Thank you for proving my point.Two of the authors had established their wingnut reputations well before concocting this piece. You can look it up.
The third has only suggested that paid sick leave is a bad idea.
Thank you for proving my point.Two of the authors had established their wingnut reputations well before concocting this piece. You can look it up.
The third has only suggested that paid sick leave is a bad idea.
Thank you for proving my point.
Thank you for proving my point.
Two of the authors had established their wingnut reputations well before concocting this piece. You can look it up.
The third has only suggested that paid sick leave is a bad idea.
Rich - coming from an established reputation of avoiding the message by attacking the messenger. Look it up!
the most difficult thing for some people is to admit they were wrong, and/or fooled. Heels are dug in and there's no changingAnd as I mentioned those adjustments tended to work against red states in the study. Some favor smoke and red herrings over reality.
100% baldref. I knew this minister that thought he was right about everything. When my dd was getting really into youth soccer and we missed a few Sunday services, the Minister asked to speak with me. This is after one of the Deacons wife told my wife that her and her hubby are praying that my dd would pick God & Church over Soccer and Satan on Sundays. We had this intense back and forth. I was super respectful and so was he. However, he dug his heal over a scripture about not missing church. I pointed out how he was taking the scripture completely out of context and he got all red in the face. I started to ask him some questions and he really dug his heals in. I told him he should focus on his son first before going after my dd for missing a few services. His boy was up to no good at the church and I told him that to his face in a loving way. Truth is, my dd was influential and if she missed, the other kids wanted to miss as well and he also didn;t want other kids who played sports to miss his services and the collection plate. He got paid when people showed up. This is all before Pay to pay online came on board.the most difficult thing for some people is to admit they were wrong, and/or fooled. Heels are dug in and there's no changing
Whiny little thing aren’t ya?are you attempting to describe the CDC and the FDA?
Yep, whiny.sound familiar? Remember when fools spread the word that vaccines provided immunity and prevented transmission? Was that scientifically backed or a manipulation of data by experts? a basic misunderstanding of what they were looking at? or was it financially driven?
You keep asserting things about which states are and are not disadvantaged by certain adjustments. But you never explain your logic. And you certainly never address the question of putting your thumb on the scale by excluding certain adjustments.Cherry picking again. Look at the actual results. For the top 10 overall there were 5 red states significantly disadvantaged by the study's Covid adjustments. There were 4 red states and the one blue state that were slightly advantaged by the studies adjustments.
Again more smoke and mirrors and red herrings.
I get it, you don't like the results, but don't mischaracterize what the results say. Studies are observations based on a particular methodology. Studies as we have found out aren't necessarily facts. Prospective studies are guesstimates at best. Historical studies have far more credibility. As of now you have failed to show that the Covid adjustments favored red states. Sorry but calling the study authors "wingnuts" or mischaracterizing the results of the study doesn't prove your case, it actually diminishes the credibility of your argument.
Whiny little thing aren’t ya?
Let me help you dad. California wanted everyone forced to get the jab or you got fired. Florida was the opposite and actually supported folks like me. If I was in Florida I would be working my ass off like I always did before the Rona and forced jab. Every small business I Know either went OB or are about to.You keep asserting things about which states are and are not disadvantaged by certain adjustments. But you never explain your logic. And you certainly never address the question of putting your thumb on the scale by excluding certain adjustments.
Instead, you assert something, and then move into attacking my motives. (don’t like the results, smoke and mirrors, cherry picking, red herring, and so on.)
If you have your own argument, make it.
You didn't read the thread? I spent a good deal of effort dissecting the meat of the message. In addition, I answered all questions of any consequence.
Meanwhile, you still haven't disclosed the source of the cute little chart you copied.
If you read the report you would have located the data-appendix link. But I get your MO, ad hominem the authors instead of addressing the data. Check.
If I were trying to create a study to argue for red state covid policies, I also would correct for population, age, obesity and diabetes. (Watfly has it flipped on the last three. If something hyour side, correcting for it makes your side look better.)
I would not correct for population density, multi-family households, timing of first wave, or dominant variant.
They’re playing the game of “cheat at statistics“, and they’re playing it about five levels above your head.
You have it flipped. If group A has some disadvantage, then correcting for it makes group A look better.
Best example of this is Florida. Florida looks pretty bad on raw covid numbers. Their large elderly population puts them at a disadvantage. Once you correct for age, they look a lot better. The correction removed the disadvantage.
You could do the same thing for LA. LA has the disadvantage of multi-family low income households. If you correct for multi-family homes, LA will look better. Same thing: the correction removes the disadvantage.
Funniest post yet…You didn't read the thread? I spent a good deal of effort dissecting the meat of the message. In addition, I answered all questions of any consequence.
Meanwhile, you still haven't disclosed the source of the cute little chart you copied.
...belief and faith are designed into the human condition...where belief and faith are placed, is a matter of free will...Covid has shown how easily belief and faith can be co-opted by government...imagine willfully permitting the government to experiment and damage oneself...worse yet, ones own kids. Of course, anything highlighting these government failures and frauds will induce irrational and personal attacks.the most difficult thing for some people is to admit they were wrong, and/or fooled. Heels are dug in and there's no changing
Praise Yeshua and his RETURN. I am shocked how fast people just followed orders in Socal. I don;t judge at all those who took the jab. Everyone got plenty of heads up and everyone made their choice. I was shocked that people were willing to fire folks for saying no to it and this fall no enroll unless jabbed. These two took me by surprise. I watched the riots unfold live on my TEL A VISION back in the summer of 2020 and I saw police in Santa Monica stand by as white dudes with hammers and crow bars went to town smashing windows. They told people who were standing around to go right in and steal and help themselves. It looked staged and still does. Now the mailman can;t deliver the mail in Santa Monica because criminals are lying in wait to steal and mug and rob and sometimes looking to rape. Robbery is through the roof. Maybe someone from espola's neighborhood could find out the true stat on crime in LA and the South Bay. These criminals were let out during the early stage of over crowding the prison with Covid. It's not safe in parts of LA or other large cities. No one has money and if they do, they try and keep it. Yesterday I was in LA County where my in laws live and a guy came towards me with his right hand in a jacket pocket. I decided to stair right at him with eyes at his eyes as we were going to pass on the sidewalk. He had a mask on as well. I had this butterfly feeling that he was going to pull a gun out, I swear...belief and faith are designed into the human condition...where belief and faith are placed, is a matter of free will...Covid has shown how easily belief and faith can be co-opted by government...imagine willfully permitting the government to experiment and damage oneself...worse yet, ones own kids. Of course, anything highlighting these government failures and frauds will induce irrational and personal attacks.
Behold Holy Week...His name is above all others.
whiny?Yep, whiny.
are you insinuating, because of my chromosomes, that I am small and of high pitched voice? a little toxic masculinity emittance?Whiny little thing aren’t ya?