5 biological men roster wins Australian women's soccer league title & also undefeated this season

Agree it needs to be run by a political filter. But in this case the filter runs contra. Indeed because since about 2010 the left has been afraid of what the womens brains studies might show, and it’s been a red line to explore racial differences. Indeed this line of study has been pretty much shut down since 2018 because the left doesn’t want to see it: it undermines the notion that gender is a spectrum.

So where do things stand? I think you are right that these studies don’t “prove it”. I also, however, think these studies as well as the recent ones on autism correlation are enough to determine there is a neurological component here, even if we aren’t sure what that component is (we only have suspects).

I seem to recall making these points about bias in studies to you and you saying no we needed to trust the science? Hmmm? I wonder why that is?????

Again I am so very very happy to see you hoisted by your own petard

Apparently we agree that the TQ left has an effective veto on trans research.

Once that happens, the research is no longer useful data. 100% of studies will support the “trans women are women” point of view, because nothing else can get published or funded.

God forbid someone publishes data which hints that “trans women are essentially male”. That paper would be career ending.

I’m sure why you see this as undermining anyone‘s point of view. It’s just one more area of social science research has been neutered through political capture. A shame it’s a branch of neurology, because neurology has the potential to be rigorous.
Apparently we agree that the TQ left has an effective veto on trans research.

Once that happens, the research is no longer useful data. 100% of studies will support the “trans women are women” point of view, because nothing else can get published or funded.

God forbid someone publishes data which hints that “trans women are essentially male”. That paper would be career ending.

I’m sure why you see this as undermining anyone‘s point of view. It’s just one more area of social science research has been neutered through political capture. A shame it’s a branch of neurology, because neurology has the potential to be rigorous.
Again what they are pursuing the autism link. But that’s why the early studies were interesting before they got shut down by politics…they were just interested in the science…there wasn’t as big of an axe to grind because it was all pre spectrum on gender. they were interested in what causes it. I agree going forward there’s a bias problem because such studies are no longer in either the right or lefts interests. Could the pre 2018 also be biased? Of course but there’s enough of it to at least establish that neurological link even if we can’t prove anything.

But again I think that’s hilarious that’s these are the exact arguments made to you on covid and only now you come to Jesus. In other words the mask data before 2020 is interesting because no one had a political axe to grind but it’s also very split and indeterminate. Everything post 2020 was suspect. Yeah I’d agree with that.
Again what they are pursuing the autism link. But that’s why the early studies were interesting before they got shut down by politics…they were just interested in the science…there wasn’t as big of an axe to grind because it was all pre spectrum on gender. they were interested in what causes it. I agree going forward there’s a bias problem because such studies are no longer in either the right or lefts interests. Could the pre 2018 also be biased? Of course but there’s enough of it to at least establish that neurological link even if we can’t prove anything.

But again I think that’s hilarious that’s these are the exact arguments made to you on covid and only now you come to Jesus. In other words the mask data before 2020 is interesting because no one had a political axe to grind but it’s also very split and indeterminate. Everything post 2020 was suspect. Yeah I’d agree with that.

And yet, I’m still not interested in revisiting the whole covid mask discussion.

Go over to the kitchen and argue with with my 2022 opinions, if you like.
And yet, I’m still not interested in revisiting the whole covid mask discussion.

Go over to the kitchen and argue with with my 2022 opinions, if you like.
Both of you wrote essays in the kitchen. Dad's mask, mandates and jab information turned out to be junk science. I think you owe me and the other chefs in the kitchen an apology at least. If you want to really change from the inside, eat Crow bro. I'm serving Crow tonight so come on over to the kitchen, eat some crow and I will give you a nice slice of my fresh homemade Humble Pie.
Both of you wrote essays in the kitchen. Dad's mask, mandates and jab information turned out to be junk science. I think you owe me and the other chefs in the kitchen an apology at least. If you want to really change from the inside, eat Crow bro. I'm serving Crow tonight so come on over to the kitchen, eat some crow and I will give you a nice slice of my fresh homemade Humble Pie.
Believe it or not, I still believe that masks reduce the spread of any aerosol respiratory disease. As does my health care provider, for that matter.

Get over it. How is soccer in your neck of the woods?
Believe it or not, I still believe that masks reduce the spread of any aerosol respiratory disease. As does my health care provider, for that matter.

