Your playing a one sided card game.Unless you are trying to say that my disapproval of those who would deny them equality is bigotry? It's bigoted of me to disapprove of bigots? Ok!
Im across the table.
Your playing a one sided card game.Unless you are trying to say that my disapproval of those who would deny them equality is bigotry? It's bigoted of me to disapprove of bigots? Ok!
Someone needs to study the Constitution!
Your playing a one sided card game.
Im across the table.
I asked you earlier about rights, and you didnt respond.
I moved on, and this was a snippet on state politics. I didnt get into constitutional ramifications, but if you believe traditional public restrooms are unconstitutional, please explain.
I dont have a law degree.Where you tell me where you got your law degree, we can have an educated conversation on the subject. Otherwise, I have the feeling it will be a waste of my time.
I hear Santa Clara is dangerous this year!UCLA is going to take it all this year. MAP!
I didnt mean it in a disparaging way.In my world, a person who uses the term "tranny" doesn't even get a seat at the table. You can either find some enlightenment, or remain by yourself in the dark ages. Have a good day.
Now back to soccer!
The government's job in our republic, is to represent the constituency that elects it.
If that constituency elects people to ban smoking, or determine which public restrooms can be used by men or women, then they stay elected.
Otherwise, they get voted out.
States using boycotts on issues as trivial as public restrooms when they have serious budgetary, infrastructure, and economic issues to contend with at home, are playing a political puppet show for the easily led.
The role could just as easily be reversed.
I could see you as the intolerant.
I dont play the identity politics game.
You can call me a bigot if you wish, but it says far more about your intolerance than it does about any perceived bigotry on my end.
I hear Santa Clara is dangerous this year!
I have a big heart.Come on Bernie. There is a law still on the books in Georgia that bans oral sex. Booze was once banned. If we are going to put our faith in the lowest common denominator then we are in for some serious problems. If we were to go with what is popular my player wouldn't even exist. Have a heart. I know a wonderful woman that had to have the national guard escort her to class in elementary school due to the unpopularity of forced integration. Unfortunately for all of us "separate but equal" was popular. Popular and extremely flawed.
I asked you earlier about rights, and you didnt respond.
I moved on, and this was a snippet on state politics. I didnt get into constitutional ramifications, but if you believe traditional public restrooms are unconstitutional, please explain.
Or you can just be content with labeling me as a bigot and we can end this now.
Come on Bernie. There is a law still on the books in Georgia that bans oral sex. Booze was once banned. If we are going to put our faith in the lowest common denominator then we are in for some serious problems. If we were to go with what is popular my player wouldn't even exist. Have a heart. I know a wonderful woman that had to have the national guard escort her to class in elementary school due to the unpopularity of forced integration. Unfortunately for all of us "separate but equal" was popular. Popular and extremely flawed.
Identity politics."Identity politics" seems to be the theme of the week. What do you mean by that?
I have a big heart.
I just disagree with the bathroom boycott.
You can call me a bigot.
I dont really care.
How do traditional restrooms where men stand up, and women sit down, "oppress" people?This is why the constitution is the law of the land, and not the will of the majority. Equal Protection for minority groups, even if the majority wants to oppress them. Brown and Obergefell two historic examples of this.
What does the law say?You said yourself you would be unhappy if your gay daughter wasn't allowed to play on her high school team due to her sexuality. This is actually a law in the books in KY, not hypothetical. I'm sure you would also be unhappy if she were not allowed to adopt a child, which is not allowed in many states. The list goes on and on for basic rights denied to them.
Just like I am sure you have boycotted a product for doing something you disagree with, the state govt has every right to boycott as well. It's the only way to get these other states attention, and let them know we find their actions unconstitutional and unamerican. Hit em where it hurts- $$$.
How do traditional restrooms where men stand up, and women sit down, "oppress" people?
This is what we are talking about.
Not Jim Crow.
Not dogs and firehoses.
Not segregated schools.
You said yourself you would be unhappy if your gay daughter wasn't allowed to play on her high school team due to her sexuality. This is actually a law in the books in KY, not hypothetical. I'm sure you would also be unhappy if she were not allowed to adopt a child, which is not allowed in many states.. does the law say?
Can you show it to me?
Nobody is doing that.You are forcing them to prove their gender in order to perform a basic bodily function, which is an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Would you like the gender police to check your junk before entering a restroom? Don't you think you'd find it oppressive?