

"I can really say that I stood firm on what I believed in, what I wanted to do with my body. That should be not just an American right, that should be a human right," Irving said. "And when you stand for something like that, in a society that we’re in where we have a lot more followers than we do leaders, you’re going to be forced into being seen as a black sheep that people can attack and can clickbait your name and say these things that don’t really describe who you are.
Invoice proves that the place that has a plan for the parent sold baby body parts after they killed the baby. It's true and if that's ok with you then I'll pray for you. Happy Easter folks. He rose and will return at a time and date no one knows except the Creator of Life.
Truth Bomb!

"I think the most amazing thing about the playoffs ((NFL)) this year, is HOW they got rid of Covid. They should get the doctors in the NFL to work for the government. It was amazing cuz all season long you had 4 or 5 guys on the team on the Covid list, but once the playoffs started, guess how many positive tests the NFL had? 0. That was the most incredible thing about the playoffs."

Brain who plays in the NFL said

It's all about money you guys. The love of money is the root of all evil. No one sells their soul for free and no one is going to spy, lie and cheat unless they get paid. Basically, no one does bad things to people for free. Their is a price to pay and it's gnarly and to each his own how you play the game of life.
It's not just LA. See the story below. Also, read the comments. It appears this is one neck of the woods in NorCal that is feeling things are going downhill. Mid-terms will be very telling. We'll see. As you are aware, I tend to skeptically view much of what I read online.

It's not just LA. See the story below. Also, read the comments. It appears this is one neck of the woods in NorCal that is feeling things are going downhill. Mid-terms will be very telling. We'll see. As you are aware, I tend to skeptically view much of what I read online.

My wife's friend just closed escrow in North Hollywood. She got above asking price and is off to Texas. I heard from another pal that lives in Yorba Linda that the Smash & Grabbers came into OC to grab some diamonds at some mall. My buddy was driving in the area and cops were everywhere. Thanks again for the thoughts about my wife's parents. We got two great news yesterday bro. A killer place looks like it opened up for us in Naples, Fl. Another one of my wife's friends has a condo all paid for and she loves my wife and will rent to us and give us a great friends & family deal. This way Grandpa & Grandpa can retire in style while they still have their minds. The second piece is this. Looks like the State is backed up with Alzheimer's patients and not enough nurses and in homecare pros available for those who can;t take care of themselves and the kids are too busy or they dont have kids or the kids just dont care. It happens. Not judging others who can;t help because they have to make money to pay their mortgage, cars, kids college and gas and food. Its looks like they will pay a family member ((Spouse is not allowed)) to be the caretaker. It was cool because my wife and I agreed last week that no matter what, no matter the sacrifice, we would care for them as long as humanly possible. Happy Easter Brother
My wife's friend just closed escrow in North Hollywood. She got above asking price and is off to Texas. I heard from another pal that lives in Yorba Linda that the Smash & Grabbers came into OC to grab some diamonds at some mall. My buddy was driving in the area and cops were everywhere. Thanks again for the thoughts about my wife's parents. We got two great news yesterday bro. A killer place looks like it opened up for us in Naples, Fl. Another one of my wife's friends has a condo all paid for and she loves my wife and will rent to us and give us a great friends & family deal. This way Grandpa & Grandpa can retire in style while they still have their minds. The second piece is this. Looks like the State is backed up with Alzheimer's patients and not enough nurses and in homecare pros available for those who can;t take care of themselves and the kids are too busy or they dont have kids or the kids just dont care. It happens. Not judging others who can;t help because they have to make money to pay their mortgage, cars, kids college and gas and food. Its looks like they will pay a family member ((Spouse is not allowed)) to be the caretaker. It was cool because my wife and I agreed last week that no matter what, no matter the sacrifice, we would care for them as long as humanly possible. Happy Easter Brother
Happy Easter, @crush.

