5 biological men roster wins Australian women's soccer league title & also undefeated this season

Slobby already beat you to that one. I can't fault Will Ferrell and its probably just peer pressure that is causing him claim regret today. The skit was dumb, but Will Ferrell dressed as Janet Reno, hilarious. He probably regrets doing a skit with Giuliani, more so than doing drag. ;)

Everyone's looking to be offended by something these days. I'm all for being considerate of other's feelings, but let's not overreact, particularly when it has zero impact on you.
So would you say minstrel shows should be o.k.?
There are literally ZERO tampon machines in boys' bathroom. The law left it up to school districts to decide what "put menstrual products where they may be needed" means and DID NOT MANDATE TAMPONS IN BOYS' BATHROOMS.

Well, how about the possibility that the visiting girls' team might occasionally have to use the boys' changing rooms, a real example from one of the lawmakers? But again, the bill left it up to each school district and DID NOT MANDATE TAMPONS IN BOYS' BATHROOMS. No school district ended up putting tampons in boys' bathrooms.

Trump's speaking so it's obviously BS designed to keep his base angry: THE BILL DID NOT MANDATE TAMPONS IN BOYS' BATHROOMS.

I mean, you say it right there: "But with each of Minnesota’s more than 300 school districts responsible for drafting a plan for meeting the requirements of the law, schools have not interpreted it as a mandate to specifically place tampons and pads in restrooms designated only for boys."

Seeing as you seem to be relying on Mr. Trump to interpret the law for you, here's the full text of the part that has you raving like a lunatic so you can see it yourself. Nothing about boys' bathrooms and nothing about transgender students. THE BILL DID NOT MANDATE TAMPONS IN BOYS' BATHROOMS.

Section 1.​


A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.
How do you know there are no tampons in the boys restroom? How many have you visited? Oh, I guess there's one you missed. Took me 10 seconds to find.

How 'bout this one?! Libtardville Oregon already had it MANDATED. Maybe those deodorant dodging tree huggers are figuring shit out.

You know what? Nevermind. Your first point was debunked in seconds. No reason to continue, right? "Did not mandate" means nothing. Boys don't use tampons. Never have. Never will. No amount of you rainbow warriors will change that.

Are you going to now sit here and tell me democrats aren't saying men can menstruate and give birth? Are you going to tell me your DEI judge KBJ didn't refuse to define what a woman is?
As Grace notes, it doesn't matter, it applies to all. But I'm talking about direct experiences in what are considered the "best" leagues in NorCal.

Let me guess, you found some Hispanic kids playing MLSN who used a certain slur. And the bronze level team from the same neighborhood uses it, too.

You do realize that the dad’s gonna use exactly the same slur if some trans kid takes his daughter’s spot on the girls’ team.
Slobby already beat you to that one. I can't fault Will Ferrell and its probably just peer pressure that is causing him claim regret today. The skit was dumb, but Will Ferrell dressed as Janet Reno, hilarious. He probably regrets doing a skit with Giuliani, more so than doing drag. ;)

Everyone's looking to be offended by something these days. I'm all for being considerate of other's feelings, but let's not overreact, particularly when it has zero impact on you.
I think you are right about Will Ferrell. Funny thing is, (no pun intended) I don't see Mike Myers getting worked up about "Coffee Talk With Linda Richman" or Dana Carvey showing regret over playing Church Lady.
Let me guess, you found some Hispanic kids playing MLSN who used a certain slur. And the bronze level team from the same neighborhood uses it, too.

You do realize that the dad’s gonna use exactly the same slur if some trans kid takes his daughter’s spot on the girls’ team.
You're not a particularly good guesser, nor is your perspective widely shared. It may very well be completely accurate from your point of view - but if so yours is quite sheltered and naive.
I think you are right about Will Ferrell. Funny thing is, (no pun intended) I don't see Mike Myers getting worked up about "Coffee Talk With Linda Richman" or Dana Carvey showing regret over playing Church Lady.
Jimmy Kimmel calls Trump a racist after doing blackface sketches of Karl Malone and Oprah in a fat suit.

The hypocrisy with these kids is palpable.
I think you are right about Will Ferrell. Funny thing is, (no pun intended) I don't see Mike Myers getting worked up about "Coffee Talk With Linda Richman" or Dana Carvey showing regret over playing Church Lady.
Perhaps because the Ferrell and Goodman sketches were directly making fun of the appearance of two figures (one an expressly political figure and the other a private individual who had involved herself in high politics), but the Meyers thing was an homage to his mother in law while Carveys is a fictional creation?
How do you know there are no tampons in the boys restroom? How many have you visited? Oh, I guess there's one you missed. Took me 10 seconds to find.

