
Wokism is insane - literally a mental disorder.
Have you ever noticed anything that originates as a civil rights platform gets the immediate delegitimization treatment from the right? As soon as all ya all figure out something is in support of something you aren’t the track is on, the battle cry is sounded! The rightwing smear campaign cranks it up full force. Insecure much? Lol! The South lost dumbasses!

The bigger trend here is to keep the classes, but drop the entrance requirements. You no longer need a good grade in precalc to be allowed to take the AP.

I don’t know the impact overall. You have more kids taking the harder class, but they all want to be there.
Noticing the same thing for English and Mathematics classes in the Community Colleges up here in NorCal - "qualification" requirements have been significantly reduced.
I've become very disillusioned with public high schools. The exodus to private schools will only continue.
That has been our experience as well. It will be interesting to see how things change over the next few years. My impression is that the level of disconnect between many school districts' policies and a significant portion of their population is becoming larger. I'd guess that schools will lose and/or have already lost an inordinate proportion of high performers as they are creating an incentive to go the private and/or home school route. Homeschoolers in CA are allowed to take college courses for dual credit. No need for AP classes if you take the actual college course. I wouldn't be surprised to see an effort by those in public education to limit the availability to take college courses while still in HS. Personally, I find it unfortunate. It's interesting in the efforts to be more inclusive many school districts appear to be pushing some out the door for greener pastures.
Have you ever noticed anything that originates as a civil rights platform gets the immediate delegitimization treatment from the right? As soon as all ya all figure out something is in support of something you aren’t the track is on, the battle cry is sounded! The rightwing smear campaign cranks it up full force. Insecure much? Lol! The South lost dumbasses!
Yeah, where would we be if we didn't allow "same sex" inmates to impregnate each other? Wow, you are one stupid SOB. Better call on your circle-jerkers for support, moron.
That has been our experience as well. It will be interesting to see how things change over the next few years. My impression is that the level of disconnect between many school districts' policies and a significant portion of their population is becoming larger. I'd guess that schools will lose and/or have already lost an inordinate proportion of high performers as they are creating an incentive to go the private and/or home school route. Homeschoolers in CA are allowed to take college courses for dual credit. No need for AP classes if you take the actual college course. I wouldn't be surprised to see an effort by those in public education to limit the availability to take college courses while still in HS. Personally, I find it unfortunate. It's interesting in the efforts to be more inclusive many school districts appear to be pushing some out the door for greener pastures.
Some interesting data

I mean both before and after VOCs delta and omicron (both the chocolate and vanilla flavors). On the one hand, the original vaccines (Western vaccines) held up surprisingly well as we went from a virus with an R of 2 to an R of 10+. What was originally feared (and oversold in the click media) as "immune escape" for omicron turned out in reality to be "antigenic drift". On the other hand, the promise of mRNA vaccine technology to keep pace with VOCs was not realized, leading to the need for boosters to keep neutralizing Ab titers high to prevent infection.

If we are lucky, and omicron is the last VOC before Cov-2 settles down into a new seasonal cold coronavirus, the good news is that the extant vaccines should provide strong long-term, cell-mediated immunity to any Ace2-directed C-virus that jumps out of the new biological resevoirs that have been established around the globe. That is what our kids will be dealing with going forward.

Sure, great. So, why did the CDC change the definition of vaccine and vaccination?
Have you ever noticed anything that originates as a civil rights platform gets the immediate delegitimization treatment from the right? As soon as all ya all figure out something is in support of something you aren’t the track is on, the battle cry is sounded! The rightwing smear campaign cranks it up full force. Insecure much? Lol! The South lost dumbasses!

