What is your School Doing so far regarding sports?

We hear you pediatricians: Kids don’t usually get severe symptoms. They are usually asymptomatic. That is all well and good, but kids can still spread the virus to each other. They might not get sick, but they can take those germs home to their families. They can give those germs to their teachers, who can take it home to their families. Yes, we, as teachers, are used to being the sacrificial lambs. Yes, we protect our students and would take a bullet for them if necessary. We would give our lives to keep them safe when they are in our care. But I am not willing to expose myself to COVID and take COVID home to my family for the sake of having school in-person when that is completely preventable.

We hear you, governors: wE aRe hAVinG a haRd tiMe mAkiNg dEcisiONs. Yes, this is an ever-changing situation and we have all been keeping our fingers crossed, but COVID is not going away, cases are on the rise, the school year is approaching, and we need answers.

We hear you, Secretary of Education (“the first secretary of education with zero experience in public schools”): Blah, blah, blah. Please sit down.

We hear you, President: These CDC guidelines are too safe. Make them less safe and easier and cheaper to follow. Open the schools or I will cut your funding. The health and safety of this country’s children and teachers is more important than the economy. That should be obvious and not a political issue to be debated.

But what do I know? I’m just a teacher. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think it is extremely unfair that teachers are being told they need to go back to work regardless, yet the Fed has provided an extra $600/week for those who are furloughed (by choice or by necessity) in order to help serve their families or keep themselves out of a high risk situation. Just more hypocrisy in the overall handling by our elected officials.....ALL OF THEM.
I think it is extremely unfair that teachers are being told they need to go back to work regardless, yet the Fed has provided an extra $600/week for those who are furloughed (by choice or by necessity) in order to help serve their families or keep themselves out of a high risk situation. Just more hypocrisy in the overall handling by our elected officials.....ALL OF THEM.
I agree Kicker. We need a new school system too.
We hear you pediatricians: Kids don’t usually get severe symptoms. They are usually asymptomatic. That is all well and good, but kids can still spread the virus to each other. They might not get sick, but they can take those germs home to their families. They can give those germs to their teachers, who can take it home to their families. Yes, we, as teachers, are used to being the sacrificial lambs. Yes, we protect our students and would take a bullet for them if necessary. We would give our lives to keep them safe when they are in our care. But I am not willing to expose myself to COVID and take COVID home to my family for the sake of having school in-person when that is completely preventable.

We hear you, governors: wE aRe hAVinG a haRd tiMe mAkiNg dEcisiONs. Yes, this is an ever-changing situation and we have all been keeping our fingers crossed, but COVID is not going away, cases are on the rise, the school year is approaching, and we need answers.

We hear you, Secretary of Education (“the first secretary of education with zero experience in public schools”): Blah, blah, blah. Please sit down.

We hear you, President: These CDC guidelines are too safe. Make them less safe and easier and cheaper to follow. Open the schools or I will cut your funding. The health and safety of this country’s children and teachers is more important than the economy. That should be obvious and not a political issue to be debated.

