
In this case, you are too ignorant of science to know how ignorant you are of science.

You're the clown that told me Bill Nye, degreed mechanical engineer, is qualified to be an expert on climate change and a bunch of people that admitted climate change exists are climate change deniers. It's not especially complicated and nobody is racing here to defend you.

Your inability to admit you're ever wrong is a sad story, Fudd, but it explains why you voted for Joe Biden.
You're the clown that told me Bill Nye, degreed mechanical engineer, is qualified to be an expert on climate change and a bunch of people that admitted climate change exists are climate change deniers. It's not especially complicated and nobody is racing here to defend you.

Your inability to admit you're ever wrong is a sad story, Fudd, but it explains why you voted for Joe Biden.
You said that Bill Nye had "no education or background in science". I showed how wrong that was.
You said that Bill Nye had "no education or background in science". I showed how wrong that was.

Right... he doesn't. His degree is in mechanical engineering. His experience is in kid shows and, apparently, being the climate expert for libtards. What part of that confuses you, Fudd?

The only thing you've shown is an inability to admit you're wrong.
Right... he doesn't. His degree is in mechanical engineering. His experience is in kid shows and, apparently, being the climate expert for libtards. What part of that confuses you, Fudd?

The only thing you've shown is an inability to admit you're wrong.
It's kinda like saying Dr. Jill Biden could remove your appendix.
Climate change. They like that word.

The fact is the climate is always changes. Colder, hotter, etc.

The earth has been substantially colder in the past, and it has been substantially hotter in the past.

Historically this is normal. When it was both colder and warmer the earth didnt end. These are natural cycles that have happened over the course of the Earth's history.

And yet politicians and scientists funded by politicians want you to think that this time if the earth gets warmer it is different.

A number of scientists who believe man has some influence on the climate talk about the IPCC reports. The point out that the meat of the reports dont talk up CATASTROPHIC climate change. It is the politicians who take a brief and run with it.

One rather prominent climate scientist who has been doing this from the decades has a rather interesting video talking about how politics has corrupted the science. Long story short...governments are only funding those who run with the narrative. If you are publishing articles saying slow down things are going to be fine...etc they don't get funded.

Go back and look at 30 years of predictions by politicians and advocacy groups and see how many are just plain wrong. And yet these same figures make similar prognostications going forward. And the people who bought into the doom and gloom before conveniently forget that the warning didnt come true...but absolutely believe the new ones are correct.

We had a glimmer into how corrupt the politics and science was during covid. There is 1000 x more money flowing into biz, politicians, scientists who parrot the current line.

Be skeptical @dad4 and others. Spend time reading or watching what other scientists have to say about the climate and you may calm down a bit.

Start with this question...the earth has always changed to hot or warm. Why do we think THIS time is different and why do we think THIS time if it gets warmer it is catastrophic....when past history shows this not to be the case.
Climate change. They like that word.

The fact is the climate is always changes. Colder, hotter, etc.

The earth has been substantially colder in the past, and it has been substantially hotter in the past.

Historically this is normal. When it was both colder and warmer the earth didnt end. These are natural cycles that have happened over the course of the Earth's history.

And yet politicians and scientists funded by politicians want you to think that this time if the earth gets warmer it is different.

A number of scientists who believe man has some influence on the climate talk about the IPCC reports. The point out that the meat of the reports dont talk up CATASTROPHIC climate change. It is the politicians who take a brief and run with it.

One rather prominent climate scientist who has been doing this from the decades has a rather interesting video talking about how politics has corrupted the science. Long story short...governments are only funding those who run with the narrative. If you are publishing articles saying slow down things are going to be fine...etc they don't get funded.

Go back and look at 30 years of predictions by politicians and advocacy groups and see how many are just plain wrong. And yet these same figures make similar prognostications going forward. And the people who bought into the doom and gloom before conveniently forget that the warning didnt come true...but absolutely believe the new ones are correct.

We had a glimmer into how corrupt the politics and science was during covid. There is 1000 x more money flowing into biz, politicians, scientists who parrot the current line.

