Why, specifically?California public funds cannot be used for travel to North Carolina, Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Tennessee.
Why, specifically?California public funds cannot be used for travel to North Carolina, Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Tennessee.
Why, specifically?
You assume alot, but it doesnt seem like you want to specifically explain which "basic rights" are being taken away.I'm sure you would have been against a boycott of southern states during Jim Crow as well. Until all our citizens are granted equal rights, it is up to us to put a spotlight on those that deny them. I'm assuming you do not have an lgbtq family member or close friend that you love denied their basic rights.
I'm sure you would have been against a boycott of southern states during Jim Crow as well. Until all our citizens are granted equal rights, it is up to us to put a spotlight on those that deny them. I'm assuming you do not have an lgbtq family member or close friend that you love denied their basic rights.
I'll disregard the baseless insinuation, and give you the benefit of the doubt.I'm sure you would have been against a boycott of southern states during Jim Crow as well. Until all our citizens are granted equal rights, it is up to us to put a spotlight on those that deny them. I'm assuming you do not have an lgbtq family member or close friend that you love denied their basic rights.
Let the kids play their games, and take the political game to capitol hill.
We dont need any political group using sports as a weapon against their poilitical adversaries.
btw, I didnt bring this up.
I just disagree with the tactic.
Commonplace?I brought it up and to be quite honest with you creatively discriminatory laws are commonplace in the South. I'm sorry but there are absolutes and those states will change once something that matters to them is affected.
Again, retarded. Not one legislature gives a shit about women's college soccer. Now I am laughing.I brought it up and to be quite honest with you creatively discriminatory laws are commonplace in the South. I'm sorry but there are absolutes and those states will change once something that matters to them is affected.
I give a shit about it, but to be honest, only because my daughters play it.Again, retarded. No one gives a shit about women's college soccer. Now I am laughing.
You assume alot, but it doesnt seem like you want to specifically explain which "basic rights" are being taken away.
Are you confusing civil liberties with civil rights?
Are you referring to "basic rights" as constitutional rights?
Which "rights" ?
No basic rights are being infringed. You can still stick your stick and platinum vajeen where you want. You can dress up as a girl or boy. You can even think you are a girl or a boy with or without a stick. You can even be queer if you choose. The point is that you can choose but I don't have to agree with it. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
The right to marry is not exclusive. We can come back to that.The rights to marry, start a family, join an extracurricular at a public school, use the damn restroom, etc. based on gender or sexuality.
I believe you need to look up the definition of civil rights.
So I assumed correctly?
I am trying to understand your point of view, and have not said one hateful word.Came for the soccer talk, ended up getting bigotry and ignorance. Trumps America, ladies and gentlemen.
I am trying to understand your point of view, and have not said one hateful word.
Ive even been patient with your less than civil insinuations toward me.
I did not bring this up.
Im just providing an alternative view of the situation.
The right to marry is not exclusive. We can come back to that.
Which extracurriculars are people being unfairly discriminated against, and who is not allowed to use the restroom?
We need to be specific in order to understand what this is about.
This "boycott will affect a lot of people. I just want to understand what we are talking about here.
No basic rights are being infringed. You can still stick your stick and platinum vajeen where you want. You can dress up as a girl or boy. You can even think you are a girl or a boy with or without a stick. You can even be queer if you choose. The point is that you can choose but I don't have to agree with it. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Gay marriage is legal in some states, and not legal in others, although I think the union is recognized in all 50. The "union" has equal protections under federal law.It is not exclusive in the way the 1st amendment is not exclusive. The government has a compelling interest in not allowing children to marry, family members to marry, etc. In the absence of compelling govt interest, there is the right to marry. Are you suggesting the govt has an interest in disallowing gay marriage?
Any extracurricular in ky (and maybe other states now) can refuse to allow a student join based on "religious freedom". So you have a gay daughter in bfe,ky who isn't offered a spot on her soccer team at her public high school bc of her sexuality.
Who is not allowed to use the restroom? Any trans person who does not find it worth the embarrassment and probably harassment for using the restroom that coincides with their birth gender.
Gay marriage is legal in some states, and not legal in others, although I think the union is recognized in all 50. The "union" has equal protections under federal law.
I have a sister who is gay, and lives in the south, with her "partner", and is doing great.
Is there a public school in Kentucky that would not allow a female soccer player to play on a female soccer team because she's lesbian? If that is the case, I dont agree with it.
The restroom issue concerns not only the rights of the "trans", but the rights of others who wish to use the restroom of their designated gender.
Who's rights are more important?
This is a state and local issue that is best determined locally.
I dont want men in the bathroom with my daughters, but you may live in a town where everyone loves it
As a plumber, I understand plumbing, and how public restrooms are designed, not to embarrass, or empower people, but to accommodate a bodily function based on the plumbing "particulars" of the gender designated on the door.