
you would guess wrong silly goose. Why would you assume that? I'm certainly anti unneccessary vax. Are you one of those who believes/believed vaccinating healthy people was the right thing to do? It was cool to vaccinate healthy children? Big difference between a media painted "anti-vaxxer" and those who question shady medical practice supported by for profit organizations.

Gates is a neccessary evil for the WHO and other organizations - he's positioned himself that way.
Then your reasoning totally escapes me.
Time to get paid moving mask, selling booster shots and supplies for 6 feet back away Jackass or I'm snitching on you. My lib pals are telling everyone to trust the leaders, trust the science because and follow the rules because. Fact: Mask are coming back. Let's see who a good boy is and obeys daddy. My buddy must be in one of these big mask deals because he told me he's giving his two-week notice. I jealous but stoked for him. It's not enough commission to share with his bff (me) but enough to offer me free room & board at his Bali beach bungalow anytime I want and for as long as I want. His payout is enough to quit his job, move to Bali and live off his winnings & savings. He has a killer retirement plan + SS will kick in when time is right so he's set for life.

"Storm Watch," is now "School Watch."

HERE WE GO: School District in South Texas Closes Down Due to ‘Uptick’ in Covid Cases


"I pledge allegiance to the world, and to the Totalitarians of the New World Order. And to the Utopia for which it stands, one people, under global rule, completely conquered, with tyranny and bloodshed for all."
***HERE WE GO*** Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not”

Thoughts? I know many of you in the past said you do what the Doc says and many of you took at least one, two jabs +booster and some just one I thinks. Honest Q here. If Doc say's to take this New Covid-19 Jab, or school says, "no entry" unless your kid takes the New Covid-19 Jab, one that works this time, will you take Joe, school and Docs orders, that no matter whether you took a jab or not before, that this time you will take jab, no matter what, because this time it will work, will any of you obey?

Let's discuss this as parents who brought kids into the world. I will NEVER take a jab, never. I will wear a mask again to just stay on the down low and stay away from people at least 6 feet just to keep the peace but I will NEVER roll my arm up and take this sh*t.
***HERE WE GO*** Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not”

Thoughts? I know many of you in the past said you do what the Doc says and many of you took at least one, two jabs +booster and some just one I thinks. Honest Q here. If Doc say's to take this New Covid-19 Jab, or school says, "no entry" unless your kid takes the New Covid-19 Jab, one that works this time, will you take Joe, school and Docs orders, that no matter whether you took a jab or not before, that this time you will take jab, no matter what, because this time it will work, will any of you obey?

Let's discuss this as parents who brought kids into the world. I will NEVER take a jab, never. I will wear a mask again to just stay on the down low and stay away from people at least 6 feet just to keep the peace but I will NEVER roll my arm up and take this sh*t.
And he’s back……
Doc Sanjay Gupta Warns COVID May Behave in ‘Ways That We Haven’t Seen’
COVID, is still considered novel, meaning there’s nothing quite like it to compare to (What a joke) “When something is novel, it just may behave in ways that we haven’t seen before,” Dr. Gupta stated. “We’re still very much in the early days.” (Oh joy, let's see what this novel crock of you know what turns into this Fall).

“Unfortunately, after feeling a bit under the weather, I tested positive for COVID. I’m watching the US Open from home and can’t wait to get back to work soon," McEnroe said in a statement released by ESPN.
You’re still calling the Covid shot a Vaccine…..that’s the problem.
And you're still believing it's not. A big difference in our culture today is that ignorant idiots have easy access to public discussion, whereas years ago they would have just been recognized as such and ignored.