
And yours are crush, bigots like thirteen knots and micipapa, soccersc and the unemployed equestrian with an unused law degree who calls other people elitist.
I feel many of them may be one person as it’s typical for that ilk to accuse others of what they do and that is something the nutters in here of said quite a few times. I do notice they chime in in waves. Where one goes they all go, lol!
Hong Kong is shaping up to be a disaster, due to the low elderly vaccination rate and an immuno naive population. Omicron is having a heavy edge, which means it might not be so much less lethal as it is infecting a planet with plenty of vaccine and natural immunity.

Did they stop wearing masks? I heard that's as effective as the vaccine and that Asian people are really good about wearing masks.
I see. Not you just ignore studies by claiming they aren't "well done".

I already destroyed Grace the equestrian's Spain "study". Is that the one you were talking about? The one that even quoted two American studies that establish how effective masks have been here?
Ha, you are such a subjugated clown. There have been plenty of bad studies - masks, boosters, vaccines for childrent, ivermectin, masks.

I'm sure you are conversent on Ab titers , so it's totally cool to approve more boosters based on non-inferior ones? But please, talk to me about studies, I'm all ears. Shouldn't, in this case, boosters prove to reduce severe disease and must prove that for the ulittles before moving forward?

Besides, woudn't it be great if the FDA made people like Bourla and his crew run real randomized trials that maybe showed reduction in a clinically significant endpoint...maybe something along the lines of severe disease. But I'm sure you are down for a 4th booster that is being peddled by the pharma vampires. You'll be first in line, strong and unafraid... But seriously, if you've already been boosted, chill. If you are old then you don't have much concern over the lack of long term data. You'll be fine, having lived a good life. Even if you aren't "old", once boosted is chill. Twice boosted and healthy is a bit overkill -you would fall squarely into the advocate world, taking one for the cause.

I do admire how well you carry the torch.
I feel many of them may be one person as it’s typical for that ilk to accuse others of what they do and that is something the nutters in here of said quite a few times. I do notice they chime in in waves. Where one goes they all go, lol!
maybe it's one person for all? That sounds way cooler than copying what someone else just said.
maybe it's one person for all? That sounds way cooler than copying what someone else just said.
It’s pretty obvious who the usual suspects are. The ones who are obviously insane and completely adamant about there insanity. There once was grandpa duck, then nononono, now there is Crush. Lots of similarly minded posters along the way that may or may not be multiple personality (disorders). The ones that can’t keep it an adult discussion and wander off into speculative assumptions and random personal attacks are also on the list.
It’s pretty obvious who the usual suspects are. The ones who are obviously insane and completely adamant about there insanity. There once was grandpa duck, then nononono, now there is Crush. Lots of similarly minded posters along the way that may or may not be multiple personality (disorders). The ones that can’t keep it an adult discussion and wander off into speculative assumptions and random personal attacks are also on the list.
...and there is the whiners.
You find it inconceivable that more than one person believes you are wrong?

That‘s not a good sign.
Your view is too narrow. It's not that someone thinks that I am "wrong" it's that someone is not being who they are. I engage who I believe is sincere and reasonably respectful - my judgment, obviously. KM2 didn't agree with me back when she posted. She wasn't a troll. There were actually a few more early in the pandemic that tended toward your "side". They were authentic. I suppose they just got tired of the thread and moved on to other activities. I have never stated you are a troll and said as much on the board more than once. I didn't agree with Crush but I engaged with him because he was authentic. If you are paying attention, you will notice there is at least one that tends toward what I believe on COVID and I don't engage at all.

Trust me, I know there are plenty of non-Trolls that believe I am wrong. I see many every day on the street walking with masks and walking out on the street when someone approaches.
And yours are crush, bigots like thirteen knots and micipapa, soccersc and the unemployed equestrian with an unused law degree who calls other people elitist.

So due your consistently bigoted anti-religion stance I need to lump you in with the same group?

That’s awkward!
Ha, you are such a subjugated clown. There have been plenty of bad studies - masks, boosters, vaccines for childrent, ivermectin, masks.

I'm sure you are conversent on Ab titers , so it's totally cool to approve more boosters based on non-inferior ones? But please, talk to me about studies, I'm all ears. Shouldn't, in this case, boosters prove to reduce severe disease and must prove that for the ulittles before moving forward?

Besides, woudn't it be great if the FDA made people like Bourla and his crew run real randomized trials that maybe showed reduction in a clinically significant endpoint...maybe something along the lines of severe disease. But I'm sure you are down for a 4th booster that is being peddled by the pharma vampires. You'll be first in line, strong and unafraid... But seriously, if you've already been boosted, chill. If you are old then you don't have much concern over the lack of long term data. You'll be fine, having lived a good life. Even if you aren't "old", once boosted is chill. Twice boosted and healthy is a bit overkill -you would fall squarely into the advocate world, taking one for the cause.

I do admire how well you carry the torch.

You can't talk common sense with @GoldenGate he doesn't have an intention to have an intellectual conversation and when he is perplexed on the answer he either doesn't comment or he starts with name calling and put downs.
Ha, you are such a subjugated clown. There have been plenty of bad studies - masks, boosters, vaccines for childrent, ivermectin, masks.

I'm sure you are conversent on Ab titers , so it's totally cool to approve more boosters based on non-inferior ones? But please, talk to me about studies, I'm all ears. Shouldn't, in this case, boosters prove to reduce severe disease and must prove that for the ulittles before moving forward?

Besides, woudn't it be great if the FDA made people like Bourla and his crew run real randomized trials that maybe showed reduction in a clinically significant endpoint...maybe something along the lines of severe disease. But I'm sure you are down for a 4th booster that is being peddled by the pharma vampires. You'll be first in line, strong and unafraid... But seriously, if you've already been boosted, chill. If you are old then you don't have much concern over the lack of long term data. You'll be fine, having lived a good life. Even if you aren't "old", once boosted is chill. Twice boosted and healthy is a bit overkill -you would fall squarely into the advocate world, taking one for the cause.

I do admire how well you carry the torch.

I love this. If a study isn't completed in three months of Omicron's existence, Omicron can't be contagious because there hasn't been a study completed in such a short period of time (when that argument suits your anti-vaxxer friend soccersc). But a non-randomized trial that takes months upon months is no good (when that argument suits your anti-vaxxer arse), although an irrelevant Spanish study that does neither is definitely reliable especially even if it has nothing to do with what is going on in the U.S. and is contradicted by two real studies that do involve the U.S. (when that arguments suits your anti-vaxxer friend Grace the unemployed). And then all of you claim that denying every study you don't like is "scientific" because "science" means "questioning" everything that you don't want to hear.

It must drive the four or five of you crazier than you already are that you can't even come here without getting raked over the coals. You should try to recall Gav Gav, since all you did the last time was give him a mandate to save lives. And given that CA is 39th in death rate despite having easily the highest population densities in the U.S., ha ha ha ha. Anyone want to comment on how NY did such a terrible job with Covid that it is now 10th, and although the vast majority of deaths there occurred before a vaccine, before horse dewormer, before anyone even know how to treat it?