Ethnic purification.
The remaining twits don't know what to do without crush to cover up their crazy with his historically crazy.
Ethnic purification.
The best part is hospitals in California allowed Covid positive nurses to keep working. So someone that doesn't have Covid is a big risk and needs to wear a mask at a hospital, but its OK for a Covid positive person to work at a hospital. Makes perfect sense in a sciency sort of way.
It's just nuts. There is a reason why nurses and other healthcare workers in hosptitals are leaving - on to greener pastures where the pay is better and the leadership more logical. Good money to be made in telehealth, sales, traveling . Good on them but hospitals will suffer.The best part is hospitals in California allowed Covid positive nurses to keep working. So someone that doesn't have Covid is a big risk and needs to wear a mask at a hospital, but its OK for a Covid positive person to work at a hospital. Makes perfect sense in a sciency sort of way.
I see. Free thinkers like you, Joe Rogan, white nationalists, crush and a couple other people here are the ones who know what you're talking about. It really is a conspiracy to take down the manufacturer of horse de-wormer. There really is a tunnel under that DC pizza parlor straight to the WH. Ted Cruz's dad really did shoot JFK. Jack Ruby and the guy in the viking helmet who stormed the Capitol were really ANTIFA. Democracy really is doing such a terrible job, we need to get rid of it ASAP as you propose. If you can't have your democracy a la carte, what is the point right? Especially if it's going to result in your kid getting embarrassed at school because he needs to wear a mask.
I see. Free thinkers like you, Joe Rogan, white nationalists, crush and a couple other people here are the ones who know what you're talking about. It really is a conspiracy to take down the manufacturer of horse de-wormer. There really is a tunnel under that DC pizza parlor straight to the WH. Ted Cruz's dad really did shoot JFK. Jack Ruby and the guy in the viking helmet who stormed the Capitol were really ANTIFA. Democracy really is doing such a terrible job, we need to get rid of it ASAP as you propose. If you can't have your democracy a la carte, what is the point right? Especially if it's going to result in your kid getting embarrassed at school because he needs to wear a mask.
I absolutely love the fact that you own your words, such conviction and mastery of the topic. What exactly is a remedial science class?IKR? These hospitals have no idea what they're doing. They need to get those masks off all their staff. Stat!
I wonder how many of you nut jobs ever imagined that one day you'd be calling doctors and hospitals clueless about healthcare delivery and public health. And the CDC. And the NIH. And the American Medical Association. And the American Academy of Pediatrics. Was there some event in your life that caused you to lose your mind? Fell off a bike without a helmet? Fell off a horse without a helmet? Played too much football without a helmet? Air bag didn't deploy? When you were sitting in the back of your remedial science class in HS (in which you got a D only so the school could you the hell out of there), did you day dream that one day you and a former UFC announcer would save the world from a pandemic by telling everyone to eat horse de-wormer?
Anyone else care to join this doctor's display of intestinal fortitude?
I absolutely love the fact that you own your words, such conviction and mastery of the topic. What exactly is a remedial science class?
You do make a good sheep, thinking that public health and hosptitals have hit homeruns in pandemic response. Oh, let's not forget your local and state government agencies. They've been on it too. Mask on, mask off. Vaxx on, Vaxx off. I'm sure you can't wait for the u5 vaccine to take off - then you'll finally feel safe. All of those snotty ulittles spreadin that covid to everyone, jumpstarting breakthrough infections, havens for mutating virus.
You are such a beloved clown.
You’re rambling again…tell you what…why don’t you get off the board, go find someone nice, have a kid, then come back and let us know how it all worked out. You’re just one of those kids who listened so wholeheartedly to your professor that you failed to do any intellectual thinking on your own. Go free young grasshopperIf hospitals and public health officials are telling you something, absolutely positively don't believe it! Am I right? Our very lives depend on disregarding the CDC, the AMA, the American Association of Pediatrics, the NIH, virtually every hospital in America and California's public health agencies. Plus the NYT, OSHA, California's public health agencies, the NYT, WaPo, the LA Times. They are all part of an anti-science conspiracy to kill our children. Believe one guy in Louisiana instead! I don't know anything about him, but he is clearly the only one standing up for science and freedom! Vaccines kill! Masks kill!
