I didn't read thru all 20+ pages here but the first 5+ pages tells me most of what I need to know. Here's my .02 which isn't worth
much these days. Maybe things will change in a few months.....
Anyway..100 years from now when scientists dig up the bones of 1 male and 1 female body, they won't say..
"Oh this one was trans." No. They'll say.."1 male and 1 female based on the evidence." While I can agree there is a
very small number of people born with abnormalities, the vast majority are born male, or female, and that's it.
Now if you aren't happy with the sex you were assigned at birth, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. You can
try, but a biological male cutting off his tool won't make him a female. And a biological female can't add one on and
call herself male. That biological male CANNOT breast-feed or have children either contrary to current popular belief.
(This NEVER used to be a thing years ago, I don't understand how in recent years there's a group of people out there
that think otherwise.)
This comes down to mental health. Some will try and lump the whole LGBTQ+ group together but they really aren't.
Gay people love people of the same sex. And that's it. Whereas the rest of the alphabet mafia thinks they can push
their agenda on everyone else and that we must all conform. Far from the truth. I have a few gay relatives on my wife's
side of the family. Male and female. One of the gay males is very conservative. He says gay people want to love who they
choose and that's it. He says many in the gay community want to distance themselves from the trans community because
they don't believe in it, that regular gay people just want to be left alone to just love someone of the same sex. That's it.
The sooner those people who wish they were something other than what they were born as come to grips with that and accept
it, the better off they will be. Again, you can try and make a bunch of changes, but your DNA will still say otherwise. I'll say it
again...mental health is the big issue here. We should be getting these people doctors that will help them cope and accept who
they are, not doctors giving them drugs and performing surgeries and telling them that Tommy will become Tammy soon enough
or vice versa.
Now as far as biological males participating in female sports, I'm completely against it. The way I see it, Lia Thomas couldn't cut
it swimming against the faster males, so HE now identifies as a she and says he wants to swim against the girls and proceeds
to smash on the girls and their records. The same thing with this soccer team as the thread topic. This is total BS.
And this is happening more and more these days. And the sheep are totally accepting of this. Why, I don't know. But it's happening.
I understand there are some very rare cases where people were naturally-born with abnormalities. I'll be honest in that I don't have
an answer for that. In pre-teen groups and some early-teens, you'll find a girl playing with the boys because maybe there isn't the
option for girls at that level or age group, or they are able to hang with the boys, but they definitely aren't dominating them. I've seen
this more than a few times over the years, mainly in soccer. (My oldest is in the 20s and my youngest is 11..so yes..I've been around
kid's sports for quite some time. And played plenty of sports from elementary school thru high school when I was growing up.)
I don't understand how so many adult females, and moms are signing off on this either. At work last month we had proclamation of
August as National Breast/Chestfeeding Month. WTH?!?! It goes on to mention the special bond between "parent and child."
Shouldn't it be "mother and child?" Nope. Because we've once again allowed women to be marginalized and a bunch of a-holes
seem to think that males can feed a child. Maybe some food with a spoon or with a bottle. But that's it. I used to like Megan Rapinoe
but after her BS with the National Anthem she got kicked to the curb as far as I'm concerned. Then right as her career is ending she
starts railing on allowing trans players on the WNT. Funny how she was never beating that drum while she was actually on the team.
And a bunch of females got behind this. Of course you have a bunch of beta-males going along with this as well. Shocking..said no one.
I'll end my post with what
@Slobodan said above and I'm in total agreement with. If some dude with a beard want to dress like a girl and
try to make his way into the Ladies Restroom because he thinks he's female, but is really a predator looking to score on some woman
or even worse, some little girl and I see it about to happen, it's not going to happen. Plain and simple. I don't go looking for trouble. But I'm
always willing to step in if I see someone that needs help. I'm not whipping out my phone and recording. I'll be the guy in the mix. I'm not
looking to incite violence as
@dad4 implies, but if some pervert wants to FAFO, I'll willingly oblige. It's my job to protect my wife and kids.
And I take it seriously.