Get over it. How is soccer in your neck of the woods?
I believe you Dad. I won't ever get over it, ever! So many people are dying. WTF cares about soccer right now. One of my pals from high school is in ICU and can't breathe on his own and that is my main concern. Pray for him, his name is Mark. 58 years old with a wife and 4 kids. They don't think he will make it😢
Believe it or not, I still believe that masks reduce the spread of any aerosol respiratory disease. As does my health care provider, for that matter.

Get over it. How is soccer in your neck of the woods?
More power to you if you want to err on the side of caution.

The issue isn't their use, its the mandating of their use, particularly for children.

I have no clue how scientifically sound these studies are, but its a very valid concern and was an entirely predictable impact on mental health.
Want the quote: “go by choice or go by force”. Period.

It’s not because it’s “the tolerant thing to do”. It’s because it’s the law. Don’t like it, change the law or move some place that agrees with you. But you aren’t some superhero that gets to use physical violence to exercise what you think should be the law. And there aren’t millions because thousand of trans people use the bathroom every day without incident. Again if this is more than poor little tough guy bluster, let’s see it and report back to us. I have the popcorn ready.
Yes... grown men pretending to be women, not kids, will go by choice or force. It's okay... you misquoted me. Time to move on.

There are a number of laws I don't agree with. I'm a father and that makes me a superhero to my daughter or anyone's daughter that doesn't consent to be molested in the girl's bathroom because you think trannies deserve special privileges. I was very clear about the situation. Leave on your own or leave by force. That's how it will go down. You don't need to be a tough guy to remove a man that dresses like a woman. A real man doesn't do that shit. A real woman isn't a threat.

For hundreds of years, a man walking into the women's bathroom or locker room would have been taken to jail. What changed? Gay men decided to pretend they were women outside of the privacy of their own homes. Well guess what? At no point did a woman or little girl consent to that. And their rights are far more important to me than those of a pedophile.
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Yes... grown men pretending to be women, not kids, will go by choice or force. It's okay... you misquoted me. Time to move on.

There are a number of laws I don't agree with. I'm a father and that makes me a superhero to my daughter or anyone's daughter that doesn't consent to be molested in the girl's bathroom because you think trannies deserve special privileges. I was very clear about the situation. Leave on your own or leave by force. That's how it will go down. You don't need to be a tough guy to remove a man that dresses like a woman. A real man doesn't do that shit. A real woman isn't a threat.

For hundreds of years, a man walking into the women's bathroom or locker room would have been taken to jail. What changed? Gay men decided to pretend they were women outside of the privacy of their own homes. Well guess what? At no point did a woman or little girl consent to that. And their rights are far more important to me than those of a pedophile.
I generally agree with you on trans athletes, but I read your post as an implied threat of violence.

If that isn't what you meant, then I appreciate your correction, and I hope you will take more care with words in the future.
I didn't read thru all 20+ pages here but the first 5+ pages tells me most of what I need to know. Here's my .02 which isn't worth
much these days. Maybe things will change in a few months.....

Anyway..100 years from now when scientists dig up the bones of 1 male and 1 female body, they won't say..
"Oh this one was trans." No. They'll say.."1 male and 1 female based on the evidence." While I can agree there is a
very small number of people born with abnormalities, the vast majority are born male, or female, and that's it.
Now if you aren't happy with the sex you were assigned at birth, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. You can
try, but a biological male cutting off his tool won't make him a female. And a biological female can't add one on and
call herself male. That biological male CANNOT breast-feed or have children either contrary to current popular belief.
(This NEVER used to be a thing years ago, I don't understand how in recent years there's a group of people out there
that think otherwise.)

This comes down to mental health. Some will try and lump the whole LGBTQ+ group together but they really aren't.
Gay people love people of the same sex. And that's it. Whereas the rest of the alphabet mafia thinks they can push
their agenda on everyone else and that we must all conform. Far from the truth. I have a few gay relatives on my wife's
side of the family. Male and female. One of the gay males is very conservative. He says gay people want to love who they
choose and that's it. He says many in the gay community want to distance themselves from the trans community because
they don't believe in it, that regular gay people just want to be left alone to just love someone of the same sex. That's it.
The sooner those people who wish they were something other than what they were born as come to grips with that and accept
it, the better off they will be. Again, you can try and make a bunch of changes, but your DNA will still say otherwise. I'll say it
again...mental health is the big issue here. We should be getting these people doctors that will help them cope and accept who
they are, not doctors giving them drugs and performing surgeries and telling them that Tommy will become Tammy soon enough
or vice versa.