How 'bout this one?! Libtardville Oregon already had it MANDATED. Maybe those deodorant dodging tree huggers are figuring shit out.

You know what? Nevermind. Your first point was debunked in seconds. No reason to continue, right? "Did not mandate" means nothing. Boys don't use tampons. Never have. Never will. No amount of you rainbow warriors will change that.

Are you going to now sit here and tell me democrats aren't saying men can menstruate and give birth? Are you going to tell me your DEI judge KBJ didn't refuse to define what a woman is?

Wait. The Minnesota Bill covered Connecticut and Oregon too? What about states’ rights? Damn you, Tampon Tim.
You're not a particularly good guesser, nor is your perspective widely shared. It may very well be completely accurate from your point of view - but if so yours is quite sheltered and naive.
My guesses are fine.

You claim “happens all the time”. I guess, correctly, that it’s really only a couple of teams. You shift to “it doesn’t matter how often it is”. In other words, it isn‘t anywhere near “all the time.”

Then you claim it’s happening at the best leagues in norcal. There is only one league fitting that description, and I named it. No real guesswork needed, provided you’re actually being honest about the level of play.

At the end of the day, the point remains. There are dozens of quality boys programs which would be happy to let a ftm kid play “up” onto one of their boys teams. They are the same clubs in the same upper middle class suburbs where you find high end girls teams, and a ftm kid would be perfectly safe there.

If someone is seeking out a girls team for their XY athlete, it’s not for safety. A boys team at the same club would be equally safe.
So would you say minstrel shows should be o.k.?
Minstrel shows have been extinct for decades and arent coming back. But Ill indulge you in your completely hypothetical game. I dont know what your definition of OK is, but I would have zero interest in such a racist show. However, I'm a free speech absolutist so it would have to be allowed. Good news is the market wouldnt support it...obviously.
Minstrel shows have been extinct for decades and arent coming back. But I’ll indulge you in your completely hypothetical game. I dont know what your definition of OK is, but I would have zero interest in such a racist show. However, I'm a free speech absolutist so it would have to be allowed. Good news is the market wouldnt support it...obviously.
So then why is drag show ok but the minstrel show not? Why is comedy drag (which clearly makes fun of the appearance of women like Reno and Tripp) ok but not blackface? Whats your rationale? The minstrel show after all did not go dark merely because of the lack of popularity in the music. The jazz singer in the 1920s, other films in the 30s and 40s, and blackface went through the 80s all the way to “trading places”. Comedy drag fell out of favor in the late 90s with white comedians and with African Americans in the 10s. What’s your limiting principle? Is it because one is racist and deserves condemnation but being sexist doesn’t? Or is your position that drag (which in both comedy form and performance form makes fun of the appearance of women in my book) is not sexist?
So then why is drag show ok but the minstrel show not? Why is comedy drag (which clearly makes fun of the appearance of women like Reno and Tripp) ok but not blackface? Whats your rationale? The minstrel show after all did not go dark merely because of the lack of popularity in the music. The jazz singer in the 1920s, other films in the 30s and 40s, and blackface went through the 80s all the way to “trading places”. Comedy drag fell out of favor in the late 90s with white comedians and with African Americans in the 10s. What’s your limiting principle? Is it because one is racist and deserves condemnation but being sexist doesn’t? Or is your position that drag (which in both comedy form and performance form makes fun of the appearance of women in my book) is not sexist?
Your arguing with yourself. Not with anything I said. Your sense of relativity is so askew its not worth my time to respond. My fault for engaging with you after I said I wouldnt.
Your arguing with yourself. Not with anything I said. Your sense of relativity is so askew its not worth my time to respond. My fault for engaging with you after I said I wouldnt.
I’m just wondering what the distinction is. I’m asking questions. You ducking it because there’s no good answer.

Let me take in the roll of your lawyer then and argue with myself. I’ve wracked my brains for what is the best counter argument and this is the best I can come up with. Sure some drag (like the Tripp or Reno thing) is disgusting and makes fun of women. But not all drag does that. For example Linda Richman is an homage to Jewish culture and Meyer’s mil. And yes gay drag sometimes mocks women but not always. But it’s an imperfect argument because: it leaves open then that some drag story hour might be bad, while conversely arguing some blackface (if it doesn’t make fun overtly of blackpeople like in trading places) is ok (but we can’t say that these days and would make you unpopular).
My guesses are fine.

