always in an intimate relationship with and are not causing us any harm.
And so when we can start to say that there's a segment of these things that are related to some sort of clinical syndrome, whether it's flu or common cold or whatever we're calling COVID-19, if there's a syndrome that gets associated with one of these viruses, it means that this particular genetic information is producing proteins that are extremely activating to the human immune system.

Why is that important? Because the immune system is not there to fight off the world, which is our old paradigm of belief. And it's the same paradigm that they want you to still believe in if you are going to be told that you're not safe until you have a bunch of vaccines, it's the belief that we're in war with the virome that's allowing this vaccine narrative to happen. A lot of people asking me, are you pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine? And my answer is I'm neither. I'm for the innate immune system that has absolutely nothing to do with the whole premise of vaccine
The innate immune system is that responsible from second to second as to how we relate to all of the microbial data in us, which is a huge sea of information. But then my bloodstream at this moment, as I sit here, 10 to the 15 viral genomic fragments within my bloodstream that I'm responding to at the innate immune system level. Each cell within my body is deciding which of these viral data points do I need to upload, which ones am I going to turn into a DNA strand, I will insert into Zach's genome so that he's got a long-term genetic update and which of these don't need to be integrated into his genome, but need to be short-term in production of proteins that he needs to stimulate his immune system so that he can become adaptive to next year's experience or the next experience that we have coming down the pipe?
And what we know is if you look across this is that, if you get influenza, for example, the following year, you're very resistant to adenoviruses echoviruses, corona viruses and the like. In contrast, if we give a vaccine for flu, we increase your risk of morbidity and mortality from coronavirus the following year, because we didn't give you an innate immunity experience. We gave you a single protein that was trying to mimic the threat, and we didn't let the innate immune system learn from that. And instead, we created an antibody to a foreign protein, which could have been an innate protein when my DNA intercalate something and I start to produce that protein, there's no reason for me to make an antibody to it.
Very accurate and I'm glad you took it to that next step is what is the adaptation? Okay, so we have all these viruses and those, those 12,800 that I named, those are just the ones that we were able to identify. That is a fraction of the 10 to the 31, which is one with 31 zeros after it, which happens to be about 10 million times more than our stars in the entire universe. That's how many viruses are actually in the air at any given moment, not seasonally, not sometimes all the time. And so we have 10 of the 31 viruses in the air that we breathe a very small, small percentage of those have we gained insight into and actually taking the time to sequence and name. And so we're really talking about billions and billions of respiratory viruses that we're always in an intimate relationship with and are not causing us any harm.

I test negative all the time coronavirus, cause I'm always out there traveling. And so I have to do these stupid nasal swabs all the time. And I can say that I have no replicable PCR, detectable strand of RNA within my blood stream right now, because don't believe I'm making the RN. I'm making the proteins downstream. It's more likely that I already integrated that genomic sequence into my own DNA. And I make the proteins from that. I don't make the RNA, which is the template for the program. I'm making the proteins that make my immune system stronger and change my relationship to all of the viruses next year. So if we really had a good public health intervention, and we had really believed that we had a virus that was 30 times more deadly than flu in December, which is what we heard immediately like, Oh my God, this is going tobe 30 times more deadly than flu. Get ready. We have a global pandemic coming. People are dying in droves in China.
China built six hospitals between December 31st and first week of February. So in five weeks they built like six hospitals. They closed the last of those six hospitals three weeks after they started to open them. Cause there was no patients. And so it never came to fruition that there was all these millions of people dying from this coronavirus at all. But if we had believed, even before that or after that, that we really had something that was 30 times more deadly in December, January, we should have immediately seized all flu vaccines because we already had a military study in 2017 showing if we gave flu vaccines, we would increase risk of coronavirus mortality the following year. But we didn't instead right now on CVS commercials, you're seeing targeted African- American communities. You need to go out and make sure you're there.
Turnaround is about a day or two now. You’ve got options.

You can even go with the full, oversensitive nasal swab PCR that IZ hates.

Yeah that's not quick enough for total containment Australia style if you want to do outdoor only + screened indoor. You have to get it down to an hour and during that hours you have workers idling.
They're not only targeting people. They're targeting low socioeconomic minorities to make sure you get your flu vaccine. That is a new form of ethnic cleansing. As far as I'm concerned, we have scientific data to suggest that that is an approach to ethnic cleansing, to be targeting the minorities that are most at risk of complications from vaccines, which we can go through later about CDC data on that. But to actually be going after them saying you need flu vaccine in the mix of what we know is a Corona virus mill, you have of genomic and clinical syndromes, it should be absolutely illegal. It is so tragic that we were pushing so hard for this flu vaccine in the midst of a Corona virus. It is criminal behavior as far as I'm concerned, and it can be criminal behavior of minds that don't know.