Now as far as biological males participating in female sports, I'm completely against it. The way I see it, Lia Thomas couldn't cut
it swimming against the faster males, so HE now identifies as a she and says he wants to swim against the girls and proceeds
to smash on the girls and their records. The same thing with this soccer team as the thread topic. This is total BS.
And this is happening more and more these days. And the sheep are totally accepting of this. Why, I don't know. But it's happening.
I understand there are some very rare cases where people were naturally-born with abnormalities. I'll be honest in that I don't have
an answer for that. In pre-teen groups and some early-teens, you'll find a girl playing with the boys because maybe there isn't the
option for girls at that level or age group, or they are able to hang with the boys, but they definitely aren't dominating them. I've seen
this more than a few times over the years, mainly in soccer. (My oldest is in the 20s and my youngest is 11..so yes..I've been around
kid's sports for quite some time. And played plenty of sports from elementary school thru high school when I was growing up.)

I don't understand how so many adult females, and moms are signing off on this either. At work last month we had proclamation of
August as National Breast/Chestfeeding Month. WTH?!?! It goes on to mention the special bond between "parent and child."
Shouldn't it be "mother and child?" Nope. Because we've once again allowed women to be marginalized and a bunch of a-holes
seem to think that males can feed a child. Maybe some food with a spoon or with a bottle. But that's it. I used to like Megan Rapinoe
but after her BS with the National Anthem she got kicked to the curb as far as I'm concerned. Then right as her career is ending she
starts railing on allowing trans players on the WNT. Funny how she was never beating that drum while she was actually on the team.
And a bunch of females got behind this. Of course you have a bunch of beta-males going along with this as well. Shocking..said no one.

I'll end my post with what @Slobodan said above and I'm in total agreement with. If some dude with a beard want to dress like a girl and
try to make his way into the Ladies Restroom because he thinks he's female, but is really a predator looking to score on some woman
or even worse, some little girl and I see it about to happen, it's not going to happen. Plain and simple. I don't go looking for trouble. But I'm
always willing to step in if I see someone that needs help. I'm not whipping out my phone and recording. I'll be the guy in the mix. I'm not
looking to incite violence as @dad4 implies, but if some pervert wants to FAFO, I'll willingly oblige. It's my job to protect my wife and kids.
And I take it seriously.
I generally agree with you on trans athletes, but I read your post as an implied threat of violence.

If that isn't what you meant, then I appreciate your correction, and I hope you will take more care with words in the future.
I've been saying the same thing for over a week. I'll say it again. If I'm standing at Target, and I know there is a young girl or girl in the women's bathroom, and I see a grown man, dressed as a woman, walk into that bathroom... HE is coming out. Willingly or unwillingly. His option. If HE wants to press charges because I removed a man from the women's restroom, so be it. I'll take my chances there's 1 sane person on the jury.

I'm not a man of faith. I'm not going to trust that "God" will protect that child. I'm happy to do it. And to further my point, for hundreds of years we've had separate bathrooms and locker rooms for the 2 sexes... genders... or whatever offensive term some uneducated, purple hair with 10 facial piercings wants to scold me for using. To wake up one day and say we were all wrong, all this time, is ridiculous. I don't and won't subscribe to the 'woke' nonsense when it comes to children. I have a close family member that's gay and a lifelong friend that's gay. They were born that way and can't 'choose' it anymore than you or I. Homosexuality isn't an issue or phobia for me. This is about using the recent narratives to harm children and it won't happen if I'm there.
I didn't read thru all 20+ pages here but the first 5+ pages tells me most of what I need to know. Here's my .02 which isn't worth
much these days. Maybe things will change in a few months.....

Anyway..100 years from now when scientists dig up the bones of 1 male and 1 female body, they won't say..
"Oh this one was trans." No. They'll say.."1 male and 1 female based on the evidence." While I can agree there is a
very small number of people born with abnormalities, the vast majority are born male, or female, and that's it.
Now if you aren't happy with the sex you were assigned at birth, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. You can
try, but a biological male cutting off his tool won't make him a female. And a biological female can't add one on and
call herself male. That biological male CANNOT breast-feed or have children either contrary to current popular belief.
(This NEVER used to be a thing years ago, I don't understand how in recent years there's a group of people out there
that think otherwise.)

