
You just make up dates and number whenever you want but you condemn others for how they perceive what is happening. How very Karen of you!! Uou are wrong about so many things in such a short email, it goes back to that poor education you have and your intellectual reasoning. The first Omicron case was the end of November, first of December, so you have bad math if you get months. December, January, February, and this is March, you aren’t very smart to get only 2 months later out of that…it sure didn’t take long for them to come out with Delta studies while Delta was spreading like crazy, but that fit the narrative and this doesn’t. Simple. Keep spinning, eventually you will get something right

Uh, two months ago from today was Jan 11. Omicron did not become the dominant strain in the U.S. until late December. It wasn't even possible to start a study to address the impact of vaccinations until

But, yes, of course you will dispute how long two months ago was. Do you always decide that the most reckless course of action is perfectly accepable until a definitive peer reviewed study has come out?
You know what even try to find a pre-print study…Good luck, it’s not there, or maybe it is and they pull it because it’s misinformation….like the data they tried to keep from you for 75 years until a judge said no…hmm, guess they don’t think you are smart enough to try and figure it out on your own, even they think you are stupid…lol

and I did a quick search to see how long it took for pre-print studies to come out after Delta…this study took from May and June and was printed the first of August…so how does your timeline work again? You really aren’t that bright, you do try though

BTW dumbfuck, preliminary research has shown that vaccination has been shown to offer protection against contracting Omicron.

Latest on Omicron Variant and COVID-19 Vaccine Protection | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Three vaccine doses give 86% efficacy against Omicron variant (
How Effective Are COVID-19 Vaccines Against Omicron? (
COVID-19 vaccines induce immune response to Omicron | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

If you read those articles (you won't), they say that scientists are still working on exactly how well the vaccines protect against infection. But continue to ignore reality. Surely, they are wrong because you saw with your own eyes that kids who got vaccinated and wear masks did not contract Omicron, so of course kids should do neither.
BTW dumbfuck, preliminary research has shown that vaccination has been shown to offer protection against contracting Omicron.

Latest on Omicron Variant and COVID-19 Vaccine Protection | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Three vaccine doses give 86% efficacy against Omicron variant (
How Effective Are COVID-19 Vaccines Against Omicron? (
COVID-19 vaccines induce immune response to Omicron | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

If you read those articles (you won't), they say that scientists are still working on exactly how well the vaccines protect against infection. But continue to ignore reality. Surely, they are wrong because you saw with your own eyes that kids who got vaccinated and wear masks did not contract Omicron, so of course kids should do neither.

I have to construals remind myself to make sure I go very slow so I don’t lose you. Nobody is disputing the fact of protection anyway…you can’t get your moth off thatbong long enough to even remember the argument. The dispute is between the spread of the virus between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? How many times do I have to reiterate that with you before you realize they will never be able to distinguish that and if they do, they will see that it is going to be similar transition rates or vaccinated transmit it at a higher rare because they are often more asymptomatic and don’t realize they are even spreading the virus. Can you follow that smart guy?
You anti-vaxxers all live in opposite world. In fact, relying on your anecdotal "evidence" instead of actual medical and scientific studies is the very definition of emotional no matter how much you claim the opposite. See: When poignant stories outweigh cold hard facts: A meta-analysis of the anecdotal bias - ScienceDirect . Of course, morons like you completely ignore scientific studies based on your anecdotal "evidence", because it is the only place you can go to support the confirmation bias that you are looking for: Confirmation bias | Cram.

No one is surprised that the anti-vax/mask clown car crowd ignores studies and science because they're too emotional to understand what is happening, because that's who whiny Karens are. It's what you do.
Hey when one reads it on Twitter (and it backs their already predetermined mindset) that means it passed the eye test.
I see you're still trying to reason with clowns. How is that going for you? I mean, other than them just telling you they've now completely abandoned all studies relating to mask and vaccine mandates (not just the ones that haven't been peer reviewed) because they saw with their own eyes that their vaccinated and masked kids have gone to school and not gotten Covid-19.
Reasoning with clowns? Yes. Keeps me entertained.

