Ha, you are such a subjugated clown. There have been plenty of bad studies - masks, boosters, vaccines for childrent, ivermectin, masks.
I'm sure you are conversent on Ab titers , so it's totally cool to approve more boosters based on non-inferior ones? But please, talk to me about studies, I'm all ears. Shouldn't, in this case, boosters prove to reduce severe disease and must prove that for the ulittles before moving forward?
Besides, woudn't it be great if the FDA made people like Bourla and his crew run real randomized trials that maybe showed reduction in a clinically significant endpoint...maybe something along the lines of severe disease. But I'm sure you are down for a 4th booster that is being peddled by the pharma vampires. You'll be first in line, strong and unafraid... But seriously, if you've already been boosted, chill. If you are old then you don't have much concern over the lack of long term data. You'll be fine, having lived a good life. Even if you aren't "old", once boosted is chill. Twice boosted and healthy is a bit overkill -you would fall squarely into the advocate world, taking one for the cause.
I do admire how well you carry the torch.