The creativity level amongst nutters peaks at “I know you are but what am I?”
The anti-vax/mask crowd is always looking for excuses and to conveniently ignore what they said in the past. Do you remember the clown who claimed 2 years ago that only 100 people had died of Covid-19 and that he'd leave this forum forever if it got over 10,000? He didn't.
Do you remember the anti-vax/mask clowns claiming vaccines were dangerous because they were "rushed" as their excuse to not get vaccinated? Yet here we are 2.5 years out from the date the vaccines first started being researched and then implemented, and maybe 10 people allegedly got blood clots (or maybe they didn't) from one of the three vaccines? And that whole time the same people were ignoring that 205 of those hospitalized with serious Covid-19 get blood clots, which obviously could have been avoided if they'd, uh, gotten vaccinated?
Do you remember the clowns claiming the vaccines don't reduce transmission rates as another excuse to not get vaccinated, yet now they're citing studies that establish exactly the opposite but also state that they reduce transmission but less "significantly" now with Omicron? How convenient that they ignore that while trying to misrepresent that "less significantly" means "not at all"?
Do you remember Grace the legal seagull claiming masks don't work so we shouldn't wear them, and then having to backtrack by rationalizing that they don't work when people don't wear them right, so we shouldn't wear them because she and her other friends just won't?
Do you remember the AZ cactus shitbag claiming AZ was handling Covid-19 perfectly and mocking NY for how horribly it handled Covid-19 because so many people died there before there was a vaccine, before there was horse paste, before anyone knew anything about how it was spread or how to treat it? Yet now he ignores that NY has dropped to 10th and AZ has easily the worst death Covid-19 death rate since it's inception despite having no excuse and although most AZ deaths came after vaccination was widely available? Looks like all his gloating about hitting the bars and not wearing masks was the utter rubbish we always knew it was.
Do you remember the anti-vaxxer xenophobes blaming China for creating it in a lab as their excuse to disclaim responsibility for their irresponsible behavior that has gotten almost 1 million Americans killed? And now despite two studies proving it was the b.s. we all knew it was, now they're ignoring those studies because they aren't "peer reviewed" yet. And also ignoring all studies they don't like with whatever excuse it takes?
Do you remember all these clowns gloating about how Gav Gav was going to get recalled because they thought their crazy fringe anti-mask/vax beliefs were actually the majority view, and now they're pretending they didn't get crushed like the cockroaches that they are?
Do you remember the anti-vax clowns claiming the vaccines don't work, or even that they're more dangerous than Covid, so they aren't necessary? Yet now their excuse is that they don't work forever, so don't get vaccinated?