People all over are inclined to believe their own confirmation bias instead of actually gathering data. Nothing unique to this thread. Just how people are.

I could ask you whether ECNL’s style of play causes added knee injuries and concussions. You will say no, but there won’t be data behind it. Confirmation bias, but no data gathering. Same as the anti-vax loons, just a different topic.

Keep up the entertainment, and have a great day.
Not peer reviewed so don't get your knickers in a wad, but seems more consistent with reality. This is not based on protection from hospitalization, but protection from infection. Nobody is disputing that the vaccination provides significant protection against hospitalization, well that and Omicron has far milder symptoms.

"An even more recent study (that has not yet been peer-reviewed) was specifically designed to measure vaccine effectiveness against Omicron. This study found that a full two-dose course of mRNA vaccines failed to provide any measurable protection against infection with Omicron and that boosting with a third dose of an mRNA vaccine increased effectiveness against transmission back up to only 37%."
Not peer reviewed so don't get your knickers in a wad, but seems more consistent with reality. This is not based on protection from hospitalization, but protection from infection. Nobody is disputing that the vaccination provides significant protection against hospitalization, well that and Omicron has far milder symptoms.

"An even more recent study (that has not yet been peer-reviewed) was specifically designed to measure vaccine effectiveness against Omicron. This study found that a full two-dose course of mRNA vaccines failed to provide any measurable protection against infection with Omicron and that boosting with a third dose of an mRNA vaccine increased effectiveness against transmission back up to only 37%."

"Our results may be confounded by behaviours that we were unable to account for in our analyses. Further research is needed to examine protection against severe outcomes."
Not peer reviewed so don't get your knickers in a wad, but seems more consistent with reality. This is not based on protection from hospitalization, but protection from infection. Nobody is disputing that the vaccination provides significant protection against hospitalization, well that and Omicron has far milder symptoms.

"An even more recent study (that has not yet been peer-reviewed) was specifically designed to measure vaccine effectiveness against Omicron. This study found that a full two-dose course of mRNA vaccines failed to provide any measurable protection against infection with Omicron and that boosting with a third dose of an mRNA vaccine increased effectiveness against transmission back up to only 37%."
No real surprise. They’ve been saying for a while now that against omicron the vaccines offer mild protection against infection, but robust protection against severe disease. Just one more piece of evidence for that.
Not peer reviewed so don't get your knickers in a wad, but seems more consistent with reality. This is not based on protection from hospitalization, but protection from infection. Nobody is disputing that the vaccination provides significant protection against hospitalization, well that and Omicron has far milder symptoms.

"An even more recent study (that has not yet been peer-reviewed) was specifically designed to measure vaccine effectiveness against Omicron. This study found that a full two-dose course of mRNA vaccines failed to provide any measurable protection against infection with Omicron and that boosting with a third dose of an mRNA vaccine increased effectiveness against transmission back up to only 37%."

My dad finally caught it. Despite being boosted, going around no where without an N95, and not really socializing except very rarely and outdoors and not during the relevant time period (we hadn't been around him in the relevant time period). We are at a loss for where he might have caught it...the market (well then even those N95s don't help), a lab to get his blood drawn (someone real contagious must have crossed there), the dog??? (even though they say dogs don't transmit to humans). So far only the sniffles on day 2 and no other symptoms (fingers crossed).
I have to construals remind myself to make sure I go very slow so I don’t lose you. Nobody is disputing the fact of protection anyway…you can’t get your moth off thatbong long enough to even remember the argument. The dispute is between the spread of the virus between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? How many times do I have to reiterate that with you before you realize they will never be able to distinguish that and if they do, they will see that it is going to be similar transition rates or vaccinated transmit it at a higher rare because they are often more asymptomatic and don’t realize they are even spreading the virus. Can you follow that smart guy?