Be skeptical @dad4 and others. Spend time reading or watching what other scientists have to say about the climate and you may calm down a bit.

Start with this question...the earth has always changed to hot or warm. Why do we think THIS time is different and why do we think THIS time if it gets warmer it is catastrophic....when past history shows this not to be the case.
Past history shows no time when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rose so quickly.
Past history shows no time when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rose so quickly.
Not really true. We don't really know.

We cannot reliably measure CO2 concentration increases in decade like intervals from 100s of thousands or even millions of years ago. It currently isnt possible.

So when you write copied from some advocacy group who claimed that. Probably from the same type of groups who made all kinds of near term predictions that never happened. Snowfalls are of the past. The arctic will be ice free in 2000, etc etc.
espola and others dont learn fast.

You would think a recent event like COVID would temper your enthusiasm to just believe what the experts have to say.

We see/saw how the science was corrupted by gov pressure and money. We saw how dissenting opinions were suppressed.

We have a lot more political capital tied up in climate change. Big money involved as well.

Covid should have taught people to be skeptical. To look for differing opinions. To look at predictions made by the group advocating climate catastrophe and question why they have not come to pass. At some point missing all those predictions one would think would make some people questions things a bit more.

To stop and think if the Earth has normal cycles why is this time different? And should we be making radical changes to energy, etc based on a yet to be proven theory that this is both man made and will be catastrophic.
espola and others dont learn fast.

You would think a recent event like COVID would temper your enthusiasm to just believe what the experts have to say.

We see/saw how the science was corrupted by gov pressure and money. We saw how dissenting opinions were suppressed.

We have a lot more political capital tied up in climate change. Big money involved as well.

Covid should have taught people to be skeptical. To look for differing opinions. To look at predictions made by the group advocating climate catastrophe and question why they have not come to pass. At some point missing all those predictions one would think would make some people questions things a bit more.

To stop and think if the Earth has normal cycles why is this time different? And should we be making radical changes to energy, etc based on a yet to be proven theory that this is both man made and will be catastrophic.
It appears that you are using ignorance in one topic to justify ignorance in another.
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It appears that you are using ignorance in one topic to justify ignorance in another.
That would seem to be what you do. You blindly went along with covid protocols because you simply believed the experts. You without introspection do the same with climate change claims. You are a sheep. Blindly following what is spoon fed to you

Not really true. We don't really know.

We cannot reliably measure CO2 concentration increases in decade like intervals from 100s of thousands or even millions of years ago. It currently isnt possible.

So when you write copied from some advocacy group who claimed that. Probably from the same type of groups who made all kinds of near term predictions that never happened. Snowfalls are of the past. The arctic will be ice free in 2000, etc etc.

Probably the same Oregon based, cargo pants wearing, deodorant avoiding rubbernecks he sourced to call out 'climate change deniers' that, in their bios, admit they don't actually deny climate change." They're easily spotted in the wild. The couples try to resemble each other.

50% of children studied had their emotional and social development stunted as a result of government measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a “first of its kind” study conducted by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the University College London Institute of Education.

I thought they were using EV vehicles back then to prevent climate change?

Maybe it was the coal plants espola?

"Climate change played an important role in the rise and fall of the Tibetan Empire."

"The data indicates a warm and moist climate during the 7th to 9th centuries AD, followed by a shift to colder and drier conditions. This climatic variation aligns with the expansion and decline of the Tibetan Empire, suggesting that changes in climate might have played a role in the empire’s rise and fall."

I thought they were using EV vehicles back then to prevent climate change?

Maybe it was the coal plants espola?

"Climate change played an important role in the rise and fall of the Tibetan Empire."

"The data indicates a warm and moist climate during the 7th to 9th centuries AD, followed by a shift to colder and drier conditions. This climatic variation aligns with the expansion and decline of the Tibetan Empire, suggesting that changes in climate might have played a role in the empire’s rise and fall."

Now that we all understand that climate change can be harmful to civilizations, we should stop campaigning for it to happen.