Yep, wokism is insane - literally a mental disorder.
I can see vax requirements for specific jobs, like nursing home staff. Beyond that, no. Time to drop it.
Thanks. Can we get those who lost their job, their income, their pride and so much more their lost income back? Maybe some extra pay for a bad decision and a "I'm so sorry for destroying your life." Delta charged non vax $200 a month as punishment for not obeying. Now word on the street is Delta is going to charge the Vax $200 because.
If your kids only lost a couple months you either live in the Intermountain West or your kids go to private school.
Teen Overdose Deaths ‘Nearly Doubled’ in 2021

Data research suggests that although “drug use among teens is down”, unfortunately “adolescents experienced a greater relative increase than the overall population.” The largest jump in overdose deaths is among 14-to 18-year-olds, according to CDC data.

Although full data has not yet been finalized due to necessary lab work and investigations in drug overdose deaths, “provisional data through October suggests the nation is on track to see at lease 105,000 overdose deaths in 2021.”
"Only those who want to hide all their lies want to control free speech." Catturd

I was told to STFU or get blacklisted
Tortured Friday

Good Friday never sounded good to my ears, moo :( I don't get the word "Good" for this insane day. I call it, "Tortured Friday." Nothing good happen this day over 2000 years ago. This is when my BFF Yeshua was tortured and then hung on a tree to die in front of Mary and Mary. The fellas all bailed because they were scared and full of FEAR!

Hanging, electrocution, knee-capping, gas chamber: these punishments are feared. They all happen today, and we shudder as we think of the horror and pain. But as we shall see, these ordeals pale into insignificance compared with the bitter fate of Jesus Christ: crucifixion.

Few persons are crucified today (except by ISIS and various other terrorists). For us the cross remains confined to ornaments and jewelry, stained-glass windows, romanticized pictures and statues portraying a serene death. Crucifixion was a form of execution refined by the Romans to a precise art. It was carefully conceived to produce a slow death with maximum pain. It was a public spectacle intended to deter other would-be criminals. It was a death to be feared.

Sweat like blood
Luke 22:44 says of Jesus, "and being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." The sweat was unusually intense because his emotional state was unusually intense. Dehydration coupled with exhaustion further weakened him.

It was in this condition that Jesus faced the first physical abuse: punches and slaps to the face and head while blindfolded. Unable to anticipate the blows, Jesus was badly bruised, his mouth and eyes possibly injured. The psychological effects of the false trials should not be underestimated. Consider that Jesus faced them bruised, dehydrated, exhausted, possibly in shock.

In the previous 12 hours Jesus had suffered emotional trauma, rejection by his closest friends, a cruel beating, and a sleepless night during which he had to walk miles between unjust hearings. Despite the fitness he must certainly have gained during his travels in Palestine, he was in no way prepared for the punishment of flogging. The effects would be worse as a result.

A man to be flogged was stripped of his clothes and his hands tied to a post above his head. He was then whipped across the shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs and legs, the soldier standing behind and to one side of the victim. The whip used – the flagellum – was designed to make this a devastating punishment, bringing the victim close to death: several short heavy leather thongs, with two small balls of lead or iron attached near the end of each. Pieces of sheep’s bone were sometimes included.

As the scourging proceeds, the heavy leather thongs produce first superficial cuts, than deeper damage to underlying tissues. Bleeding becomes severe when not only capillaries and veins are cut, but also arteries in the underlying muscles. The small metal balls first produce large, deep bruises which are broken open by further blows. The fragments of sheep’s bone rip the flesh as the whip is drawn back. When the beating is finished, the skin of the back is in ribbons, and the entire area torn and bleeding.

The words chosen by the gospel writers suggest that the scourging of Jesus was particularly severe: he was certainly at the point of collapse when he was cut down from the flogging-post.

The mocking
Jesus was allowed no time to recover before facing his next ordeal. Made to stand, he was dressed in a robe by jeering soldiers, crowned with a twisted band of thorny twigs, and to complete the parody, given a wooden staff as a king’s scepter. "Next, they spat on Jesus and struck him on the head with the wooden staff." The long thorns were driven into the sensitive scalp tissue producing profuse bleeding, but even more terrible was the re-opening of the wounds on Jesus’ back when the robe was torn off again.

