Do Apes have MTFs?
Do they use pronouns?
Here's a whole other topic I really can't wrap my head around.
It used to be you were either male or female and gay or straight. And that's about it.
There was none of this he/him/she/her/they/them etc etc
None of this pan-sexual among other fill-in-the-blank-sexual types.
"Cis" and a whole bunch of other crap that's been created in the last decade.
So much crap I can't keep up with it. Nor do I feel the need to. Not going to participate in that BS game.
A few years ago when one of my kids started HS they asked him what his pronouns are?
"Your pronouns?"
"What's that?" (He honestly didn't know how to answer thankfully.)
"What do you like to be referred to as?"
"Well my name is ____ and I'm a boy, I'm not sure what you want me to say."
They walked away kinda huffing and puffing my wife said. Probably a good thing she took him to orientation and not me.