But what do I know? I’m just a teacher. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The argument behind the article is basically "I'm scared and I don't want to go back until it's safe." Even assuming we can get to "safe" by having a vaccine that work and that gets quickly deployed, here's the flaw in the thinking: lot's of people are being asked to do things which aren't safe either-- health care workers, supermarket workers, meat packing plant workers, the police, your aircon guy, your plumber, your hair dresser. If it's not safe for a teacher to go back, it's not safe for them to go back either. The argument logically leads to a position that we need to shut down everything (except maybe workers who do COVID, food, water, electricity and the police) and not force workers who are scared to go back to work. Therefore, if you have plumbing that breaks down, you should be SOL, because it's selfish of you to ask a plumber to come to your house. This is essentially an argument for perpetual lockdown because of the maxim that used to be expressed "women and children first". Yes, children come before educators. They should come before we open gyms and bars. They come before your plumbing and airconditioning. They come before your protests. They should be at the head of the line, because they are the future and among the least vulnerable to the virus, but we are insisting on doing lasting, permanent and inequatable harm to them for the sake of older Americans. That's just a backwards way of thinking about it. If the schools aren't o.k., then none of it is....shut it all down and everyone use their best survival skills as the social order disintegrates around us after a year long lockdown....every person for themselves.
The argument behind the article is basically "I'm scared and I don't want to go back until it's safe." Even assuming we can get to "safe" by having a vaccine that work and that gets quickly deployed, here's the flaw in the thinking: lot's of people are being asked to do things which aren't safe either-- health care workers, supermarket workers, meat packing plant workers, the police, your aircon guy, your plumber, your hair dresser. If it's not safe for a teacher to go back, it's not safe for them to go back either. The argument logically leads to a position that we need to shut down everything (except maybe workers who do COVID, food, water, electricity and the police) and not force workers who are scared to go back to work. Therefore, if you have plumbing that breaks down, you should be SOL, because it's selfish of you to ask a plumber to come to your house. This is essentially an argument for perpetual lockdown because of the maxim that used to be expressed "women and children first". Yes, children come before educators. They should come before we open gyms and bars. They come before your plumbing and airconditioning. They come before your protests. They should be at the head of the line, because they are the future and among the least vulnerable to the virus, but we are insisting on doing lasting, permanent and inequatable harm to them for the sake of older Americans. That's just a backwards way of thinking about it. If the schools aren't o.k., then none of it is....shut it all down and everyone use their best survival skills as the social order disintegrates around us after a year long lockdown....every person for themselves.
The issue with this argument is that you are not taking into account the fact that schools are gatherings of many,many people indoors in poor ventilated areas. And, for many hours. Social distancing is nearly impossible, as well as getting kids to wear masks. Yes,all of your other examples are dangerous as well. But they allow for safety precautions to be followed better than schools, with the exception of healthcare
The issue with this argument is that you are not taking into account the fact that schools are gatherings of many,many people indoors in poor ventilated areas. And, for many hours. Social distancing is nearly impossible, as well as getting kids to wear masks. Yes,all of your other examples are dangerous as well. But they allow for safety precautions to be followed better than schools, with the exception of healthcare
I know a guy who owns a plumbing company in LA. 28 trucks and 20 plumbers. That's a huge problem to have 8 trucks sitting. He was able to get some PPP help and some deferments on a few truck payments from Allied but that is all over now. You see, some plumbers he had were not doing well before the Corona health wise and they quit. Plumbers have it tough and they also come in all sizes and all different back grounds and underlying health issues. I hear he might just BK and down size. Got too big at the wrong time.. Good luck hiring someone to make $5,000 a month and risk brain damage and the unknowns of the corona bat virus from Wuhan when they can stay home for $4100 a month and live life and be safe. Maybe pay the AC or plumbing company triple like hospitals? My LA plumber says his customers are looking for a corona discount deal. Hospitals get triple pay and teachers get paid, but in order for AC Teach to get paid, he has to risk his life to make a buck and others can stay cool in their nice house where they work from. Nice!!!
The issue with this argument is that you are not taking into account the fact that schools are gatherings of many,many people indoors in poor ventilated areas. And, for many hours. Social distancing is nearly impossible, as well as getting kids to wear masks. Yes,all of your other examples are dangerous as well. But they allow for safety precautions to be followed better than schools, with the exception of healthcare

Errr...some of our biggest outbreaks have been in meat packing plants, the military and prisons. So if that's the standard we shouldn't force people to work there, and the military should be furloughed. Not to mention health care workers, who despite the PPE have been catching the virus in record amounts. If the PPE doesn't keep the health worker safe, much less the plumber or aircon guy or contractor going into an infected person's house. Meanwhile, we know that transmission from children is less substantial than adult-adult or adult-child.
Errr...some of our biggest outbreaks have been in meat packing plants, the military and prisons. So if that's the standard we shouldn't force people to work there, and the military should be furloughed. Not to mention health care workers, who despite the PPE have been catching the virus in record amounts. If the PPE doesn't keep the health worker safe, much less the plumber or aircon guy or contractor going into an infected person's house. Meanwhile, we know that transmission from children is less substantial than adult-adult or adult-child.
Time to shut it all down and re think all this. No more games folks. All or nothing at all. Teachers, do you agree all professions are of equal importance and all professions have the same health concerns and in today's health scare all are equal? Or is the dumb ac tech or plumber or trash man beneath the virus and they have to work because they didnt pay attention in class? Should all the tradesman vote and say no more service? No one to watch their kids to help you so your house is cool? I see a lot selfishness going on and some who are milking this opportunity for selfish gain. Shameful shameful shameful and more shame.
Risk for a HS teacher and risk for a plumber are far different.

A HS teacher is exposed to 150 different people every day. Those 150 people are themselves exposed to hundreds more people every day.

Nothing like going into the house of a family who have been sheltering in place. 50 such houses per month? Still bad, but nothing like the HS.

Elementary is different. Lower risk kids and fewer of them.
Time to shut it all down and re think all this. No more games folks. All or nothing at all. Teachers, do you agree all professions are of equal importance and all professions have the same health concerns and in today's health scare all are equal? Or is the dumb ac tech or plumber or trash man beneath the virus and they have to work because they didnt pay attention in class? Should all the tradesman vote and say no more service? No one to watch their kids to help you so your house is cool? I see a lot selfishness going on and some who are milking this opportunity for selfish gain. Shameful shameful shameful and more shame.

All professions are equal importance so why dont we step up and provide n95 masks and PPP to all the nation's teachers to face sneezing and coughing kids. We are asking them to be essential frontline workers. Each mask is $10 each teacher will need multiple masks a week. It costs at least $75000 to put in shields at each school for each kid.

So how much money is everyone ready to contribute?

We should also put in legal and punitive penalties for parents who knowingly send a symptomatic child to school as they do in cold and flu season on a regular basis.

Plumbers now ask if someone is symptomatic or has been in prior weeks. Covid lives in sewage for over a week. They will either deny service or get fully gowned up in PPE and charge appropriately.

