I always say he serves up softballs, but I concede that "stepping on rakes" is more accurate and the visual is better..."thwack".He's good at it, consistent with his knack for stepping on rakes.
...I often ask God, if he won't be sending Jesus down anytime soon...could he at least send Ronald Regan.Praise Yeshua and his RETURN. I am shocked how fast people just followed orders in Socal. I don;t judge at all those who took the jab. Everyone got plenty of heads up and everyone made their choice. I was shocked that people were willing to fire folks for saying no to it and this fall no enroll unless jabbed. These two took me by surprise. I watched the riots unfold live on my TEL A VISION back in the summer of 2020 and I saw police in Santa Monica stand by as white dudes with hammers and crow bars went to town smashing windows. They told people who were standing around to go right in and steal and help themselves. It looked staged and still does. Now the mailman can;t deliver the mail in Santa Monica because criminals are lying in wait to steal and mug and rob and sometimes looking to rape. Robbery is through the roof. Maybe someone from espola's neighborhood could find out the true stat on crime in LA and the South Bay. These criminals were let out during the early stage of over crowding the prison with Covid. It's not safe in parts of LA or other large cities. No one has money and if they do, they try and keep it. Yesterday I was in LA County where my in laws live and a guy came towards me with his right hand in a jacket pocket. I decided to stair right at him with eyes at his eyes as we were going to pass on the sidewalk. He had a mask on as well. I had this butterfly feeling that he was going to pull a gun out, I swearHe didn't, he asked if I had $1, I kid you not. I did not have any cash, just my backpack and my debit card. I feel crime in the air and more and more people are SOL and need food to eat. These are homeless and for some, it's no fault of their own. Many kids get kicked out of these foster care places when they turn 18. I knew a kid who was a psychopath and they threw him out when he turn 18. The guy is now in Prison.
No one likes me right now in my past circles. Old church is telling people to get the jab because it's the right thing to do. Old friends warn members to watch out for me and that I am all New Age and Peace and Love and Crystals. My wife and I will have church at the beach this Sunday with my dd. I will bring some old and add some new teachings and worship the Creator, thank Yeshua for going the distance and thanking the spiritual realm for all their help, especially Michael. God bless you Met61 and Happy Easter.
are you insinuating, because of my chromosomes, that I am small and of high pitched voice? a little toxic masculinity emittance?
But I get it, insults are your default when intellect escapes you. common ailment of small minded liberal men.
I am telling the Creator every hour ((no joke)) that this place is insane, we need back up and help NOW!!!!!! No more waiting. Only the Creator knows when Yeshua will come back and set up shop for 1000 years. I am telling the Creator it is time, now is the time. I can;t guess because no one knows but man, I think it's soon and very soon, we will all see the Lord in his Splendor. I tell everyone, get your heart open, confess, clean up and then go and help others that need help. No judging others....I often ask God, if he won't be sending Jesus down anytime soon...could he at least send Ronald Regan.
...seriously, living Truth and faith is easy when you look around at the alternatives...pay no mind to what others say, we are all flawed, and a church is just a structure...where you worship is not important, just that you worship.
...God Bless and Happy Easter to you and yours...Be well.
@Grace T. is missing out on her favorite comedy.Funniest post yet…
vaccines provided immunity and prevented transmission-Was that scientifically backed
You mean after the CDC recently changed the longstanding definition of vaccine & vaccination, right?
No, whiny as in a crybaby/snowflake sorta way.are you insinuating, because of my chromosomes, that I am small and of high pitched voice? a little toxic masculinity emittance?
But I get it, insults are your default when intellect escapes you. common ailment of small minded liberal men.
Who?...belief and faith are designed into the human condition...where belief and faith are placed, is a matter of free will...Covid has shown how easily belief and faith can be co-opted by government...imagine willfully permitting the government to experiment and damage oneself...worse yet, ones own kids. Of course, anything highlighting these government failures and frauds will induce irrational and personal attacks.
Behold Holy Week...His name is above all others.
Who is Ronald Regan?...I often ask God, if he won't be sending Jesus down anytime soon...could he at least send Ronald Regan.
...seriously, living Truth and faith is easy when you look around at the alternatives...pay no mind to what others say, we are all flawed, and a church is just a structure...where you worship is not important, just that you worship.
...God Bless and Happy Easter to you and yours...Be well.
Who is Ronald Regan?
RIP Champ. Another top stud dying of a heart attack. I swear you guys, this is happening way too often with young men. I pray for his family.
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Arnold is still aliveFor bodybuilder yes , but this probably has a lot more to do with the PEDs have been taking for 20+ years
The article did say he got Covid late last year and was on life support. What my Doctor pal told me the other day is more shocking. It's a fact that hi level of snack venom is found in those who died. One doctor took 100 samples of peoples blood who had Covid. All the one's who died later had hi level of these enzymes or something like that and it only comes from snakes. Snake venom is how they made the original bio weapon you guys. The logo is a snake you guys and the snake was around since the beginning of time and played a roll in the deceiving mankind into eating from the trees of good vs evil and the tree of knowledge. I'm on this snake poison thing big time and will get back to you on my findings. These little snakes did quite the number on us humans.For bodybuilder yes , but this probably has a lot more to do with the PEDs have been taking for 20+ years