The ability to compete with other applicants if you lack honors courses for your GPA is a big issue. I wish it weren't that way, but it is, the whole college process is completely insane. I'm going to brag a bit here, but without the honors options my daughter would have never gotten into the University of Michigan (what's more insane is that Michigan's out of state tuition is basically the same as the Ivy's and more in few cases). In some cases additional AP classes were not an option for her given her workload due to other AP's, cheerleading and 20+ hours of dance a week.
As of now, Patrick Henry is the only SDUSD that I've heard that is doing this. At my daughters high school the principal tried to eliminate a number of honor type programs like CSF and Junior Honor Guard, which adds to a students "holistic" resume. I can also say the HS counselors were of no help to my daughter, in fact, I had to get the District Superintendent involved for the counseling staff to submit her transcripts in a timely manner for her college applications.
I've become very disillusioned with public high schools. The exodus to private schools will only continue.