Sunday Sermon on Covid Standards at the work place. Gold standard my ass!!!! Too much pressure on so many people just to keep a job. If you dont adhere to the 6 x 6, your out of here. What a guy to work for.
I had a sales manager lady boss try to preach to me how fortunate I was to walk around LA trying to peddle yellow pages to small business owners. I swear I would walk in to businesses in Palos Verdes and San Pedro and show them the "Donnelley Directory." You all remember those commercials, "The book the phone company doesn;t want you to read" AT&T had a monopoly forever until 1984. 1984 anyone could print a phone book with ads in them. 60% margins, a real Cash Cow is all I can say. Well, the folks in the South Bay were pissed off because most of the books were never delivered the year I joined the crew. ABC News found them in trash dumpsters. The delivery crew got tired and skipped a few cities I heard later. I went out on the streets all excited and I got yelled & screamed at like no one's business from every business owner in San Pedro & PV, It was harsh
Miss Manager said it was all my fault I had goose eggs ((no sales my first two weeks)) because I didnt handle objections right. We would roll play and roll play in her dam office every morning before I went out for my beatings. She went to all girls college in the Mid West and was going to be the boss of all the bosses, that was her goal.
How she rolled played with me in her office. Never went out to get yelled out with me either. I told myself if I ever get a chance to be boss I will always go out and take abuse with my reps.
Me: Hi, I'm Hank with Donnelly. I want to help you get new customers
Her: Oh great, come on back here and show me your directory
Real Life Objection
Me: Hi, I'm Frank with Donnelley. I want to help you get new customers ((clients if Lawyer or Dr))
Lawyer: Fuck off!!!
Me: Excuse me
Lawyer: You heard me, F off punk. BTW, did you see the news last night? No one in the South Bay received your dam book. I only advertise in Pac Bell. Good luck loser. I would look for something else to cheat folks in instead of telling them you deleiver phones to homes in the South Bay. Now get loss before I call the cops.
Me: Thanks for the intel
The good news, the DD sold to a private company owned by the O'Malley family and we gave refunds to all the small businesses in the South Bay. I worked hard and help change the culture and horrible sales training at head quarters. I took over the sales class and took the class outside in the real world. It was fun!!!
I had a sales manager lady boss try to preach to me how fortunate I was to walk around LA trying to peddle yellow pages to small business owners. I swear I would walk in to businesses in Palos Verdes and San Pedro and show them the "Donnelley Directory." You all remember those commercials, "The book the phone company doesn;t want you to read" AT&T had a monopoly forever until 1984. 1984 anyone could print a phone book with ads in them. 60% margins, a real Cash Cow is all I can say. Well, the folks in the South Bay were pissed off because most of the books were never delivered the year I joined the crew. ABC News found them in trash dumpsters. The delivery crew got tired and skipped a few cities I heard later. I went out on the streets all excited and I got yelled & screamed at like no one's business from every business owner in San Pedro & PV, It was harsh
How she rolled played with me in her office. Never went out to get yelled out with me either. I told myself if I ever get a chance to be boss I will always go out and take abuse with my reps.
Me: Hi, I'm Hank with Donnelly. I want to help you get new customers
Her: Oh great, come on back here and show me your directory
Real Life Objection
Me: Hi, I'm Frank with Donnelley. I want to help you get new customers ((clients if Lawyer or Dr))
Lawyer: Fuck off!!!
Me: Excuse me
Lawyer: You heard me, F off punk. BTW, did you see the news last night? No one in the South Bay received your dam book. I only advertise in Pac Bell. Good luck loser. I would look for something else to cheat folks in instead of telling them you deleiver phones to homes in the South Bay. Now get loss before I call the cops.
Me: Thanks for the intel
The good news, the DD sold to a private company owned by the O'Malley family and we gave refunds to all the small businesses in the South Bay. I worked hard and help change the culture and horrible sales training at head quarters. I took over the sales class and took the class outside in the real world. It was fun!!!