
Nelly Korda Has Surgery To Remove Blood Clot, Begins Rehab

I 100% pray for a speedy recovery.
So patient comes into the office, provider tells him/her: If you recieve the vaccine you will be 100% protected and will not transmit to a family member/ friend? Have fun during your backyard BBQ that the government is going to allow you to have. Before you have it though, make sure you have everyone test before they come over. But don't worry, the vaccines are fire.


patient comes into the office, provider tells him if you recieve the vaccine, immunity will wane at a certain percentage over time and it may reduce transmission. But, you should feel lucky, it will likley prevent death, if you are somewhat healthy. And please come back for a booster, maybe even a second one.
You mean after the CDC recently changed the longstanding definition of vaccine & vaccination, right?
Those that worship at the alter of government and the media (echo chambers are a wonderful thing) refuse to admit that there was a campaign to convince people that the vaccine was in fact going to provide immunity and prevent transmisstion, in absolute. What a suprise when that wasn't the case...if only they had waited to let the research play out.

Honesty goes a long way, especially in patient/provider relationships. IF described accurately, IF articulated honestly, I suspect we would have had higher vaccination rates and likely saved more lives. Not the case. It's water under the bridge now (a lot of dead people in the water under that bridge). We can go on and on with media clips of media talking heads and bobble head doctors spewing innacurate information. Not going to change much now.
So patient comes into the office, provider tells him/her: If you recieve the vaccine you will be 100% protected and will not transmit to a family member/ friend? Have fun during your backyard BBQ that the government is going to allow you to have. Before you have it though, make sure you have everyone test before they come over. But don't worry, the vaccines are fire.


patient comes into the office, provider tells him if you recieve the vaccine, immunity will wane at a certain percentage over time and it may reduce transmission. But, you should feel lucky, it will likley prevent death, if you are somewhat healthy. And please come back for a booster, maybe even a second one.

Who said 100%?
So patient comes into the office, provider tells him/her: If you recieve the vaccine you will be 100% protected and will not transmit to a family member/ friend? Have fun during your backyard BBQ that the government is going to allow you to have. Before you have it though, make sure you have everyone test before they come over. But don't worry, the vaccines are fire.


patient comes into the office, provider tells him if you recieve the vaccine, immunity will wane at a certain percentage over time and it may reduce transmission. But, you should feel lucky, it will likley prevent death, if you are somewhat healthy. And please come back for a booster, maybe even a second one.

It's closer to the latter. All immunity based on circulating antibody titers wanes over time. That is true for infection induced immunity or vaccination induced immunity. It's a natural balance our immune system strikes with seasonal infectious viruses. The viruses get their ecological niche. Our immune system gets updated with respect to new variants. Boosters are largely a public health effort to go from koyannisquatsi to balance while picking up as few new VOCs as possible. We will get there one way or another eventually. So if you don't want to play the booster game don't play.

We should feel lucky about the ability of the vaccines to prevent severe illness and death. This was true not just for healthy people but also for individuals in high risk groups with a wide range of C19 co-morbidities. My sister with Graves disease for example. The vaccines also demonstrably provide good long term cell mediated immune memory. Infection provides long term immune memory as well, with the one caveat being the durability of long term memory is proportional to the severity of infection. So C19 survivors walking around with lung tissue scarring should be in a pretty good place immunologically.
We should feel lucky about the ability of the vaccines to prevent severe illness and death.
100% agree. However, policies were designed and individuals discriminated against on the basis that the vaccine prevented the spread of Covid, which as we have seen it clearly does not, at least not in any meaningful way.

The biggest joke of all is the fact that nurses were terminated due to not getting vaccinated but yet Covid postive but vaccinated nurses were allowed to work.
Wokism is insane - literally a mental disorder.
One of the guys busted for his crimes was looking at hard time. He told his attorney to stop calling him Tim and now refer him as her and Tabitha. Tabitha told EVERYONE he is now a female and only identifies as a woman and if you got a problem with it take it up with the ACLU. Tabitha won her case and got a cellmate with Rebecca and all is good.
100% agree. However, policies were designed and individuals discriminated against on the basis that the vaccine prevented the spread of Covid, which as we have seen it clearly does not, at least not in any meaningful way.

The biggest joke of all is the fact that nurses were terminated due to not getting vaccinated but yet Covid postive but vaccinated nurses were allowed to work.

"Prevented" should be "reduced", and you left out the word "asymptomatic" from your description of covid-positive nurses.

Does your version make you feel more comfortable?
100% agree. However, policies were designed and individuals discriminated against on the basis that the vaccine prevented the spread of Covid, which as we have seen it clearly does not, at least not in any meaningful way.