This comes down to mental health. Some will try and lump the whole LGBTQ+ group together but they really aren't.
Gay people love people of the same sex. And that's it. Whereas the rest of the alphabet mafia thinks they can push
their agenda on everyone else and that we must all conform. Far from the truth. I have a few gay relatives on my wife's
side of the family. Male and female. One of the gay males is very conservative. He says gay people want to love who they
choose and that's it. He says many in the gay community want to distance themselves from the trans community because
they don't believe in it, that regular gay people just want to be left alone to just love someone of the same sex. That's it.
The sooner those people who wish they were something other than what they were born as come to grips with that and accept
it, the better off they will be. Again, you can try and make a bunch of changes, but your DNA will still say otherwise. I'll say it
again...mental health is the big issue here. We should be getting these people doctors that will help them cope and accept who
they are, not doctors giving them drugs and performing surgeries and telling them that Tommy will become Tammy soon enough
or vice versa.

Now as far as biological males participating in female sports, I'm completely against it. The way I see it, Lia Thomas couldn't cut
it swimming against the faster males, so HE now identifies as a she and says he wants to swim against the girls and proceeds
to smash on the girls and their records. The same thing with this soccer team as the thread topic. This is total BS.
And this is happening more and more these days. And the sheep are totally accepting of this. Why, I don't know. But it's happening.
I understand there are some very rare cases where people were naturally-born with abnormalities. I'll be honest in that I don't have
an answer for that. In pre-teen groups and some early-teens, you'll find a girl playing with the boys because maybe there isn't the
option for girls at that level or age group, or they are able to hang with the boys, but they definitely aren't dominating them. I've seen
this more than a few times over the years, mainly in soccer. (My oldest is in the 20s and my youngest is 11..so yes..I've been around
kid's sports for quite some time. And played plenty of sports from elementary school thru high school when I was growing up.)

I don't understand how so many adult females, and moms are signing off on this either. At work last month we had proclamation of
August as National Breast/Chestfeeding Month. WTH?!?! It goes on to mention the special bond between "parent and child."
Shouldn't it be "mother and child?" Nope. Because we've once again allowed women to be marginalized and a bunch of a-holes
seem to think that males can feed a child. Maybe some food with a spoon or with a bottle. But that's it. I used to like Megan Rapinoe
but after her BS with the National Anthem she got kicked to the curb as far as I'm concerned. Then right as her career is ending she
starts railing on allowing trans players on the WNT. Funny how she was never beating that drum while she was actually on the team.
And a bunch of females got behind this. Of course you have a bunch of beta-males going along with this as well. Shocking..said no one.

I'll end my post with what @Slobodan said above and I'm in total agreement with. If some dude with a beard want to dress like a girl and
try to make his way into the Ladies Restroom because he thinks he's female, but is really a predator looking to score on some woman
or even worse, some little girl and I see it about to happen, it's not going to happen. Plain and simple. I don't go looking for trouble. But I'm
always willing to step in if I see someone that needs help. I'm not whipping out my phone and recording. I'll be the guy in the mix. I'm not
looking to incite violence as @dad4 implies, but if some pervert wants to FAFO, I'll willingly oblige. It's my job to protect my wife and kids.
And I take it seriously.
"We should be getting these people doctors that will help them cope and accept who they are". First of all, this is the same thing they said about gay people ten years ago...identical word for word....what changed? Second, the issue is there aren't any cures and there aren't any procedures that will help them accept. The evidence seems to point that this is a neurological condition, quite possibly autism related. And there isn't a cure for autism. Sometimes the answer to "what's to be done" is there are no good answers.

I note your conditions seem to be a little different than slobi. For example, you have a problem with my cousin who is two decades post surgery and is there only to do her business and get out? Is your problem only with transgendered MTF who are cross dressing and/or have beards, or people who are seriously transitioning? Or is your threat of violence only with those who are acting like predators

I've been saying the same thing for over a week. I'll say it again. If I'm standing at Target, and I know there is a young girl or girl in the women's bathroom, and I see a grown man, dressed as a woman, walk into that bathroom... HE is coming out. Willingly or unwillingly. His option. If HE wants to press charges because I removed a man from the women's restroom, so be it. I'll take my chances there's 1 sane person on the jury.

