
Why should anyone listen to your opinions on science matters given the content of your last post?

Did you point out the flaw or flaws with his last post? I mean, I could bring up the fact that CNN & MSNBC still interviews Bill Nye (the no education or background in science) guy but you'd just accuse me of picking on you.

Why should anyone listen to your opinions on science matters given the content of your last post?
Why I even bother to respond IDK, I guess I like the sport. I'd welcome you to dispute with real data any of the numbers I laid out in my post (like I did for your Florida booster post), but I know that's not your MO, you'd rather just go the ad hominem route.
Yes, I do, including the lady next door. But her take on matters is a little suspect given her other habits. Some that I don't know personally but have heard of are listed here --

Did you bother to read all of those before posting them? It took me 45 seconds to suggest you didn't.
Why I even bother to respond IDK, I guess I like the sport. I'd welcome you to dispute with real data any of the numbers I laid out in my post (like I did for your Florida booster post), but I know that's not your MO, you'd rather just go the ad hominem route.

Ad hominem? I think not. I'm not commenting on your character, I am commenting on what you posted.

Well, Fudd... let's just do 2 of them in the interest of me having a life:

Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish political scientist, is a controversial figure in the climate debate. While he accepts that climate change is real and caused by human activities...

Matt Ridley is a British journalist and author who has written extensively on science and environmental issues. While he acknowledges that climate change is happening...

Should I keep going? I mean, numerous others said they just disagree with the 'general consensus'.
Well, Fudd... let's just do 2 of them in the interest of me having a life:

Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish political scientist, is a controversial figure in the climate debate. While he accepts that climate change is real and caused by human activities...

Matt Ridley is a British journalist and author who has written extensively on science and environmental issues. While he acknowledges that climate change is happening...

Should I keep going? I mean, numerous others said they just disagree with the 'general consensus'.
This is what you asked for --

"I'm still waiting for Espola to name some climate change deniers. Do you know of any?"

Did I not fulfill that request?
This is what you asked for --

"I'm still waiting for Espola to name some climate change deniers. Do you know of any?"

Did I not fulfill that request?

LMAO! Are you kidding me? Did you read what I typed in bold print?

Nevermind I was kind enough to omit the source or how many times "conservative think tank" was used.

Too much Baileys in your coffee this morning?
LMAO! Are you kidding me? Did you read what I typed in bold print? What part of that eludes you?

Nevermind I was kind enough to omit the source or how many times "conservative think tank" was used.

Too much Baileys in your coffee this morning?
Is it your position that there is no one on that list that fulfills your request?
... and before you go there, Fudd, let's dig a bit into the source provided after your feverish, google search:


Welcome to Before The Flood, your trusted ally in understanding and combatting climate change. Our mission is to inspire change and foster a more sustainable future by creating a platform dedicated to providing valuable, up-to-date insights into the world of climate change and environmental sustainability.

Before The Flood was born from a deep concern for our planet’s well-being and a strong commitment to sustainable development. Our team consists of dedicated climate scientists, environmental enthusiasts, writers, and communicators who believe that knowledge is the catalyst to change. We come from all corners of the globe, united by our passion for the environment and our shared mission to combat climate change.
We exist to shed light on the complexities of climate change, giving our readers access to the latest research, innovations, policy discussions, and expert opinions in the field of environmental sustainability. We strive to present the science in a language that everyone can understand and engage with, making the complex issue of climate change more accessible to all.

Dare I say a good portion of their team consists of left wing, tree hugging nutjobs with no employment and no deodorant in the entire household.
Is it your position that there is no one on that list that fulfills your request?

My position is you used a leftist, wingnut source dedicated to hating conservatives, and calling people "climate deniers". Then they explicitly admit they don't deny climate change some 30 words into the bio. Everyone else is a "climate denier" for challenging the "scientific consensus"... whatever that is. In other words, "your trusted ally" calls themselves out as liars the second you read the article.

Do you have a lot of 'tap' left on the bottom of your shoes? I hear a faint clicking sound coming from your basement.
... and before you go there, Fudd, let's dig a bit into the source provided after your feverish, google search:


Welcome to Before The Flood, your trusted ally in understanding and combatting climate change. Our mission is to inspire change and foster a more sustainable future by creating a platform dedicated to providing valuable, up-to-date insights into the world of climate change and environmental sustainability.

Before The Flood was born from a deep concern for our planet’s well-being and a strong commitment to sustainable development. Our team consists of dedicated climate scientists, environmental enthusiasts, writers, and communicators who believe that knowledge is the catalyst to change. We come from all corners of the globe, united by our passion for the environment and our shared mission to combat climate change.
We exist to shed light on the complexities of climate change, giving our readers access to the latest research, innovations, policy discussions, and expert opinions in the field of environmental sustainability. We strive to present the science in a language that everyone can understand and engage with, making the complex issue of climate change more accessible to all.

Dare I say a good portion of their team consists of left wing, tree hugging nutjobs with no employment and no deodorant in the entire household.
Since they are such enviro-whackos, you should have no problem pointing out what they got wrong in their list.
Is it your position that there is no one on that list that fulfills your request?
My position is you used a leftist, wingnut source dedicated to hating conservatives, and calling people "climate deniers". Then they explicitly admit they don't deny climate change some 30 words into the bio. Everyone else is a "climate denier" for challenging the "scientific consensus"... whatever that is. In other words, "your trusted ally" calls themselves out as liars the second you read the article.

Do you have a lot of 'tap' left on the bottom of your shoes? I hear a faint clicking sound coming from your basement.
That looks a lot like you're running away from the question.
Since they are such enviro-whackos, you should have no problem pointing out what they got wrong in their list.

You're right... it flowed with incredible ease. That said, they contradicted themselves and you should spend more time on your google searches.

Any chance you help write the indictments for Trump? You've got the same success rate.
That looks a lot like you're running away from the question.

What question? There is no question. Your bogus source put them on a "climate change denier" list and proceed to specifically say they don't deny climate change.

The only question here is how much Baileys you put in today's java, buddy.
Did you point out the flaw or flaws with his last post? I mean, I could bring up the fact that CNN & MSNBC still interviews Bill Nye (the no education or background in science) guy but you'd just accuse me of picking on you.

Bill Nye has a degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell.
I don't even know how to respond.
I'm not surprised so let me help. Mechanical engineering is the craft of applying scientific principles to practical use -- things such as physical mechanisms, power plants, automobiles, etc. You don't get that degree (especially from Cornell) without showing the ability to comprehend science and mathematics courses you have probably never even heard of -- things like thermodynamics and partial differential equations.
I'm not surprised so let me help. Mechanical engineering is the craft of applying scientific principles to practical use -- things such as physical mechanisms, power plants, automobiles, etc. You don't get that degree (especially from Cornell) without showing the ability to comprehend science and mathematics courses you have probably never even heard of -- things like thermodynamics and partial differential equations.

You're my boy, Blue!

Let me help you... mechanical engineering doesn't have jack shit to do with climate or being a climate expert. Bill Nye earned his credibility doing a kid's show on Saturday mornings. To your point, Cornell offers some heady majors like Asian studies, French and Linguistics. Heady stuff!

You stuck your **** in it again and got castrated. Let's leave it at that.
You're my boy, Blue!

Let me help you... mechanical engineering doesn't have jack shit to do with climate or being a climate expert. Bill Nye earned his credibility doing a kid's show on Saturday mornings. To your point, Cornell offers some heady majors like Asian studies, French and Linguistics. Heady stuff!

You stuck your **** in it again and got castrated. Let's leave it at that.

I didn't expect you to voluntarily show your ignorance.

Please continue.