From some guy I know, who knows a guy, who knows a guy.......
"Unfortunately, this afternoon we were notified by the County that all school athletics and conditioning programs are not permissible at this time. On June 15, 2020, the County of Orange (County) issued a press release indicating that the County would allow the reopening of practices for youth sports under the COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Day Camps. Since that time, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has provided clarified guidance. Specifically, CDPH’s Industry Guidance for Day Camps indicates that recreational team sports were not permitted under the guidance for day camps. Similarly, CDPH’s Guidance for Gyms and Fitness Centers does not apply to recreational team sports. Finally, CDPH’s Interim Guidance for Schools and School Based Programs does not specifically address school-based sports and extracurricular activities, but indicates that further specific guidance would be forthcoming.
Although CDPH has indicated guidance would be forthcoming, to date CDPH has not issued statewide industry guidance for reopening recreational team sports or recreational youth sports activities. On July 6, 2020, the Orange County Department of Education communicated directly with CDPH through an Essential Services Inquiry. CDPH has confirmed that at this time youth sports, including conditioning activities, are not permitted. CDPH again indicated that guidance specific to youth sports would be released in the future."