Gay marriage is legal in some states, and not legal in others, although I think the union is recognized in all 50. The "union" has equal protections under federal law.
I have a sister who is gay, and lives in the south, with her "partner", and is doing great.
Is there a public school in Kentucky that would not allow a female soccer player to play on a female soccer team because she's lesbian? If that is the case, I dont agree with it.
The restroom issue concerns not only the rights of the "trans", but the rights of others who wish to use the restroom of their designated gender.
Who's rights are more important?
This is a state and local issue that is best determined locally.
I dont want men in the bathroom with my daughters, but you may live in a town where everyone loves it
As a plumber, I understand plumbing, and how public restrooms are designed, not to embarrass, or empower people, but to accommodate a bodily function based on the plumbing "particulars" of the gender designated on the door.