Yep to catch droplets. However a virus particle is vastly smaller and they are not designed to stop the spread of an virus.In her opinion, she said about masks "At most, it traps virus droplets".
That is exactly their function.
In that they didn't like her because they are leftists? Absolutely. They have been rather partisan for some time.It appears that you agree with me completely.
So you could be a partisan hack on the bench and not just on a soccer forum?The more I see examples of people who graduated law school, passed the bar exam somewhere, and became judges, I lament that I didn't pursue that career option.
Yep to catch droplets. However a virus particle is vastly smaller and they are not designed to stop the spread of an virus.
But you pretend not to know that.
Also if masks work, getting rid of the travel mandate wont make a difference. After all the function of your mask does not depend on whether or not I am wearing one.
How many times does this have to be revisited? Masks are hardly effective. Effective against droplets...sure, against aerosol transmission? not even close. The idea that we've gone years wearing cloth diapers on our faces is hysterical. Luckily, most of society is cordial and wore them to make others feel better. Humans aren't so bad after all, even though many humans recognize the silliness of cloth masks. Luv the bandanas and the neck gators though - lovely way to spruce up your outfit from time to time.We have been through this many times before, so by now I must believe that you are either a bonehead or a liar. Your pick. The virus does not survive outside the exhaled drops, exactly those that a mask is intended to stop.
How many times does this have to be revisited? Masks are hardly effective. Effective against droplets...sure, against aerosol transmission? not even close. The idea that we've gone years wearing cloth diapers on our faces is hysterical. Luckily, most of society is cordial and wore them to make others feel better. Humans aren't so bad after all, even though many humans recognize the silliness of cloth masks. Luv the bandanas and the neck gators though - lovely way to spruce up your outfit from time to time.
CDC recommends DOJ appeal the decision
DOJ appealed today.
The impressive part is how she managed to become an expert on aerosol dynamics without ever taking an advanced physics class.In her opinion, she said about masks "At most, it traps virus droplets".
That is exactly their function.
In that they didn't like her because they are leftists? Absolutely. They have been rather partisan for some time.
That is why their opinion outside of leftist circles carries little to no weight.
CDC recommends DOJ appeal the decision
Shouldn't we should check with the teachers union to see if that is the case? It's what the CDC does before presenting # science-based mandates.The CDC, along with the science and medical communities, have pretty much drained their credibility at this point.
That's nothing. If you want to see non-stop whining, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, wait until mid-terms.
This summer is going to be crazy insane in some placesThat's nothing. If you want to see non-stop whining, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, wait until mid-terms.