Further weakened physically and emotionally, Jesus was led away to be executed.

The crucifixion
The wooden cross used by the Romans was too heavy to be carried by one man. Instead the victim to be crucified was made to bear the detached crossbar across his shoulders, carrying it outside the city walls to the place of execution. (The heavy upright portion of the cross was permanently in position here.) Jesus was unable to carry his load – a beam weighing around 75 to 125 pounds (approximately 35-55 kg). He collapsed under the burden, and an onlooker was ordered to take it for him.

Jesus refused to drink the wine and myrrh offered him before the nails were driven in. (It would have dulled the pain.) Thrown down on his back with arms outstretched along the crossbar, nails were driven through Jesus’ wrists into the wood. These iron spikes, about 6 inches long and 3/8 inch thick, cut the large sensorimotor median nerve, causing excruciating pain in both arms. Carefully placed between bones and ligaments, they were able to bear the full weight of the crucified man.

In preparation for the nailing of the feet, Jesus was lifted up and the crossbar fixed to the upright post. Then with legs bent at the knee, a nail was driven through each ankle into the cross. Again there was severe nerve damage and the pain caused was intense. It is important to note, however, that neither the wounds to the wrists or feet caused substantial bleeding, since no major arteries were ruptured. The executioner took care to ensure this, so that death would be slower and the suffering longer.

Now nailed to his cross, the real horror of crucifixion began. When the wrists were nailed to the crossbar, the elbows were intentionally left in a bent position so that the crucified man would hang with his arms above his head, the weight being taken on the nails in the wrists. Obviously this was unbearably painful, but it had another effect: It is very difficult to exhale in this position. In order to breathe out, and then take in fresh air, it was necessary to push the body up on the nailed feet. When the pain from the feet became unbearable, the victim would again slump down to hang by the arms. A terrible cycle of pain began: hanging by the arms, unable to breathe, pushing up on the feet to inhale quickly before again slumping down, and on and on.

This tortured activity became more and more difficult as Jesus’ back was scraped against the upright post, as muscle cramps set in because of the inadequate respiration, and as exhaustion grew more severe. Jesus suffered in this manner for several hours before, with a final cry, he died.

Cause of death
Many factors contributed to Jesus’ death. A combination of shock and suffocation killed most victims of crucifixion, but in Jesus’ case acute heart failure may have been the final trauma. This is suggested by his sudden death following a loud cry, after only a few hours: a quick death, it seems (Pilate was surprised to find Jesus already dead). A fatal cardiac arrhythmia, or perhaps cardiac rupture, are likely candidates.

The spear wound
Jesus was already dead as the executioners broke the legs of the criminals crucified alongside (in order to speed their deaths). Instead, we read that a soldier pierced Jesus’ side with a spear. Where on his side? The word chosen by John suggests the ribs, and if the soldier intended to make Jesus’ death certain, a wound to the heart was the obvious choice.

From the wound came a flow of "blood and water." This is consistent with the spear blow to the heart (especially from the right side, the traditional site of the wound). Rupturing the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart) released a flow of watery serum, followed by blood as the heart was pierced.

The detailed accounts given in the gospels combined with the historical evidence on crucifixion bring us to a firm conclusion: modern medical knowledge supports the claim of the scriptures that Jesus died on the cross
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Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

I agree with Jesus, we have no idea what were doing and what's really going. The teachers and leaders on earth have lost their ways. I pray and beg the Great Creator and Mother Earth to please allow Yeshua to come back ASAP and set up his Kingdom on earth for 1000 years. I love you all and I also forgive you all. Let's all forgive each other and offer up free Mulligans. Thank God for forgiveness, Grace, Mercy and a Second Chance. Choose the Light and Love others and all will go well with your soul, I promise.

"It is generally a mistake to draw cosmic conclusions from a single data set,"

"I can’t draw that conclusion from these numbers alone"
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