I'm not a man of faith. I'm not going to trust that "God" will protect that child. I'm happy to do it. And to further my point, for hundreds of years we've had separate bathrooms and locker rooms for the 2 sexes... genders... or whatever offensive term some uneducated, purple hair with 10 facial piercings wants to scold me for using. To wake up one day and say we were all wrong, all this time, is ridiculous. I don't and won't subscribe to the 'woke' nonsense when it comes to children. I have a close family member that's gay and a lifelong friend that's gay. They were born that way and can't 'choose' it anymore than you or I. Homosexuality isn't an issue or phobia for me. This is about using the recent narratives to harm children and it won't happen if I'm there.
I've presented to you evidence that the trans people have a neurological condition and many were "born that way".

You've drawn the assumption that every trans person out there is a pedophile instead of trying to just live their lives. That assumes facts not in evidence and just boils down to bigotry.

You initial statement did not say "if I see a pedophile taking advantage of a young girl" I'll use physical violence to defend that girl. Your statement specifically focused on trans people. Again that's bigotry.

You cannot go around beating up people not doing anything legally wrong. Again that's bigotry and threats of violence outside their legitimate use under the law makes you a societal menace, much more than any law abiding trans person.

On top of that you thought "targeting" a youth for exercising their legally permissible rights to play, rather than forfeit, was perfectly acceptable conduct. Disgusting. You aren't the good guy here and credit to those like dad4 and watfly that say that's a bridge too far. Advocating on sports inclusion is one thing, but it's abundantly clear after 20 odd pages about what the motivation is driving some people.
Did y’all ever wonder where this Trans agenda came from? Just ask Mrs Obama. Before the Obamas this whole trans thing was kept out of the public school system.


We need to remember that a dude in a dress is just a dude in a dress. And, like any dude, he sometimes needs to pee.
Did y’all ever wonder where this Trans agenda came from? Just ask Mrs Obama. Before the Obamas this whole trans thing was kept out of the public school system.


They & Them are trying to normalize being Trans and allowing men to be a gurl because many men have tricked us all.
Did y’all ever wonder where this Trans agenda came from? Just ask Mrs Obama. Before the Obamas this whole trans thing was kept out of the public school system.


I used to wonder. But then I noticed when this sort of thing started ramping up in the earlier part of the 20th century in Europe. I don't wonder about the roots of the agenda anymore.
"We should be getting these people doctors that will help them cope and accept who they are". First of all, this is the same thing they said about gay people ten years ago...identical word for word....what changed? Second, the issue is there aren't any cures and there aren't any procedures that will help them accept. The evidence seems to point that this is a neurological condition, quite possibly autism related. And there isn't a cure for autism. Sometimes the answer to "what's to be done" is there are no good answers.

I note your conditions seem to be a little different than slobi. For example, you have a problem with my cousin who is two decades post surgery and is there only to do her business and get out? Is your problem only with transgendered MTF who are cross dressing and/or have beards, or people who are seriously transitioning? Or is your threat of violence only with those who are acting like predators

I've presented to you evidence that the trans people have a neurological condition and many were "born that way".

You've drawn the assumption that every trans person out there is a pedophile instead of trying to just live their lives. That assumes facts not in evidence and just boils down to bigotry.

You initial statement did not say "if I see a pedophile taking advantage of a young girl" I'll use physical violence to defend that girl. Your statement specifically focused on trans people. Again that's bigotry.

You cannot go around beating up people not doing anything legally wrong. Again that's bigotry and threats of violence outside their legitimate use under the law makes you a societal menace, much more than any law abiding trans person.

On top of that you thought "targeting" a youth for exercising their legally permissible rights to play, rather than forfeit, was perfectly acceptable conduct. Disgusting. You aren't the good guy here and credit to those like dad4 and watfly that say that's a bridge too far. Advocating on sports inclusion is one thing, but it's abundantly clear after 20 odd pages about what the motivation is driving some people.
You're putting words in people's mouths again. Why do you do that? I've drawn no such "conclusion. I also have no problem letting trannies live their lives. Just don't expect me to acknowledge your demand to be called "her" or "they" when you're Jack Black in a dress. Simple. I said a man doesn't belong in the women's bathroom and they don't. Putting on a dress doesn't make you a female and I don't give a rat's ass if you agree or not. Same rat's ass if you truly believe you are. You aren't. And if you do, somehow you've managed to get your pecker to the urinal all these years and nothing has changed. YOU deal with it. YOU changed. YOU are the anomaly. YOU adapt. The rest of us don't owe you shit.