Plumbers have a choice who they do business with. Teachers don't. Some irresponsible parent will send their sick kid to school. You can count on it.
We should also put in legal and punitive penalties for parents who knowingly send a symptomatic child to school as they do in cold and flu season on a regular basis.

Plumbers now ask if someone is symptomatic or has been in prior weeks. Covid lives in sewage for over a week. They will either deny service or get fully gowned up in PPE and charge appropriately.

Plumbers have a choice who they do business with. Teachers don't. Some irresponsible parent will send their sick kid to school. You can count on it.
First off, your full of sh*t about covid living in sewer. If that was the case, we all would be in big doo doo. So keep your fear based BS out here newbie. Plumbers and AC techs do not have a choice. Are you serious? Did the the religous baker have a choice? No, all AC, electrical and plumbing companies have to serve everyone.

Plumbing dispatcher: ABC plumbers, how can I make you smile today?

Customer: All my toilets backed up and I have a big mess in my house

PD: Do you have Corona or do you know anyone WHO has it or had or might have or you suspect has or had it? Tell the truth

Customer: Well, my neighbor............................

PD: Sorry, no service!!!
Easy solution - take the temperature of every kid before school.
I have a way better solution and it's going to happen. Let all kids and teachers become free agents. Let charter schools flourish to compete with the government school system without threats and more threats of holding $$$$$ back like t is doing now. Money talks!!! Charter schools are the schools of the future. How do we get rid of bad teachers if they have a job for life? We need innovation in education big time, just like we do in youth sports and basically life. This is going to be fantastic for the youth and parents. The old school way of school is over!!!! It's impossible to go back to the old school way of teaching because it's way too dangerous. I mean that 100%!!!
All professions are equal importance so why dont we step up and provide n95 masks and PPP to all the nation's teachers to face sneezing and coughing kids. We are asking them to be essential frontline workers. Each mask is $10 each teacher will need multiple masks a week. It costs at least $75000 to put in shields at each school for each kid.

So how much money is everyone ready to contribute?

We should also put in legal and punitive penalties for parents who knowingly send a symptomatic child to school as they do in cold and flu season on a regular basis.

Plumbers now ask if someone is symptomatic or has been in prior weeks. Covid lives in sewage for over a week. They will either deny service or get fully gowned up in PPE and charge appropriately.

Plumbers have a choice who they do business with. Teachers don't. Some irresponsible parent will send their sick kid to school. You can count on it.
No comprende
Easy solution - take the temperature of every kid before school.

Our school district proposed that and masks before entry. With a thousand kids and two entrances will take a long time to get everyone in. Parents would have to wait somewhere to make sure and parking becomes a problem.

Not saying that its is not doable but there some challenges there, same with going to the restroom with distancing, washing hands, soap in dispenser. Just not enough quantity of them so kids will be in a long queue holding it to get to the restrooms or will need to also carry hand sanitizer. Most schools are not equipped or have the staff to deal with the logistics. Even keeping soap, supplies, or the restrooms clean pre-covid was a challenge.

Solutions can be found but there neither easy, quick, or cheap and cooperation and compliance are big challenges.
Our school district proposed that and masks before entry. With a thousand kids and two entrances will take a long time to get everyone in. Parents would have to wait somewhere to make sure and parking becomes a problem.

Not saying that its is not doable but there some challenges there, same with going to the restroom with distancing, washing hands, soap in dispenser. Just not enough quantity of them so kids will be in a long queue holding it to get to the restrooms or will need to also carry hand sanitizer. Most schools are not equipped or have the staff to deal with the logistics. Even keeping soap, supplies, or the restrooms clean pre-covid was a challenge.

Solutions can be found but there neither easy, quick, or cheap and cooperation and compliance are big challenges.
Start over and innovate. If their is something that needs fixing its this school system we throw all kids in. I'm talking high school here folks, We need to separate kids around 16. 16 is adult in the real world. So many kids are being preached to and baby sat, and not taught. It's becoming a political religion and it's just horrible. This is all coming down and then we will rebuild. Too dangerous JP and I mean too dangerous to get the virus. 50,000 New Yonkers are on charter school waiting lists as I speak and they can;t leave the government school. why? $1,000,000,000 reason why, that's why. Free the children and give ALL parents a choice to shop around for the best school in town. Let schools compete for the customers!!!!
Our school district proposed that and masks before entry. With a thousand kids and two entrances will take a long time to get everyone in. Parents would have to wait somewhere to make sure and parking becomes a problem.

Not saying that its is not doable but there some challenges there, same with going to the restroom with distancing, washing hands, soap in dispenser. Just not enough quantity of them so kids will be in a long queue holding it to get to the restrooms or will need to also carry hand sanitizer. Most schools are not equipped or have the staff to deal with the logistics. Even keeping soap, supplies, or the restrooms clean pre-covid was a challenge.

Solutions can be found but there neither easy, quick, or cheap and cooperation and compliance are big challenges.
I completely agree, but rather than looking at negatives, it makes sense to look at positives and actually start working on what needs to be done.