Whats allowed?
Don't the counties have to change or apply for variance to stay at home to allow anything including camps before Cal south return to play even begins? Nothing is automatic or granted due to state issuing guidance in most sectors now, youth sports has yet to have those.
Return to play doc:
1. State and local "stay and shelter" regulations are lifted for youth sports with conditions
Haven't seen or heard #1 from the state, county, or any locals just yet. Maybe this week will bring greater clarity.
When that is done of course need facilities to be open and permit those sports activities. The camp angle might work for some but of course "camps" normally have a different insurance so I won't be surprised to see that as a requirement for rentals by places that use that standard.
I'm just hoping there is a quicker way to cut through all the hoops but have a feeling that the DisneyLand reopening dates( mid July) are about where we will be before youth soccer is really back for everyone in all of SoCal.