The remaining twits don't know what to do without crush to cover up their crazy with his historically crazy.
You’re rambling again…tell you what…why don’t you get off the board, go find someone nice, have a kid, then come back and let us know how it all worked out. You’re just one of those kids who listened so wholeheartedly to your professor that you failed to do any intellectual thinking on your own. Go free young grasshopper no, you lack intestinal fortitude. Shocked!When you were sitting in the back of the HS civics class that you eventually failed, did you day dream that one day you and an anonymous "news" aggregator would save the world by exposing the LA Times, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the CDC, the AMA, the American Association of Pediatrics and virtually every healthcare provider in America as frauds and engaged in a conspiracy to destroy our children's self-esteem?
Hey, where'd doctor quackapotomus go to medical school? Care to chime in on this guy's work history and expertise? How 'bout his "expert opinion" about how the vaccine is killing 2x more people than it saves? About how he thinks people should be more worried about the medical industries' conspiracy to silence him than Qanon? I take it he and crush are geniuses?
And what about this Citizen Free Press? A pillar of journalistic excellence am I right? Are only the most qualified (mostly anonymous) freedom lovers allowed to post articles there? That article about feminine hygiene products in a Drexel U men's room would be Pulitzer for sure if it weren't in on the conspiracy too. Seriously, everyone is in on this conspiracy. So conspiratorial.
...for the love of God man...not John Kerry! You're broken.I'm sorry, you couldn't find a real doctor to support anything you're saying? Just a former UFC announcer and some joke of a doctor you don't know anything about who may or may not even be real? You guys really need to go back to the Bangladesh and Polish "studies" that you found from your alt right fringe websites.
Seriously, what led to your mental break? How did you ever get from being just a pretty dumb HS student to believing that the American Association of Pediatrics is really a cabal of evil baby killers? Did you just wake up one day and say, "Wow, that UFC announcer really makes a lot of sense with his 'outside the box' free thinking that is the opposite of what just about every public health agency and hospital is saying?" Or did you ease into conspiracy theories with Costner's JFK movie followed by some Swift boating? no, you lack intestinal fortitude. Shocked!
...lame, I known better... I'm out.No you do. Well, mostly it sounds like your kids do. It sounds like home school is right up their alley.
I'm sorry, you couldn't find a real doctor to support anything you're saying? Just a former UFC announcer and some joke of a doctor you don't know anything about who may or may not even be real? You guys really need to go back to the Bangladesh and Polish "studies" that you found from your alt right fringe websites.
Seriously, what led to your mental break? How did you ever get from being just a pretty dumb HS student to believing that the American Association of Pediatrics is really a cabal of evil baby killers? Did you just wake up one day and say, "Wow, that UFC announcer really makes a lot of sense with his 'outside the box' free thinking that is the opposite of what just about every public health agency and hospital is saying?" Or did you ease into conspiracy theories with Costner's JFK movie followed by some Swift boating?
So the vaccine providing a far better chance of limited symptoms and chance of being hospitalized or death is not good enough for you?Getting vaxxed with proven vaccines, that actually prevent the spread and ability to catch the disease, is a lot different than a covid flu shot!! You do know that the flu shot is a vaccine right? As far as I know there is no mandate to get that...hmm
A friend just came home from the hospital after needed surgery with Covid. Went in with a negative came out with a positive.It's just nuts. There is a reason why nurses and other healthcare workers in hosptitals are leaving - on to greener pastures where the pay is better and the leadership more logical. Good money to be made in telehealth, sales, traveling . Good on them but hospitals will suffer.
For myself, I got Covid, I didn’t go to hospital or have symptoms severe enough to feel like I need to get it…doesn’t mean that everyone shouldn’t get it, but for me there wasn’t a need.So the vaccine providing a far better chance of limited symptoms and chance of being hospitalized or death is not good enough for you?
Welcome to the club.or I could just take individual responsibility for my actions and stop reading your posts.