You claim “happens all the time”. I guess, correctly, that it’s really only a couple of teams. You shift to “it doesn’t matter how often it is”. In other words, it isn‘t anywhere near “all the time.”

Then you claim it’s happening at the best leagues in norcal. There is only one league fitting that description, and I named it. No real guesswork needed, provided you’re actually being honest about the level of play.

At the end of the day, the point remains. There are dozens of quality boys programs which would be happy to let a ftm kid play “up” onto one of their boys teams. They are the same clubs in the same upper middle class suburbs where you find high end girls teams, and a ftm kid would be perfectly safe there.

If someone is seeking out a girls team for their XY athlete, it’s not for safety. A boys team at the same club would be equally safe.

This is what is called backtracking. Let's go to the tape:

The hammer already exists. Try using that term on the pitch in NorCal. We’ve got no problem at all showing a red card and watching the dad walk his kid to the car.

At that point, the dad has two choices. He can teach his kid not to pick fights, or he can find another league.

It works, and it's better than your solution. You suspect that some boys are going to mistreat someone. Instead of dealing with the misbehavior if and when it happens or finding a better behaved group of boys, you choose to stomp all over the rights of a completely unrelated group of girls.

This is what you believe. This is a nice thought, and it might even be what most would want to be true. However, it is not. By far. If you believe it to be the case you are either inobservant, a little slow, or intentionally lying - none of which is a good look. Let's look at it again:

The hammer already exists. Try using that term on the pitch in NorCal. We’ve got no problem at all showing a red card and watching the dad walk his kid to the car.

What you are saying is untrue. It is not the case in NorCal. You were called out gently for stating something that was not terribly accurate. Either stand by it and continue to be ridiculed, or admit that what you are stating as an existing solution, isn't.
Sf must be a magical place because I’ve seen it happen against kids of color in the val and la at lease a dozen times. In no case did the ref do anything (beyond in a handful of cases a verbal warning…reason the ref doesn’t have proof and it isn’t worth the aggravation). Neither did the coaches (one coach challenged our coach to a fist fight for even suggesting their player did that). And I’ve seen plenty of Latino coaches in the barrio let the m and n words float around freely (so white kids looking to play on those higher, even highest, level letter league teams walk away). To make it work you’d have to use the hammer: life time bans and expulsion for both parents and kids, force people like slobi to use pronouns and not dead name.
So you are ok "forcing" others to use pronouns...which by the way is total BS...but forcing an obvious MTF that obviously looks like "HE" does not belong there out of the women's restroom is bad? Got it.

Btw...what's "dead name?"

Back to the whole pronoun crap. Where/when did the train come off the rails that we started to entertain this crap?
If I want you to address me as "Your Highness" are you going to, or will you think I'm a total idiot?
Because having to refer to another human being as he/him/she/her..and even more ridiculous they/them is some
of the dumbest crock of BS that I have ever seen!!
BTW, just as an example, the hammer would include forcing Slobi and his kids to use the desired pronouns. I oppose that on free speech grounds but no parent of a trans kid trying to pass as a "her" is going to tolerate a team where they repeatedly use "he" (maybe even mockingly, driving the kid to tears). Now, you can say well they are mentally ill, and we shouldn't be forced to buy into their delusions, and they deserve what they get, but then the reality is you are just refusing to provide a place the player feels safe playing in. You are saying you don't care.
You need to really pump the brakes on bringing @Slobodan's kids into the mix...or anyone else's kids for that matter. I'm not defending him by any means, he's more than capable of handling that. I'm calling you out on your conduct. You can say what you want to the other members on this forum. But don't start bringing the kids into it. Act like an adult. You don't know a damn thing about anyone's kids or how they conduct themselves so knock that crap off!!

No, we shouldn't be forced to buy into their delusions. So we aren't providing a safe place for the MTF player to play in? Yes we are.
It's on...wait for it...the boys team.
We need to make a safe place for Paul-turned-Paula, but if HE starts laying out the other biological females on the field because HE is bigger
and stronger and players are getting hurt it's just part of the game right? We've FAILED to provide them a safe place to play because we had
to cater to the needs of a biological male who doesn't feel safe playing with other boys but is just fine playing with girls and laying them out or
smashing their records that they've worked so hard to earn.

