Was it yours?Is that your best effort?
Was it yours?Is that your best effort?
Trying to save you from yourself. I'm too late.Was it yours?
Can you name 1 person that thinks it's okay for a man to walk in the women's restroom without putting a "closed for cleaning" sign and a mop in his hands?
Again, another babbling novel from you.Again, simpleton, there's a distinction between "okay" and "illegal". It's not a crime in California, unless the person enters into the rest room with intent to do some other harm. Say for example you had two small bathrooms, men's and women's, next to each other. The women's room overflows so the woman decides to go into the men's room. Not a crime. And BTW plenty of women have been known to do that in emergency conditions when the line is too long in the women's room or the bathroom is out of order.
There certainly is, it's just that you are either not seeing it, or are intentionally ignoring it.There's a pattern here, isn't there?
Again, I can't prove a negative. Google it. The law prohibiting men from using the women's room and women from using the men's room doesn't exist in California.Again, another babbling novel from you.
It's amazing how you deflect. I asked another, 'simpleton' question I thought you could answer.
Name the law and you couldn't. Name 1 person and you couldn't. There's a pattern here, isn't there?
Let's see if YOU can handle a simpleton question... for the 2nd time.There certainly is, it's just that you are either not seeing it, or are intentionally ignoring it.
Does it need to be "common" before it becomes a problem? How many young girls have to be kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, from shopping malls, for it to be a concern for you?
Oh, so you can't prove I'd be breaking the law you now say doesn't exist. Got it.Again, I can't prove a negative. Google it. The law prohibiting men from using the women's room and women from using the men's room doesn't exist in California.
And as to the "name 1 person" again the question turns "for what purpose". Have seen (and been) plenty of women in emergency conditions using the men's room.
Well, I'm no FBI agent or reporter for the Communist Nonsense Network, but does nearly 300,000 seem like a low number to you?I'm curious. How many young girls from your town were kidnapped in shopping malls and sold into sex slavery last year?
Again, I set out the law you'd be breaking. Felony assault and battery with a civil rights violation (and given your posts here) also a hate crime.Oh, so you can't prove I'd be breaking the law you now say doesn't exist. Got it.
I asked you to name 1 person that thinks it's okay for a man to walk into a woman's restroom. Your reading comprehension isn't good, is it?
It happens. And it was amplified in fear segments by the right-wing echo chamber, just like stories about kids using litterboxes. What is your "truth" about it, it should be banned for what reason other than vote-pandering?Let's see if YOU can handle a simpleton question... for the 2nd time.
What's the truth about drag queen story time in the Kindergarten classroom?
For what purpose? Do you think women care why a man would walk into their bathroom?Again, I set out the law you'd be breaking. Felony assault and battery with a civil rights violation (and given your posts here) also a hate crime.
Again, you can't answer that question without answering "for what purpose".
Well, I'm no FBI agent or reporter for the Communist Nonsense Network, but does nearly 300,000 seem like a low number to you?
It was amplified because it should be amplified. There's no reason for it. Trannies don't need to be reading books to children. Maybe you should be asking them why it's necessary.It happens. And it was amplified in fear segments by the right-wing echo chamber, just like stories about kids using litterboxes. What is your "truth" about it, it should be banned for what reason other than vote-pandering?
The question of the legality of the action turns on "for what purpose". What if the men's room is out of order? What if the guy is in there helping his tween daughter to cope with her first period? What if the person is trans looking to do their business? What if the person is a FTM who is beginning to look like a dude but it not yet comfortable in the men's room? Vice versa what if it's a woman in the men's room and the line is too long in the woman's room?For what purpose? Do you think women care why a man would walk into their bathroom?
We get it... time to let this go. I know you need something to do but I work for a living.
Veritas with a fresh thread. Nice job Veritas. It's time to have the debate parents. Race card on Trans issue is classic Charleton behavior. On one side, we have the wolf in sheep's clothing. On the other side we have conservative parents wanting to protect our daughters from a wolf in sheep's clothing going into the girls bathroom or locker room.
Oh, so you don't think there are young girls lured away or grabbed in mall parking lots? Are you serious? Did you read the article or just the title?Your article is about runaways and pimps, not stranger abductions.
Sex trafficking is a problem, but you're not going to help fix it by randomly accosting cross dressing dudes at Target.
He's been arguing on your side you dolt. You just took it a bridge too far for him by threatening to beat up random "trannies". Your own ally, to his credit, couldn't stomach your bigotry.Oh, so you don't think there are young girls lured away or grabbed in mall parking lots? Are you serious? Did you read the article or just the title?
Your support of trannies instead of children is duly noted.
It was amplified because it should be amplified. There's no reason for it. Trannies don't need to be reading books to children. Maybe you should be asking them why it's necessary.
The "Furries" concept is real whether the litter box issue is or isn't. I've seen it with my own eyes. I guess Tampon Tim endorsing tampons in the boy's bathroom is 'amplified', too, right? Just made up?