5 biological men roster wins Australian women's soccer league title & also undefeated this season

Do Apes have MTFs?

Do they use pronouns?

Here's a whole other topic I really can't wrap my head around.
It used to be you were either male or female and gay or straight. And that's about it.

There was none of this he/him/she/her/they/them etc etc
None of this pan-sexual among other fill-in-the-blank-sexual types.
"Cis" and a whole bunch of other crap that's been created in the last decade.
So much crap I can't keep up with it. Nor do I feel the need to. Not going to participate in that BS game.

A few years ago when one of my kids started HS they asked him what his pronouns are?


"Your pronouns?"

"What's that?" (He honestly didn't know how to answer thankfully.)

"What do you like to be referred to as?"

"Well my name is ____ and I'm a boy, I'm not sure what you want me to say."

They walked away kinda huffing and puffing my wife said. Probably a good thing she took him to orientation and not me. 🤣
When was the last time you saw a drag performance? Honest question. Drag shows these days have tilted more towards the risqué than the burlesque because of audience taste trying to push boundaries.
Never. No plans to either. It's just not my thing. But these people are choosing to attend these. 1st-graders don't get to choose who reads to them because these Groomers are also pushing boundaries.
the operative word there is "welcome".
When was the last time you saw a biological boy not welcomed onto a boys team?!
Yes there's that initial ice to break between the new kid and the team. But beyond that?
Again..you are trying to force a square peg into a round hole to fit your agenda.
When was the last time you saw a drag performance? Honest question. It’s not the birdcage anymore. The great Starina would be considered passe these days, though you’ll recall Starinas main number was her conjuring up a muscle bounded shirtless men’s who becomes her fantasy and then she becomes her creations fantasy. Drag shows these days have tilted more towards the risqué than the burlesque because of audience taste trying to push boundaries.
Did the change correspond to the gays taking over drag from Milton and Flip?

You think of drag in the pejorative. As long as its age appropriate, I wouldn't lose any sleep over drag queens doing story hour.
When was the last time you saw a biological boy not welcomed onto a boys team?!
Yes there's that initial ice to break between the new kid and the team. But beyond that?
Again..you are trying to force a square peg into a round hole to fit your agenda.
When was the last time you saw a biological boy not welcomed onto a boys team?!
Yes there's that initial ice to break between the new kid and the team. But beyond that?
Again..you are trying to force a square peg into a round hole to fit your agenda.
Errrr. My kid got hounded off a team a few years back. Emotionally tortured. So did an African American friend of his on a largely Latino team. Then there was this girl on the coed Latino league team. And I wrote about the international squad. Come on you know better than that having seen the complaints on the gk forum.
Do they use pronouns?

Here's a whole other topic I really can't wrap my head around.
It used to be you were either male or female and gay or straight. And that's about it.

There was none of this he/him/she/her/they/them etc etc
None of this pan-sexual among other fill-in-the-blank-sexual types.
"Cis" and a whole bunch of other crap that's been created in the last decade.
So much crap I can't keep up with it. Nor do I feel the need to. Not going to participate in that BS game.

A few years ago when one of my kids started HS they asked him what his pronouns are?


"Your pronouns?"

"What's that?" (He honestly didn't know how to answer thankfully.)

"What do you like to be referred to as?"

"Well my name is ____ and I'm a boy, I'm not sure what you want me to say."

They walked away kinda huffing and puffing my wife said. Probably a good thing she took him to orientation and not me. 🤣
Did the change correspond to the gays taking over drag from Milton and Flip?

You think of drag in the pejorative. As long as its age appropriate, I wouldn't lose any sleep over drag queens doing story hour.
Ronald Reagan before that. Oh there was also the infamous Goodman Linda Tripp impression on snl

But that does get to the heart of my second objection. Like Linda Tripp it’s either to make fun of a woman overtly, or a caricature. In some respects it’s a little like the blackface minstrel shows. Also art. The jazz singer was revolutionary. But objected to since there was also an element of making fun of African Americans and stereotypes. I’m open to persuasion but I don’t really see why minstrel shows bad but drag performances (whether Linda Tripp impressions, the birdcage or the more risqué ones now) ok.
I came into this discussion about biological men beating on biological women in soccer and instead got
science and history lessons. :rolleyes:
You forgot study accuracy protocols, drag shows, disability law, sheepdogs, the movie “airplane”, child abductions and (I’ll admit this one hurts you omitted) ethics and philosophy

“This is the bad place!”
Errrr. My kid got hounded off a team a few years back. Emotionally tortured. So did an African American friend of his on a largely Latino team. Then there was this girl on the coed Latino league team. And I wrote about the international squad. Come on you know better than that having seen the complaints on the gk forum.

