
Seems that being peer-reviewed, or scientific consensus, is virtually worthless when the academic/scientific world circles the wagons to protect its own interests.

Three years later and they still have not discovered the zoonotic source in a population of animals. With SARS they were at least able to trace it to the Civet. Without an intermediate host identified and with incredibly coincidental evidence and China's behavior, its hard to believe its anything but a lab leak.
Have the Fauci supporters gone the way of the school shutdown folks? I never hear from now. Can't imagine why.
Have the Fauci supporters gone the way of the school shutdown folks? I never hear from now. Can't imagine why.
In the beginning I was a fan of Fauci's and Birx. Then I felt he was in over his head as the "pandemic spokesperson", but I didn't blame him, I blamed Trump and others for keeping him in that position. Then it became clear that he was a chronic liar and complicit in the cover up of the lab leak and pushing false narratives about the vaccine. It only got worse as the power further corrupted him and fueled his arrogance. He isn't science but he does represent everything that is wrong with science today.
In the beginning I was a fan of Fauci's and Birx. Then I felt he was in over his head as the "pandemic spokesperson", but I didn't blame him, I blamed Trump and others for keeping him in that position. Then it became clear that he was a chronic liar and complicit in the cover up of the lab leak and pushing false narratives about the vaccine. It only got worse as the power further corrupted him and fueled his arrogance. He isn't science but he does represent everything that is wrong with science today.
This is a perfectly reasonable progression based on the information you had at the time. Some people get stuck on "fan" and never move regardless of the new information, or they gaslight everyone that they were never fans. In the case of the legacy media, they simply ignore the obvious contradictions that have emerged.
This is a perfectly reasonable progression based on the information you had at the time. Some people get stuck on "fan" and never move regardless of the new information, or they gaslight everyone that they were never fans. In the case of the legacy media, they simply ignore the obvious contradictions that have emerged.
Far too many people were vested in him emotionally and/or ideologically...and maybe some financially.
Hey, it's been a few weeks since I asked. Besides your obvious virtue signaling, what have you been doing for the climate crisis?
You must have missed all these things I have posted here before --

I drive an E85-fuel car (and not very much -- I only fill up about every 3-4 weeks).
I use public transit whenever possible.
I recycle everything I can.
I refuse to fly anywhere if I can get there easily by train.
I grow some of my own vegetables.
I minimize as best I can my use of electricity.
We don't use natural gas for anything.
When firing up the grill, I use hardwood chunk charcoal made from waste wood.
I vote for politicians who do not belittle the climate crisis.

These are all things that anyone can do.
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You must have missed all these things I have posted here before --

I drive an E85-fuel car (and not very much -- I only fill up about once a month).
I use public transit whenever possible.
I recycle everything I can.
I refuse to fly anywhere when I can get there by train.
I grow some of my own vegetables.
I minimize as best I can my use of electricity.
We don't use natural gas for anything.
When firing up the grill, I use hardwood chunk charcoal made from waste wood.

These are all things that anyone can do.
The deniers always want an all or nothing response. If you do anything at all that is dependent on fossil fuels they go batty whining about hypocrisy. You know the drill.
An added note -- just now I clicked on the CAISO website -- at this moment Renewables are providing 66% of California's electrical power.

You must have missed all these things I have posted here before --

I drive an E85-fuel car (and not very much -- I only fill up about every 3-4 weeks).
I use public transit whenever possible.
I recycle everything I can.
I refuse to fly anywhere if I can get there easily by train.
I grow some of my own vegetables.
I minimize as best I can my use of electricity.
We don't use natural gas for anything.
When firing up the grill, I use hardwood chunk charcoal made from waste wood.
I vote for politicians who do not belittle the climate crisis.

These are all things that anyone can do.

Are you suggesting Trump or some other republicans belittled the climate crisis because they said we shouldn't foot 20% of the world's invoice when the worst offenders don't do jack shit? Or was there another example you're referring to?
The deniers always want an all or nothing response. If you do anything at all that is dependent on fossil fuels they go batty whining about hypocrisy. You know the drill.

So JoeTato Briben stealing classified documents and storing them in his fossil fuel gulping Corvette garage doesn't strike you as hypocritical?
An added note -- just now I clicked on the CAISO website -- at this moment Renewables are providing 66% of California's electrical power.

View attachment 17645

That's awesome. Keep planting those vegetables!

Do you consider JoeTato flying illegal aliens all over the country as "responsible" or does flying at night put less strain on the grid? I'm thinking they could have taken public transportation.
An added note -- just now I clicked on the CAISO website -- at this moment Renewables are providing 66% of California's electrical power.

View attachment 17645
Sadly, nuclear is less than 8%. SDGE rates increased significantly after the closure of San Onofre...highest rates in the continental US. Residential solar took a major hit when Newsom allowed the public utilities to implement NEM 3.0 which significantly reduced financial incentives for consumers to install solar.
You must have missed all these things I have posted here before --

I drive an E85-fuel car (and not very much -- I only fill up about every 3-4 weeks).
I use public transit whenever possible.
I recycle everything I can.
I refuse to fly anywhere if I can get there easily by train.
I grow some of my own vegetables.
I minimize as best I can my use of electricity.
We don't use natural gas for anything.
When firing up the grill, I use hardwood chunk charcoal made from waste wood.
I vote for politicians who do not belittle the climate crisis.

These are all things that anyone can do.
HA - you are a crack up. E85? about flat earthing. Do you follow the path of your recycled items...very earth friendly from what I understand. Trains are cool but will never catch on. So you vote for politicians that think we are going to die because of climate change? How very effective of you.

But anyway, growing your own vegetables is a good thing, tasty...but then you turn around and saute on an electric stove? mid...
Sadly, nuclear is less than 8%. SDGE rates increased significantly after the closure of San Onofre...highest rates in the continental US. Residential solar took a major hit when Newsom allowed the public utilities to implement NEM 3.0 which significantly reduced financial incentives for consumers to install solar.
San Onofre NGS is a sad example of why nuclear power has a bad reputation -- A complex engineering problem made worse by management interference.