How many times do I have to tell you that you can't spread Covid if you don't have it? How many times do I have to tell you that even if a vaccinated person does have a breakthrough infection, it is less serious and they are not contagious for as long, so therefore they expose fewer people? How many times do I have to explain to you that unvaccinated morons are clogging up our healthcare system so badly that everyone is going to see somewhere between a 5 and 12 percent increase in health insurance costs, which is what Blue Shield is already telling employers. Honestly, I'd be fine if all you idiots would just homeschool and then die in the comfort of your own home instead of begging our healthcare providers for help and horse dewormer. The price of anti-vaxxer freedom should include having to pay for the stupidity of your fellow anti-vaxxers instead of making the rest of us pay for it.

Accordingly, virtually every health agency around continues to recommend getting vaccinated. Even you can understand that simple concept, right? You're claiming if one person has a breakthrough infection, that means they are equally likely to spread it as someone who isn't vaccinated, so it's pointless to get vaccinate.
No real surprise. They’ve been saying for a while now that against omicron the vaccines offer mild protection against infection, but robust protection against severe disease. Just one more piece of evidence for that.

If you guys are still discussing the age break down of VE vs omicron infection, IMO at lot of that could be related to +/- boosters and if I recall the data as shown was not broken out that way. Just categories of two pop or non-vaxx. For J&J and Moderna, the youngers are not booster recommended, so they will show a more comparable infection/100K than olders you have had their circulating Abs spiked up again through a booster. Take rate on boosters probably higher with olders too. With the antigenic drift on omicron need a higher titer to neutralize.
My dad finally caught it. Despite being boosted, going around no where without an N95, and not really socializing except very rarely and outdoors and not during the relevant time period (we hadn't been around him in the relevant time period). We are at a loss for where he might have caught it...the market (well then even those N95s don't help), a lab to get his blood drawn (someone real contagious must have crossed there), the dog??? (even though they say dogs don't transmit to humans). So far only the sniffles on day 2 and no other symptoms (fingers crossed).
From my anecdotal survey, those that were boosted seemed to have milder symptoms than only the 2 shotters. Although the 2 shotters symptoms weren't awful.
This is a slightly different study. It doesn't look at effectiveness against infection but effectiveness against symptomatic disease. Similar results to other study two dose vaccine is not effective against Omicron, much better with booster although that wanes as well.

It seems we have two camps in this forum. Pro-Vax Koolaid or Pro-Vax Realistic, although to team Kool-Aid, Pro-Vax Realistic is Anti-Vax. In hindsight, I feel like I would may have been better off with a booster.
You're far more the latter than the former
The biggest problem is some people confuse science with truth when in fact its just a process or methodology (albeit a good process typically). Usually its the one's in science that think its the truth, which is just arrogance. Exhibit A is Fauci claiming to be science and to question him is to question science.

This is a slightly different study. It doesn't look at effectiveness against infection but effectiveness against symptomatic disease. Similar results to other study two dose vaccine is not effective against Omicron, much better with booster although that wanes as well.

It seems we have two camps in this forum. Pro-Vax Koolaid or Pro-Vax Realistic, although to team Kool-Aid, Pro-Vax Realistic is Anti-Vax. In hindsight, I feel like I would may have been better off with a booster.

This is the published form of the UK data that was linked on this thread back in late Dec/early Jan. "symptomatic disease" as they are using it in this context means a case that was not detected just by PCR. somebody walked into a doctor's office or something. So it's still really a case study, not severe disease/hospitalization. As per my last post the message is, as has since been repeated in other studies, there is sufficient antigenic drift with omicron that if you want to bend community transmission/case load you need the high Ab titers afforded by a recent booster-or a recent infection.

BTW, since there were various complaints on this thread about no studies on infection primed immunity (ie "natural immunity"-as if there were any other kind) good longitudinal studies have now been done. The only fly in the ointment for infection primed immunity is that the extent of long term cellular immunity going forward correlates tightly with disease severity. So if you almost died, you should be pretty resistant going forward towards the next viral emergence from resevoirs. If you were not so sick, not so much.
Baldie, your main contribution here is thumbs up to anyone who agrees with Tucker Carlson. I’m ok without your support.
Your main contribution is professing your opinions as truths, and believing the establishment gives a shit about you. Sorry preacher, it doesn't.