You seem to run into a much meaner group of kids than I do.

We had a trans kid on a boys team I coached. They fit in just fine. Zero issues the whole season. Might be why I see boys teams as a reasonable solution, provided people are willing to help make things work.

Most of what you're describing has nothing to do with gender. If you tell teenagers to put away the video games and go to bed, you can expect some push back. Times ten if that if the person asking is also a kid. They'd get treated like a traitor.

But that's about video games and class loyalty, not gender politics.
Errrr. My kid got hounded off a team a few years back. Emotionally tortured. So did an African American friend of his on a largely Latino team. Then there was this girl on the coed Latino league team. And I wrote about the international squad. Come on you know better than that having seen the complaints on the gk forum.

What did he get hounded for? You also wrote that he got into a fight over being called a "sissy" at a tournament. Your kid chose to throw down over being called that?! A bit more on all this would help. (C'mon..you love to talk/type) :rolleyes:
I'll be honest in that I don't frequent the GK forum very often since my GK no longer plays.
Never. No plans to either. It's just not my thing. But these people are choosing to attend these. 1st-graders don't get to choose who reads to them because these Groomers are also pushing boundaries.
They kicked Jesus out of the public schools and brought Coach Tim's Tampons to the boy's bathroom. Jesus would love to read to the kids again, but he has to be invited.

Story Time With Jesus

What did he get hounded for? You also wrote that he got into a fight over being called a "sissy" at a tournament. Your kid chose to throw down over being called that?! A bit more on all this would help. (C'mon..you love to talk/type) :rolleyes:
I'll be honest in that I don't frequent the GK forum very often since my GK no longer plays.
I played sports at Laguna Beach and let me just say we were called way worse than "sissy." We were called so many names. Today, if you call the wrong boy a "he" you will get corrected and shamed for being a homophobe. My only come back to the name callers was, "look at our view suckers and I'm going surfing after this." No one fought over being called names. Beta males are losing control big time.
What did he get hounded for? You also wrote that he got into a fight over being called a "sissy" at a tournament. Your kid chose to throw down over being called that?! A bit more on all this would help. (C'mon..you love to talk/type) :rolleyes:
I'll be honest in that I don't frequent the GK forum very often since my GK no longer plays.
The word is in Spanish and is a slur for gay people. It came after being berated for a goal, having his towel stolen from the bathroom so he’d have to come out naked, his phone taken and case cracked, and water thrown on him in bed.

The hounding was the standard throw the gk under the bus for the team losing season. It’s very common in the gk forum to read about them being bullied by teammates. Also his gk coaches son had a similar experience. In both instances there was a racial component.
Happens to field players too like the African American kid, or the girl on the coed team, or when he was much younger an Asian kid called the c word (I forgot about him…the parents would also say derogatory things about him on the side line). And I’ve seen constant black and Hispanic kids called the n word in the val. If you don’t think bullying takes place in boys soccer you are hopeless naive. If you don’t think they’d bully the boy in the dress, you are hopeless. Slobi isn’t the only trans bigot out there.
You seem to run into a much meaner group of kids than I do.

We had a trans kid on a boys team I coached. They fit in just fine. Zero issues the whole season. Might be why I see boys teams as a reasonable solution, provided people are willing to help make things work.

Most of what you're describing has nothing to do with gender. If you tell teenagers to put away the video games and go to bed, you can expect some push back. Times ten if that if the person asking is also a kid. They'd get treated like a traitor.