The good thing about people moving now is that the price they are getting for their house is historically high. I'm happy to hear the good news regarding the grandparents. Naples Florida is really nice.
My wife's friend just closed escrow in North Hollywood. She got above asking price and is off to Texas. I heard from another pal that lives in Yorba Linda that the Smash & Grabbers came into OC to grab some diamonds at some mall. My buddy was driving in the area and cops were everywhere. Thanks again for the thoughts about my wife's parents. We got two great news yesterday bro. A killer place looks like it opened up for us in Naples, Fl. Another one of my wife's friends has a condo all paid for and she loves my wife and will rent to us and give us a great friends & family deal. This way Grandpa & Grandpa can retire in style while they still have their minds. The second piece is this. Looks like the State is backed up with Alzheimer's patients and not enough nurses and in homecare pros available for those who can;t take care of themselves and the kids are too busy or they dont have kids or the kids just dont care. It happens. Not judging others who can;t help because they have to make money to pay their mortgage, cars, kids college and gas and food. Its looks like they will pay a family member ((Spouse is not allowed)) to be the caretaker. It was cool because my wife and I agreed last week that no matter what, no matter the sacrifice, we would care for them as long as humanly possible. Happy Easter Brother
Just so you know Cali #16, Texas #15
Just so you know Cali #16, Texas #15
Crime rate is close State by State for sure in TX and CA. However, gasoline tax and prices are in insane here plus no State Tax in Texas. Rent here is insane but not TX. The weather is not for me TX. Florida is hot and not so sure how I will do but I will see. Only thing California is #1 at is the weather Husker. Location location and location. Thoughts on Naples, Fl? I hear nothing but great things so far. Place were looking at moving to has a forest in the back and the ocean in the front. Killer golf course and state of the art Alzheimer's care and help. Little town where they shop and get their things without having to pay. It's super cool and allow the person to feel like an a adult. One thing I've learned is the fear of money or lack there of with patients like this is real and i think makes it worse. My wife does celery juice for them and we now have them off meat. Once we all live together, we will help them with their meds full time and monitor them 24/7. They can walk and get lost now.
Crime rate is close State by State for sure in TX and CA. However, gasoline tax and prices are in insane here plus no State Tax in Texas. Rent here is insane but not TX. The weather is not for me TX. Florida is hot and not so sure how I will do but I will see. Only thing California is #1 at is the weather Husker. Location location and location. Thoughts on Naples, Fl? I hear nothing but great things so far. Place were looking at moving to has a forest in the back and the ocean in the front. Killer golf course and state of the art Alzheimer's care and help. Little town where they shop and get their things without having to pay. It's super cool and allow the person to feel like an a adult. One thing I've learned is the fear of money or lack there of with patients like this is real and i think makes it worse. My wife does celery juice for them and we now have them off meat. Once we all live together, we will help them with their meds full time and monitor them 24/7. They can walk and get lost now.
Yeah, but then one has to live in Texas. I have friends and relatives all over Texas, I’m there often, live there? No thanks. If one wants something in this life they need to work for it. I’m not afraid of that, never have been.
I’ve been to Florida a few times . . . if you have nothing good to say, no comment.
It's worthless to speak of states as monolithic entities. I've been to many states including FL, CA, and TX and I feel quite confident there are multiple places in each where I can be satisfied. The real question is, how much are you willing to spend for the "level" of satisfaction you will get? As areas deteriorate with higher levels of crime than they previously had, that answer will change. Anyone that says, "I can't be satisfied in state XYZ". is telling me more about the person than the state.
Yeah, but then one has to live in Texas. I have friends and relatives all over Texas, I’m there often, live there? No thanks. If one wants something in this life they need to work for it. I’m not afraid of that, never have been.
I’ve been to Florida a few times . . . if you have nothing good to say, no comment.
True dat brah, but one also needs to have the means to survive. I know your financially set for the rest of your life and I am happy for you. You worked hard. My teaching pals all feel the same way. The workers in OC are moving out of OC. $15 an hour is poverty in Socal. I just saw a room in HB for rent for $2,000 a month. I know a guy who is looking to sell his truck because he drives so far to work. He has to pay to work in Socal. Nurses and homecare workers who can;t afford this place are leaving. Also, those who said no to jab have been forced out and their re-locating to look for work. It's a trickle down kind of thing. My pals who have moved to Fl and Tx all did, so they could raise a family without both parents having to work 60 hours a week just to pay mortgage, gas, toll road, food, youth sports, save for college, 401k and fun. My #1 choice is to stay somewhere in Leisure World. The prices have doubled though and like I said, gas and food is insane.
It's worthless to speak of states as monolithic entities. I've been to many states including FL, CA, and TX and I feel quite confident there are multiple places in each where I can be satisfied. The real question is, how much are you willing to spend for the "level" of satisfaction you will get? As areas deteriorate with higher levels of crime than they previously had, that answer will change. Anyone that says, "I can't be satisfied in state XYZ". is telling me more about the person than the state.
I choose to live where I have lived all my life so yes I am biased. I can cite many reasons why I don’t want to live somewhere else but it comes down to I don’t want to. I have always wanted to stay here, period. I surf so there’s always that.
I choose to live where I have lived all my life so yes I am biased. I can cite many reasons why I don’t want to live somewhere else but it comes down to I don’t want to. I have always wanted to stay here, period. I surf so there’s always that.
Imagine that - missing my point and proving it at the same time. Thanks, I guess.