
New ‘Pirola’ variant of COVID is spreading fast, has experts concerned
The rapid spread of Pirola “doesn’t look good right now,” Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, Calif., told Reuters.

The new booster shots, expected to be available later this month, were developed to target the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5.

Nonetheless, the boosters “will likely be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization” from BA.2.86, the CDC states. “That assessment may change as additional scientific data are developed.”

“The vaccine is still going to provide you great defense against illness and death,” Long said.

I'd say you're better off taking it as a, "we're not tolerating your bullshit agenda a 2nd time" if accuracy counts, Fudd.

And people wonder why there is so much distrust. Add to that people like the Meat Beater and Ratboy who not only follow along but condem those who don't.
"I Got Rona"

Double Jabbed and double boostered Dr. Jill Biden has the Rona. One of my good pals has taken all the shots and is sick all the time.
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If you get Covid at Big M, you are being forced to leave campus for 5 days. It's up to you to relocate. You will need to find a community, relative or hotel to stay with. I'm SMFH trying to understand this complete and utter nonsense. They force you to be fully jabbed and wear mask or no school entry for you and they promised the student that if they took jabs, they won't get infected. Now they're saying when you get Covid, stay away. I feel bad for our college students. What a sad state of affairs for our young people.
Covid News
Pirola (pie-roll-la) or another name is "dick" was in a relationship with Omicron but broke up to start his own variant. This guy is very dangerous so be careful out there folks. Oh, the CDC is now saying that those WHO will get Pirola will be just those who already took the jabs. Yup, you heard that right. Those with Natural Immunity are Naturally Immune from anything related to Covid and Omicron and Omicrons relatives. I have been eating and drinking the Natural way for almost 4 years now because I want to survive this attack and then help Make America Great Again and then help kids with free education and free futbol. I only go and grow organic. No meat except the fish I catch. Veggies, salads, lots of greens, fruits, fruit smoothies, plant-based protein shakes, some nuts and lots and lots of water. Water is my BFF. You only have one body to manage. Don't let people bribe you with a job or college entry or any entry if you take the jabs. Think about that and let that sink in your brains. People who control this planet will allow you to work like a slave and attend one of their wonderful Big U's but you MUST put a suspicious substance at best into your blood in order to keep your job or allow one of your precious children to attend one of the prestigious Big Us.

Megan Kelly: “I regret getting the vaccine…For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue…I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, ‘do you think this could have anything to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got covid within three weeks?’ And she said, ‘yes.’”
Howard Stern admits fear of new COVID strain has caused fights with his wife: 'I'm scared,' 'neurotic'
Stern admitted that his wife wants to go out and socialize while he worries about Coronavirus

He also explained how the argument with his wife went over his COVID concerns: "She goes, ‘That’s what you do. Every time I say I’m going to do something, you bring up COVID.'" Giving his reply to her, he said, "I’m just telling you, I’m scared. Am I wrong?"

The host said he did apologize to his wife after the argument. He concluded, saying, "I’m just expressing my fear to you, and I’m scared."
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Howard Stern admits fear of new COVID strain has caused fights with his wife: 'I'm scared,' 'neurotic'
Stern admitted that his wife wants to go out and socialize while he worries about Coronavirus

He also explained how the argument with his wife went over his COVID concerns: "She goes, ‘That’s what you do. Every time I say I’m going to do something, you bring up COVID.'" Giving his reply to her, he said, "I’m just telling you, I’m scared. Am I wrong?"

The host said he did apologize to his wife after the argument. He concluded, saying, "I’m just expressing my fear to you, and I’m scared."

Howie is worried all his money will end up with a wife that's a model and 20-years younger... which is exactly why she's his wife.
Howie is worried all his money will end up with a wife that's a model and 20-years younger... which is exactly why she's his wife.
Remember Howie called us non jabbers imbeciles? Well, Howard is a scared little baby that is full of fear. Money does not take away fear. The human mind is conditioned to be fearful. It's why so many took the jabs. They were afraid for many reasons. My best pal has 7 years left to retire as a teacher. He was afraid to take a stand for saying no to jabs and mask, so he took the jabs. He got blood clot. Another person I know died from cardiac arrest after a few jabs because his wife told him, "No sex unless your fully jabbed." Of course, my old Pastor friend's sister died 30 days after her first jab. She took jab because her spiritual brother told her, "Jesus would take the jabs and obey the leaders" and her boss said if you don't take the jabs, I will have to let you go. Both her boss and her bro are depressed now because their words & actions and "forcefulness" caused this young lady to die suddenly in her sleep and way before her time. RIP Sister, you are truly missed. A big heart who loved everyone.