The biggest joke of all is the fact that nurses were terminated due to not getting vaccinated but yet Covid postive but vaccinated nurses were allowed to work.
Bro, this is all BS. People I know have died, right after the you know what. Please, how can you agree 100%? The Jab is not a vaccine. It's killing those with weak organs. You have a bad heart, it kills you quick. If you have cancer, goodbye. It's killing the weak and some strong athletes because of over use of their heart. The heart is attacked from outside shit that is put in the blood. Why so many blood clots? Wake up dude.
Wokism is insane - literally a mental disorder.
And getting worse.

We were in the Patrick Henry district but bailed out of the area prior to high school specifically to get out of the San Diego Union School District based on our experience with their elementary and middle school. The corruption and incompetence were overwhelming. It's been a great move.

Let's be perfectly honest, "woke" is really "dumbing down".
Bro, this is all BS. People I know have died, right after the you know what. Please, how can you agree 100%? The Jab is not a vaccine. It's killing those with weak organs. You have a bad heart, it kills you quick. If you have cancer, goodbye. It's killing the weak and some strong athletes because of over use of their heart. The heart is attacked from outside shit that is put in the blood. Why so many blood clots? Wake up dude.
More power to you if you don't want to get the vaccine. That's really a decision between you and your doctor. We felt it was the best decision at the time to get vaccinated. Now that we have had it we're relying on natural immunity. To each their own, I don't judge people based on their vaccination status.

I will say had I had a spouse or child that was trying to get pregnant I would have recommended against getting a vaccination.
More power to you if you don't want to get the vaccine. That's really a decision between you and your doctor. We felt it was the best decision at the time to get vaccinated. Now that we have had it we're relying on natural immunity. To each their own, I don't judge people based on their vaccination status.

I will say had I had a spouse or child that was trying to get pregnant I would have recommended against getting a vaccination.
You said you agreed with Evil that it protected from severe injury or death. Would you like to take that back?
EvilGoalie 21 said:
"We should feel lucky about the ability of the vaccines to prevent severe illness and death.
Wat fly "100% agree."

Tell that to my pals sister and my pal Jason. My old Minister pal sister ((i knew them both real well bro)) died and I shared on here why they think it was because of this and that. 100%? No way. I also know people like my nephew who got widow attack from a blood clot. My other friend Jason is a teacher and he was forced to take the jab or get whacked. he took them and is now on blood thinner from blood clots. I love you 100% but to claim 100% vaccine saved the day is complete bull shit and I will call you out. I have two years experience with this war and first hand knowledge of death and sever injury. You think I'm lying?
And getting worse.

We were in the Patrick Henry district but bailed out of the area prior to high school specifically to get out of the San Diego Union School District based on our experience with their elementary and middle school. The corruption and incompetence were overwhelming. It's been a great move.

Let's be perfectly honest, "woke" is really "dumbing down".

Did you read the whole email chain in the Patrick Henry situation? Or just jump right to the conclusion along with KUSI?

Why was the 32-hour workweek proposal mixed in?

And why is any of this in the Vaccine thread?
More power to you if you don't want to get the vaccine. That's really a decision between you and your doctor. We felt it was the best decision at the time to get vaccinated. Now that we have had it we're relying on natural immunity. To each their own, I don't judge people based on their vaccination status.

I will say had I had a spouse or child that was trying to get pregnant I would have recommended against getting a vaccination.

What is your issue with pregnancy?
The vaccine prevented the spread of Covid, which as we have seen it clearly does not, at least not in any meaningful way.

I will only add that, even with omicron, in high population density urban areas in the Western world (including here in LA) vaccination resulted in an ~50% reduction in the area under the transmission curve. Meaningful, in that context, is user defined.
I love you all and I DO NOT judge you if you took the jab because you were told to by your doctor. Some were told to take it or they get fired. Some were told to take it for the team and be a good example. Some took it because their parents told them to take the jab. Some took them because their teachers said it was the right thing to do because. Some were told by their spouse if you dont take it I will leave your ass. Some took it for $75 or free pizza or fries. I have no judgment on whatever decision you made and why you made it. It's too late now anyways, what's done is done. We all will live with these big decisions. Tel A Vision played a part with all the news and commercials and the news about IT. However, if you did take IT, let's not say your decision prevented death and adverse effects. My ass!!! We no 100% people have died and got very sick and are not out of the woods. We dont know either the long term side effects and death counts for 2022. Let's see those numbers. Love you guys, I really do. Free speech is good so we can all learn what the truth is.
I will only add that, even with omicron, in high population density urban areas in the Western world (including here in LA) vaccination resulted in an ~50% reduction in the area under the transmission curve. Meaningful, in that context, is user defined.
I have a hard time believing that but I am willing to change my mind with evidence. Which study found a 50% reduction? Everything I have read indicates that it doesn't materially prevent transmission (or if it does only for a very short window) and I believe I have posted those studies before, . This, in addition to my actual experience, has led me to my conclusion.