The restrictions on Semenya are definitely an infringement of her rights, basically she has to dope to compete which is clearly absurd. Some people have an advantage. Sure, they have to back that up with hard work and such, but they still have a "genetic" advantage which makes the whole competition & fairness thing a bit silly. Look at Ian Thorpe the Australian swimmer with size 17 feet, i.e. "flippers", or Phelps with an "unnatural" wing span and huge hands which gave him a huge natural advantage in the pool. How about the best athletes / richest countries / biggest clubs having the best facilities and support structures which allow them to be the best prepared - nothing "fair" there? The shoe technology that is now available to some athletes which allows them to run faster is hardly "fair", but legit per the rules. Messi was given growth hormones from 11, was that fair or doping?Participation in sports is not a right. Also one person's right is sometimes an infringement of someone else's right. At the end of the day we just have a "philosophical" disagreement. I don't believe in artificial interference in sport and you do. But you're right that sports are always being artificially tinkered with, but rarely does it result in an improvement in sport. Bringing this full circle, what is the last change in the soccer rules that improved the game? I'd argue it was the change to the back pass to the keeper rule which was over 30 years ago. The continual change to the handling rules since has been a complete cluster F which has now resulted in defenders playing with there arms behind their back. The new kickoff rules in football, WTF?
If someone has a natural advantage, then that's just their good fortune. They shouldn't be penalized for it. Messi would be the odd one out from my examples