The first Omicron variant was detected three months ago in the US and there weren't enough cases and spread to even start a study until January. Yet here you are claiming two months later that it's perfectly fine to parade around unvaccinated and unmasked because there hasn't been a peer reviewed study in the mere two months that it even became possible to start conducting a study. Honestly, you are about as stupid as they get. So please tell me the exact day that this study should have been completed and peer reviewed to meet your "rigorous" standards? And how does the fact that a study hasn't been published in two months "prove" that there is no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated? I feel like you let someone repeatedly hit you over the head with an Easton brand baseball bat because there hasn't been a scientific study proving that those brands will also give you a concussion, so surely you'll be fine. If there hasn't been a definitive study (which we know from your time here that you would disregard anyway because it does not fit your Karen-y emotional snowflake confirmation bias) yet to prove something is happening, it clearly isn't happening, right? And you know that because you've seen with your own microscopic eyes how Omicron is spread, right?