I now return you to your soapbox @Grace T.
Please continue.
The word is in Spanish and is a slur for gay people. It came after being berated for a goal, having his towel stolen from the bathroom so he’d have to come out naked, his phone taken and case cracked, and water thrown on him in bed.

The hounding was the standard throw the gk under the bus for the team losing season. It’s very common in the gk forum to read about them being bullied by teammates. Also his gk coaches son had a similar experience. In both instances there was a racial component.
Happens to field players too like the African American kid, or the girl on the coed team, or when he was much younger an Asian kid called the c word (I forgot about him…the parents would also say derogatory things about him on the side line). And I’ve seen constant black and Hispanic kids called the n word in the val. If you don’t think bullying takes place in boys soccer you are hopeless naive. If you don’t think they’d bully the boy in the dress, you are hopeless. Slobi isn’t the only trans bigot out there.

If your kid's team can't score they can't win. It's pretty simple. You failed in that you should've addressed that kind of BS conduct from teammates
the first time any conduct beyond a few words exchanged happened. And as a GK you know they have to be hardened to the BS that teammates might try to throw at them.

My GK was never bullied. Not once. I'm not making that up either. There was one year in that the team she played on found us often losing 0-1 after multiple saves by her, and a bunch of missed shots on goal by our strikers. The walk to the parking lot was long and quiet at times. But we also had parents of the strikers that weren't scoring that were mature and knowledgeable enough to know that we needed to score in order to win. That team dissolved at the end of the season. The coach said the club was doing a re-org but honestly I think he was tired with a lot of the whiny parents. He was a good coach too. We liked him. But the drive killed us so we were kinda glad it disbanded.

Shortly after we left that team, we were guest playing with a team from San Diego for West Coast FC's tournament. (3 years in a row she guested
with different teams and helped get each team to the Semi's.) This team took her sight unseen as did a few of the other teams that
had borrowed her based on word-of-mouth from other teams. We played against a few players from our former team and beat them 2-0 with a few awesome saves from my GK. After the game we were talking with a few of those former parents, including a pair of real catty moms that were the team managers who didn't realize until after it was our kid between the sticks. "She had a really great game. She's really improved." WTH?!?!
Me..."Not really..nothing has changed from a few months ago. She's always played like that. The difference here is this team could score. I think we
just knocked you guys out and we're going to the Semi's. Have a good weekend." There were a few jaws dropped. Lol

She was the enforcer on her team. NEVER started anything but was always there to either squash problems before they started with another team or to finish it. Becoming a black belt in karate while in HS definitely helped boost her confidence and fearlessness.

If your kid's team can't score they can't win. It's pretty simple. You failed in that you should've addressed that kind of BS conduct from teammates
the first time any conduct beyond a few words exchanged happened. And as a GK you know they have to be hardened to the BS that teammates might try to throw at them.

My GK was never bullied. Not once. I'm not making that up either. There was one year in that the team she played on found us often losing 0-1 after multiple saves by her, and a bunch of missed shots on goal by our strikers. The walk to the parking lot was long and quiet at times. But we also had parents of the strikers that weren't scoring that were mature and knowledgeable enough to know that we needed to score in order to win. That team dissolved at the end of the season. The coach said the club was doing a re-org but honestly I think he was tired with a lot of the whiny parents. He was a good coach too. We liked him. But the drive killed us so we were kinda glad it disbanded.

Shortly after we left that team, we were guest playing with a team from San Diego for West Coast FC's tournament. (3 years in a row she guested
with different teams and helped get each team to the Semi's.) This team took her sight unseen as did a few of the other teams that
had borrowed her based on word-of-mouth from other teams. We played against a few players from our former team and beat them 2-0 with a few awesome saves from my GK. After the game we were talking with a few of those former parents, including a pair of real catty moms that were the team managers who didn't realize until after it was our kid between the sticks. "She had a really great game. She's really improved." WTH?!?!
Me..."Not really..nothing has changed from a few months ago. She's always played like that. The difference here is this team could score. I think we
just knocked you guys out and we're going to the Semi's. Have a good weekend." There were a few jaws dropped. Lol

She was the enforcer on her team. NEVER started anything but was always there to either squash problems before they started with another team or to finish it. Becoming a black belt in karate while in HS definitely helped boost her confidence and fearlessness.
crush is not he or she. You are to address me as follows from now on. It's how I feel about who I am today among the Elites of youth soccer.
