
They call this one the "Kraken"


Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 possibly more likely to infect those who are vaccinated, officials say
Health officials in NYC warned the subvariant could be more likely to infect those who have already had COVID-19

I know we all debated the issue's when the jabs were rolled out. We were all told if we took the jabs we would not get the Rona, not get fired and also it will help us not spread this deadly virus and only the non vaxxers will get sick, go to hospital and then die suddenly all alone. Non Vaxxers not allowed to play sport and not allowed to work and make a living to pay the bills. WHO is getting infected? Why the lies? They wanted you all to take the bat poison. Why? Why? Why?
Just brutal. What comes next? That's a serious question. It's becoming more and more obvious that throughout the pandemic, our government manipulated us with the assistance of most of the media while elected members of congress and the FBI worked to censor dissenting opinions and facts. Those that questioned anything about what was reported were labeled as "conspiracy theorists". Accomplished scientists with perspectives that didn't fit the narrative were smeared and ostracized - not just for their opinions, but for their questions and for stating facts. You know, the process of science. Educators and leaders at our most respected institutions of higher learning joined in on the madness.

So, what happens when more and more people come to realize those in power manipulated them - that the Emporer has no clothes? I think there is a great deal of anger out there now, and it will only grow as more people realize they have been lied to and bullied into silence at the least and often much more materially harmed by this abuse of power. Retribution could get ugly. I hope not. I saw a clip where Joe Rogan stated that forgiving these people is the only way forward. I think he's right. Of course, that would require an actual desire to be forgiven.
Just brutal. What comes next? That's a serious question. It's becoming more and more obvious that throughout the pandemic, our government manipulated us with the assistance of most of the media while elected members of congress and the FBI worked to censor dissenting opinions and facts. Those that questioned anything about what was reported were labeled as "conspiracy theorists". Accomplished scientists with perspectives that didn't fit the narrative were smeared and ostracized - not just for their opinions, but for their questions and for stating facts. You know, the process of science. Educators and leaders at our most respected institutions of higher learning joined in on the madness.

So, what happens when more and more people come to realize those in power manipulated them - that the Emporer has no clothes? I think there is a great deal of anger out there now, and it will only grow as more people realize they have been lied to and bullied into silence at the least and often much more materially harmed by this abuse of power. Retribution could get ugly. I hope not. I saw a clip where Joe Rogan stated that forgiving these people is the only way forward. I think he's right. Of course, that would require an actual desire to be forgiven.
Great stuff bro. People are waking up to being lied to 100%.
They call this one the "Kraken"

View attachment 15392

Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 possibly more likely to infect those who are vaccinated, officials say
Health officials in NYC warned the subvariant could be more likely to infect those who have already had COVID-19

I know we all debated the issue's when the jabs were rolled out. We were all told if we took the jabs we would not get the Rona, not get fired and also it will help us not spread this deadly virus and only the non vaxxers will get sick, go to hospital and then die suddenly all alone. Non Vaxxers not allowed to play sport and not allowed to work and make a living to pay the bills. WHO is getting infected? Why the lies? They wanted you all to take the bat poison. Why? Why? Why?

Just brutal. What comes next? That's a serious question. It's becoming more and more obvious that throughout the pandemic, our government manipulated us with the assistance of most of the media while elected members of congress and the FBI worked to censor dissenting opinions and facts. Those that questioned anything about what was reported were labeled as "conspiracy theorists". Accomplished scientists with perspectives that didn't fit the narrative were smeared and ostracized - not just for their opinions, but for their questions and for stating facts. You know, the process of science. Educators and leaders at our most respected institutions of higher learning joined in on the madness.

So, what happens when more and more people come to realize those in power manipulated them - that the Emporer has no clothes? I think there is a great deal of anger out there now, and it will only grow as more people realize they have been lied to and bullied into silence at the least and often much more materially harmed by this abuse of power. Retribution could get ugly. I hope not. I saw a clip where Joe Rogan stated that forgiving these people is the only way forward. I think he's right. Of course, that would require an actual desire to be forgiven.
The whole thing makes more sense if you assume that most national governments believed it is an escaped bioweapon, but were unwilling to say so.

This especially helps explain why the Chinese response was so severe. From the Chinese perspective, covid was a domestically produced bioweapon, and therefore better.
He stated that masks won't work without proper ventilation. The headline snipped that down to "masks don't work".

Is that too hard for you to figure out? Or are you just lying on purpose?

It was nice of Grace to give you a like -- but it's what she does.

Masks didn't and don't work against SARS/COVID-19 Viruses.

Now what ( Again ) ya Lying POS Adam " Espola " Schiff.
The whole thing makes more sense if you assume that most national governments believed it is an escaped bioweapon, but were unwilling to say so.

This especially helps explain why the Chinese response was so severe. From the Chinese perspective, covid was a domestically produced bioweapon, and therefore better.

Don't EVER forget the US Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine....
Ukraine ... The Monetary Laundromat that OUR Three Branches
use soooo well. The scum bags.

By the way, what is in the 130 + miles of deep underground Salt
mines beneath Soledar/Bakmut that Ukraine threw away 10s of
thousands/possibly more of Ukrainian soldiers to protect.

And now Russia has control of the area...

Zelensky (The POS) is fleecing the west, while doing the bidding of
the NWO/WEF/Davos Evil Elites ..... which is enabling the Table setting of WWIII.
The whole thing makes more sense if you assume that most national governments believed it is an escaped bioweapon, but were unwilling to say so.

We knew within just a couple of months who was at risk.

And yet we still shut stuff down, closed schools, etc.

Authorities prevented dissent, etc.

We keep finding out how they squashed info they didnt like. You were a fan of that...happily parroting the line that contrary opinions were crazy. Like the Barrington Declaration...which in hindsight was the proper course.

It goes on and on in how badly the gov responded, how they lied, etc. etc.
The whole thing makes more sense if you assume that most national governments believed it is an escaped bioweapon, but were unwilling to say so.

This especially helps explain why the Chinese response was so severe. From the Chinese perspective, covid was a domestically produced bioweapon, and therefore better.
Why would anyone assume that?

We knew within just a couple of months who was at risk.

And yet we still shut stuff down, closed schools, etc.

Authorities prevented dissent, etc.

We keep finding out how they squashed info they didnt like. You were a fan of that...happily parroting the line that contrary opinions were crazy. Like the Barrington Declaration...which in hindsight was the proper course.

It goes on and on in how badly the gov responded, how they lied, etc. etc.
"Like the Barrington Declaration...which in hindsight was the proper course."

No, it wasn't.
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