Mic Nificent
Mom worked 2 jobs. Older siblings “raised us” while she was at work and she devoted her days off to us.
We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly.My DD is 16yrs old and she has done some neat stuff to stay occupied. She has started her own little garden, so in return my daughter, 11yr old son and I have started to build our own planter boxes from scratch. Teaching them how to measure, cut wood, screw the pieces together, stain and paint and mount them to our retaining wall. We bought her canvases and she’s discovered she actually a pretty good artist. We have been going on family runs around the neighborhood. We remodeled our bathroom together. Next is the kitchen. This is a good time to start projects around the house with the help of your kids. Soccer is not the end all be all. I hope each kid doesn’t think all they are is a soccer player and without they are lost. Soccer is one of many things they do, it’s not who they are. If soccer ended I have no doubt my kids will be fine and find something else constructive to do until this is resolved.
I completely judged you and for that I'm sorry. I thought you were the stay home mom. My bad and I am very impressed with your nuclear family. That is bad ass parenting and great job. I love happy families and you have one. Good job dad.Yes she can. My daughter would be happy to show him what I’ve taught her on my days off from work. My 16yr old watches my 11yr old while my wife and I are both at work. Any other excuses. Wife works 10 hr days 4 days a week and I work 12 hr days 4x per week. Neither of us from home. We took down our cabinets on my off day (everyone has one of those) taught them how to sand it down so they can do it while I’m at work.
I have a question I'm sure you wont answer but I will try any ways. Why are you here on the soccer forum? Is this cause for you bigger than the virus? Be honest, thanks....We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly.![]()
We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly.![]()
All summer athletic programs cancelled as of 7/9 at our HS.
As other posters have mentioned teachers seem afraid now and the union is against a return for the fall in LA, now this:
Teacher says school reopenings would be 'epidemiological nightmare' as thousands sign remote learning petition
A new petition argues that teachers should not return to school until their respective counties have no new coronavirus cases for 14 days.www.yahoo.com
If you read the la teachers unions demands it’s actually much more sweeping. Among the demands they are making to return to work are An end to new charter creation, reducing the role of police in schools, universal health care for all teachers and students and a federal bailout of schools. I think it’s less about the union being afraid and more about t having weighed in so the union is taking a stand against.
They all wore masks. Socially distanced. They all got it. One died.
Mrs Byrd had diabetes and lupus as well. RIP and I truly mean that. The way this article was written with the headlines and bold words makes you put fear in your mind and that's what the news is about today.Article did mention the first one to fall ill went on a camping trip. Even though the article says they tried to distance if you are traveling it’s pretty much impossible. You are marketing, registering, buying gas, using restrooms, passing by other people