But that's about video games and class loyalty, not gender politics.
there was a racial component as well. So kids being mean in general, class loyalty, racial but the trans kid would be ok? Despite that study showing trans and nonbinary kids get picked on in the bathrooms (so it’s happening even if you discount the numbers as exaggerated…same as the girls being Leared at in bathrooms). Kidding yourself. Utopianism for the sake of wanting your preferred solution. Hey some situations go great…there’s a ftm on my kids school jv soccer team last year no issues….but it’s an umc private school in a tony neighborhood with a diversity counselor who is all in on blm. We could have your preferred solution but it would require radical free speech censorship on folks like slobi and radical reeducation of his kids, which would be an authoritarian solution. I do think you are right umc groups tend to be more accepting and less bullying than the working class masses.
there was a racial component as well. So kids being mean in general, class loyalty, racial but the trans kid would be ok? Despite that study showing trans and nonbinary kids get picked on in the bathrooms (so it’s happening even if you discount the numbers as exaggerated…same as the girls being Leared at in bathrooms). Kidding yourself. Utopianism for the sake of wanting your preferred solution. Hey some situations go great…there’s a ftm on my kids school jv soccer team last year no issues….but it’s an umc private school in a tony neighborhood with a diversity counselor who is all in on blm. We could have your preferred solution but it would require radical free speech censorship on folks like slobi and radical reeducation of his kids, which would be an authoritarian solution. I do think you are right umc groups tend to be more accepting and less bullying than the working class masses.

You describe a team environment I would never send a child into. Stay up late playing video games, play poorly, then blame the goalie for the loss. And not just blame, but haze.

Why not just walk away and join a different team?

Which is not too far from where I am with accepting mtf players on sports teams. There are male sports teams available where the coaches don't tolerate being jackasses and calling each other slurs. Join one of them.

Yes, there will be another team 10 miles away where the kids act like idiots and use all kinds of racial slurs. So what? You won't be there.
You describe a team environment I would never send a child into. Stay up late playing video games, play poorly, then blame the goalie for the loss. And not just blame, but haze.

Why not just walk away and join a different team?

Which is not too far from where I am with accepting mtf players on sports teams. There are male sports teams available where the coaches don't tolerate being jackasses and calling each other slurs. Join one of them.

Yes, there will be another team 10 miles away where the kids act like idiots and use all kinds of racial slurs. So what? You won't be there.
The international was a select team going to an academy trial......

They used to say the same thing to African America people (why not just go to another team or school or neighborhood where you'll be accepted). Why does my neighborhood property values have to take the hit? Again, if that wasn't o.k. then, then this wouldn't be an answer now. Then you'd have the problem with the teams they play against. You'd have to crack down on it, which means reeducating folks like Slobi and his kids. You either find a separate place for them to play (and go to the bathroom) or you use the hammer to eliminate the Slobis of the world (and throw his kids off the team or out of the school)....those are your choices. And from the GK forum stories BTW, team bullying doesn't exactly seem to be a rare occurence....frequently pops up over there.
The international was a select team going to an academy trial......

They used to say the same thing to African America people (why not just go to another team or school or neighborhood where you'll be accepted). Why does my neighborhood property values have to take the hit? Again, if that wasn't o.k. then, then this wouldn't be an answer now. Then you'd have the problem with the teams they play against. You'd have to crack down on it, which means reeducating folks like Slobi and his kids. You either find a separate place for them to play (and go to the bathroom) or you use the hammer to eliminate the Slobis of the world (and throw his kids off the team or out of the school)....those are your choices. And from the GK forum stories BTW, team bullying doesn't exactly seem to be a rare occurence....frequently pops up over there.
BTW, just as an example, the hammer would include forcing Slobi and his kids to use the desired pronouns. I oppose that on free speech grounds but no parent of a trans kid trying to pass as a "her" is going to tolerate a team where they repeatedly use "he" (maybe even mockingly, driving the kid to tears). Now, you can say well they are mentally ill, and we shouldn't be forced to buy into their delusions, and they deserve what they get, but then the reality is you are just refusing to provide a place the player feels safe playing in. You are saying you don't care.
Given your positions, I'd thought you'd go with this....

If democrats keep telling me it's okay that boys in lip gloss play soccer with the girls, and they can only wear dark shorts with their uniforms in case they start their period at Silverlakes, I may have to "get out of here" and go find a more sane country.