You just make up dates and number whenever you want but you condemn others for how they perceive what is happening. How very Karen of you!! Uou are wrong about so many things in such a short email, it goes back to that poor education you have and your intellectual reasoning. The first Omicron case was the end of November, first of December, so you have bad math if you get months. December, January, February, and this is March, you aren’t very smart to get only 2 months later out of that…it sure didn’t take long for them to come out with Delta studies while Delta was spreading like crazy, but that fit the narrative and this doesn’t. Simple. Keep spinning, eventually you will get something right
Uh, two months ago from today was Jan 11. Omicron did not become the dominant strain in the U.S. until late December. It wasn't even possible to start a study to address the impact of vaccinations until
But, yes, of course you will dispute how long two months ago was. Do you always decide that the most reckless course of action is perfectly accepable until a definitive peer reviewed study has come out?