And why are you still whining and babbling about "targeting"? I can't do it in crayon for you. If there's a male on the other team and I'm coaching the girls, 1 of 2 things are going to happen. You're going to be singled out or we'll leave. Period. Why? Because you have no business being on that field. Screw "inclusion". You're a male. Go play against the other males and impress us. Better still, go compete in an individual sport against males and REALLY impress us. Until then, you're full of shit and a coward like Thomas Lia in the pool.
You're putting words in people's mouths again. Why do you do that? I've drawn no such "conclusion. I also have no problem letting trannies live their lives. Just don't expect me to acknowledge your demand to be called "her" or "they" when you're Jack Black in a dress. Simple. I said a man doesn't belong in the women's bathroom and they don't. Putting on a dress doesn't make you a female and I don't give a rat's ass if you agree or not. Same rat's ass if you truly believe you are. You aren't. And if you do, somehow you've managed to get your pecker to the urinal all these years and nothing has changed. YOU deal with it. YOU changed. YOU are the anomaly. YOU adapt. The rest of us don't owe you shit.

And why are you still whining and babbling about "targeting"? I can't do it in crayon for you. If there's a male on the other team and I'm coaching the girls, 1 of 2 things are going to happen. You're going to be singled out or we'll leave. Period. Why? Because you have no business being on that field. Screw "inclusion". You're a male. Go play against the other males and impress us. Better still, go compete in an individual sport against males and REALLY impress us. Until then, you're full of shit and a coward like Thomas Lia in the pool.
Again the correct answer in both instances is to walk away, not take the law into your own hands, particularly not against a minor. Forfeit and take your consequences. Leave or wait until an actual crime is committed in the bathroom. There are very few guys in a dress and beard going into the bathrooms to get their jollies. Do they exist? Surely they do given what we’ve seen in the prisons. But every day thousands of trans people use the bathroom without incident. If you are worried about a small percentage leering at your daughters, well then I have news for you about gay men leering at your sons— an equally small percentage. You aren’t the passing police to decide who looks feminine enough to use the restroom with the girls or manly enough they should go over to the boys. Last I checked no one elected you. If someone crosses the line and does something illegal by all means exercise your rights and/or get the authorities involved. But until you get the law changed, keep your mouth shut and hands to yourself for people legitimately exercising their rights or face the goddamn consequences. But like I said…all bluster…I don’t for a minute think you and any fan boys are brave enough to actually do anything about it…bullies are all cowards at heart and men like you are mostly bluster.
Again the correct answer in both instances is to walk away, not take the law into your own hands, particularly not against a minor. Forfeit and take your consequences. Leave or wait until an actual crime is committed in the bathroom. There are very few guys in a dress and beard going into the bathrooms to get their jollies. Do they exist? Surely they do given what we’ve seen in the prisons. But every day thousands of trans people use the bathroom without incident. If you are worried about a small percentage leering at your daughters, well then I have news for you about gay men leering at your sons— an equally small percentage. You aren’t the passing police to decide who looks feminine enough to use the restroom with the girls or manly enough they should go over to the boys. Last I checked no one elected you. If someone crosses the line and does something illegal by all means exercise your rights and/or get the authorities involved. But until you get the law changed, keep your mouth shut and hands to yourself for people legitimately exercising their rights or face the goddamn consequences. But like I said…all bluster…I don’t for a minute think you and any fan boys are brave enough to actually do anything about it…bullies are all cowards at heart and men like you are mostly bluster.
No, I'm not walking away and shame on you for endorsing the cowardly way out. If you want to send your daughter in the bathroom with a man and take your chances, that's your choice. And yes, I know gay men leer at my son. And when one looked him up and down multiple times while we were standing in line at a cinema, I asked if he had a problem that we needed to discuss outside. My son was 10. Guess what... I shamed him, in a full line of people, and with any luck he learned from it. Hopefully he went home and slit his throat.

Last I checked, nobody cared about your opinion on the matter. Fuck the law. The law doesn't do a good enough job protecting children. I've seen the same creepy guys in a wading pool, at the water slides, sit and wait for little girls to have waves push them up against them. Watched them get kicked out of the water park and return two weeks later. Why? Because the laws don't protect well enough. Men aren't allowed, by law, to enter the women's restroom. And when they are, I'll be there to uphold morality. And you have no idea what I'm capable of.