Or harming anyone else for that matter. If I see some thug trying to roll some old lady for her purse as she's walking down the street you can bet I'm getting involved. Trans person walking into the wrong bathroom is just another facet of being someone who looks out for others. We've talked about active shooters at work before and at home with my family. It sucks that I'm the type that will rush to help others just because that's who I am, yet I'd probably end up taking a bullet for someone I work with that really doesn't deserve it. Much like my family doesn't deserve to be left without a husband/father because I took a bullet while saving a co-worker. Yeah there's some I would, others, not so much.
The line between a wolf and a sheep dog is very thin. They both look like each other and a bad dog can harm a sheep in an instant. Being a sheepdog carries with it enormous responsibility (which is why so few want to do it). The distinction is the normative line between right and wrong. Lots of people think they are the hero…everyone wants to see themselves as such…but sometimes they don’t realize they are the wolf. Self appointed bathroom czars harassing people minding their own business and following the law are the wolves.
And yet we have people telling kids in elementary school that it's ok. We should be talking to them and getting it in their heads that although they might feel like they should be a girl, they were born a boy. And no amount of surgery will change that. They will never get pregnant, or menstruate, or breast-feed, etc. And any girl who wants to be a boy, will never be able to get another female pregnant, etc.
You and I agree that kids should not be encouraged to transition. That’s what your prohibition on youth sports and decrees on whether someone should pass or not would encourage them to do. If your test is whether a person “passes” that’s exactly what you get.
It seems very popular these days to be trans. I don't think autism and/or adhd are a mental illness either, but rather a disability. Whereas a biological male thinks if they whack off their crank, it'll make them female and they'll be able to get pregnant.
While I’m certain there are some delusional people who think magically “I’m a girl” that’s not where most trans people or therapists are. That final step is horrifying, life threatening, life altering and permanent. It is not to be entered into lightly and is advanced only by a compulsion that is fundamentally neurological. Again I chose to believe that your statements come from a place of ignorance not knowing someone who has gone through it rather than bigotry.
Sometimes being an adult, means they should be able to tell their kids.."This is how you were born. You may not like it. But it's the cards you were dealt. The sooner you come to accept it, the better off you'll be. No amount of drugs or surgeries will change what you truly are inside."
Instead, many out there say.."Ok Sam, let's cut that thing off and start calling you Samantha instead. All your problems will be solved."
1. Sometimes being an adult means accepting that there are no good solution. You are doing the exact same things the libs are doing by saying “let’s do this instead”
2. There is no amount of counseling that has been shown to help (they’ve tried it already). There is no amount of pursuading them “you are really a boy” (because that’s not the issue…it’s not a delusion…the vast majority know they were born their biological gender…again going to assume ignorance rather than bigotry here). Like autism and adhd there is no cure to the underlying neurological condition. So your prescription is a shoulda that simply doesn’t help. You can argue “well it should” but it doesn’t. We’ve been through this path before. It’s what they used to tell gay people too
3. The only thing that has been shown to help in the case of some people like my cousin is transitioning. Because at least it ends the compunction. The professionals are also not under the illusion that it fixes everything. Indeed in some subset of individuals it fixes nothing because they realize they can’t get fully there and are behind bars unable to fully to hit the mark. For some it’s enough. Again gonna assume ignorance rather than bigotry. 4. it’s a separate topic whether the costs> benefits and this should be considered a valid treatment. In the case of youths Europe is deciding no. But by making your “passing” test I note you’ve put more weights in the benefit side. But that’s not a discussion you can have. Again you don’t know enough about the history and condition of the subject.
One of my nephew's is a Freshman in HS. He's the biggest kid on his football team. Let's make all sports co-ed since that's how you want it.
Would you really want your 5'2" daughter playing any contact sport against a 5'11" boy who also probably outweighsher by at least 60lbs?!
Or competing against her for a scholarship based on the results of the "shot put" alone?! "Whichever one of you sends it the farthest is getting a full ride to the college of your choice. Second place..here's a participation ribbon for you. Still want everything co-ed?
There are two separate questions here. One is safety. My question is in that situation are we drawing a distinction between weights and safety. For example are we letting the 5 5 140 boy compete against the 6 5 200 pound boy. What’s the the sitch? Assumption of risk? The second is the question of scholarships and in that case my line is whether we test in the applicable sport at the applicable level. If we are enforcing a level playing field that’s a fair point but they need a separate place to play. And as someone else pointed out, the case you are making out is for the arbitrary nature of sports scholarships and admissions at all. Your argument logically flows to abolishment.
It's not impossible to answer, you just refuse to. Twice now. Why is it so difficult to put yourself in that situation and give an answer to how you'd feel.
My "assumption" is you know that you'd be pissed off. But given your stance on the subject matter, you can't cross the line and admit it.
One of my nephew's is a Freshman in HS. He's the biggest kid on his football team. Let's make all sports co-ed since that's how you want it.
Would you really want your 5'2" daughter playing any contact sport against a 5'11" boy who also probably outweighs her by at least 60lbs?!
Or competing against her for a scholarship based on the results of the "shot put"
Reason why is this is the kitty Dukakis raped and murdered questions. Facts don’t care about your feelings. How I feel about a situation has nothing to do about whether it’s right or wrong. That’s a normative question in which emotions play no role and only reason. Emotionalism is weak thinking and weak argumentation. It’s why the libs are always accused of doing it. I may not like the way soccer gk are treated….so should I advocate for a never say anything to a goalkeeper rule even for coaches?
Yet you seem to be ok with females getting A great many others too. Riley Gaines isn't. My wife and my DD certainly aren't.
I don't need to walk in your heels. I see it thru their eyes/experience. Mansplaining? That's laughable.
The lines between normative right/wrong ha so blurred these days because so many people (Liberals) are ready to cancel you if you don't go along with their BS agenda.
You a man are telling me a woman and former athlete (in what happens to be one of the most bad ass sports btw) how I should feel about an issue. You are also literally telling me about how your wife and daughter feel about the issue. patriarchy much? Thats not only filled with irony but is also incredibly stupid
Lastly as others have written the right blurs those lines as well. As I wrote it’s narcissism all the way down. Here’s the reality. You need moderates like me to keep away the darkness. orherwise you are outnumbered. And slurs like trannies, threats of violence, and mansplaining ain’t doing it for me. If you get the socialist utopia (and you’ll get it good and hard) it will be because you pushed moderates like me away and the other side is just less distasteful, however repulsive they are. Race to the bottom.