That right-wing-nut rag the NYTimes. BTW, the best way to avoid dying in a car accident is not to wear a seat belt or have a car with an airbag but to avoid getting in a car. Same for riding bikes and motorcycles.Who told you that? Do seat belts save lives? Helmets? Airbags?

The C.D.C. concedes that cloth masks do not protect against the virus as effectively as other masks. (Published 2022)
The update in guidance comes as coronavirus cases continue to soar.
The change comes as infections with the highly contagious Omicron variant continue to soar. Some experts have said that cloth masks are inadequate to protect from the variant, and have urged the C.D.C. to recommend respirators for ordinary citizens.
The agency did not go that far. Its updated language now says that “a respirator may be considered in certain situations and by certain people when greater protection is needed or desired.”