
The article isn't accurate. But what's worse? Some obscure website misstatement about the approved, but not prohibited use, of ivermectin, or the mainstream media's coordinated misleading claims that ivermectin was a horse dewormer with no mention that it is actually approved for human use?
Do you make a habit of posting links to inaccurate articles? Asking for several friends.
Do you make a habit of posting links to inaccurate articles? Asking for several friends.
No, do you have a habit of posting blatant lies as "fun facts"?...that would be a YES.

Try to keep up. I didnt post that ivermectin article and good luck finding an article I posted that was a blatant lie.
No, do you have a habit of posting blatant lies as "fun facts"?...that would be a YES.

Try to keep up. I didnt post that ivermectin article and good luck finding an article I posted that was a blatant lie.
Oh -- my error. I missed that. Looks like DH left you hanging out to defend the nonsense link.

What "blatant lies"? Please be specific.

As for your ivermectin comments -- anyone with half a brain knew from its first mention that ivermectin was an effective treatment when prescribed for parasites, things like worms, lice, scabies, etc. I have no idea how it came to be promoted as a cure for covid or any other viral disease.
Oh -- my error. I missed that. Looks like DH left you hanging out to defend the nonsense link.

What "blatant lies"? Please be specific.

As for your ivermectin comments -- anyone with half a brain knew from its first mention that ivermectin was an effective treatment when prescribed for parasites, things like worms, lice, scabies, etc. I have no idea how it came to be promoted as a cure for covid or any other viral disease.
You're a master of mischaracterizing others opinions and denying your previous opinions, mixed in with a good measure of obtuseness. It's obvious why you do it.

Your blatant lie? Claiming Florida had more post-booster covid deaths as compared pre-booster deaths (because Florida was allegedly anti-booster).

My ivermectin opinion? Some front-line doctors have claimed its been effective against Covid and the FDA claims its not, but hasn't prohibited its off-label use. I couldn't care less either way, because I won't ever be faced with the decision to use it or not for Covid.
You're a master of mischaracterizing others opinions and denying your previous opinions, mixed in with a good measure of obtuseness. It's obvious why you do it.

Your blatant lie? Claiming Florida had more post-booster covid deaths as compared pre-booster deaths (because Florida was allegedly anti-booster).

My ivermectin opinion? Some front-line doctors have claimed its been effective against Covid and the FDA claims its not, but hasn't prohibited its off-label use. I couldn't care less either way, because I won't ever be faced with the decision to use it or not for Covid.


Florida's population is about 22 million --

The closest in population to Florida is New York at about 20 million --


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You're a master of mischaracterizing others opinions and denying your previous opinions, mixed in with a good measure of obtuseness. It's obvious why you do it.

Your blatant lie? Claiming Florida had more post-booster covid deaths as compared pre-booster deaths (because Florida was allegedly anti-booster).

My ivermectin opinion? Some front-line doctors have claimed its been effective against Covid and the FDA claims its not, but hasn't prohibited its off-label use. I couldn't care less either way, because I won't ever be faced with the decision to use it or not for Covid.
You can point out his lies all day long and just deploys his usual tactics that you laid out. Richard is a joke, a bad one at that...
You're a master of mischaracterizing others opinions and denying your previous opinions, mixed in with a good measure of obtuseness. It's obvious why you do it.

Your blatant lie? Claiming Florida had more post-booster covid deaths as compared pre-booster deaths (because Florida was allegedly anti-booster).

My ivermectin opinion? Some front-line doctors have claimed its been effective against Covid and the FDA claims its not, but hasn't prohibited its off-label use. I couldn't care less either way, because I won't ever be faced with the decision to use it or not for Covid.
You can point out his lies all day long and he just deploys his usual tactics that you laid out. Richard is a joke, a bad one at that...
Florida's population is about 22 million --

View attachment 17803
The closest in population to Florida is New York at about 20 million --

View attachment 17804

You are kidding right...rolling out data from 2021 - how silly and low speed. I take it you still plant your flag on the accuracy of partisan driven data presentation and interpretation of that era. Ivermectin is about as harmless a drug as they come...very cheap also...Imagine a cheap and available treatment protocol for healthy people....oh my how scary that sounded to the likes of pfizer and company. Not much money to be made from rogan style treatment protocols prescribed by smart practicioners who knew their patients.

I wonder if you could find a chart that depicts how many people were killed by vents. That would be cool and mind blowing. Silly guy.
You are kidding right...rolling out data from 2021 - how silly and low speed. I take it you still plant your flag on the accuracy of partisan driven data presentation and interpretation of that era. Ivermectin is about as harmless a drug as they come...very cheap also...Imagine a cheap and available treatment protocol for healthy people....oh my how scary that sounded to the likes of pfizer and company. Not much money to be made from rogan style treatment protocols prescribed by smart practicioners who knew their patients.

I wonder if you could find a chart that depicts how many people were killed by vents. That would be cool and mind blowing. Silly guy.

I don't think those charts have any direct relation to ivermectin, nor are they from 2021.
Please pray for the folks living on the Steets of Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Fran. It's bad folks and it's sad how leaders in these cities treat humans.



If you weren't referring to the comparative charts of covid deaths, then why did you copy them?
Copy them? I referenced them. You still believe data from that covid "era". You probably still believe what they told you circa late 2020/21. This thread probably needs to die. Your demographic were the good candidates for the vaccine...most people weren't- it's very clear now, was very clear then to many. If you were one of those that advocated for mandates and mass vaccinations for healthy people, shame shame. If you never did..then good.
Copy them? I referenced them. You still believe data from that covid "era". You probably still believe what they told you circa late 2020/21. This thread probably needs to die. Your demographic were the good candidates for the vaccine...most people weren't- it's very clear now, was very clear then to many. If you were one of those that advocated for mandates and mass vaccinations for healthy people, shame shame. If you never did..then good.
You copied them in a way that most readers would understand is a response to them.

Back to ivermectin, since that seems to be what you really want to discuss -- as has already been pointed out, it is not illegal for doctors to prescribe it for whatever they like. It is probably malpractice to tell patients that ivermectin will cure or prevent covid.
You copied them in a way that most readers would understand is a response to them.

Back to ivermectin, since that seems to be what you really want to discuss -- as has already been pointed out, it is not illegal for doctors to prescribe it for whatever they like. It is probably malpractice to tell patients that ivermectin will cure or prevent covid.
There you go again..mansplaining to me what you think I wanted to discuss. I don't know what type of medical practicioner you go to that would tell you ivermectin will cure or prevent covid. Are some out there...sure, likely. Are there some that told you the vaccine would prevent and cure covid...yep - many, many more than those who told people ivermectin was the panacea. .see how that works silly goose.

Ivermectin was/is an easy target for vaccine advocates. But anyway, let's not re-hash history. Ivermectin isn't a dangerous drug, never has been...totally safe to prescribe, especially in conjunction with other things, plays well with others. What you should do is use the term malpractice in conjunction with every pediatrician on the planet who advocated for the vaccination of healthy children. Again, super duper easy for you to cruise through covid with the help of the made up, on the go vaccine schedule. Hell, you would of tolerated Ivermectin pretty well.