You could do what I suggested from the beginning and rather than have blanket national or statewide lockdowns you reserved them (and whatever effectiveness they had) for periods of severe COVID, you could have moved a lot of activities outdoors (I was saying this in April 2020), and you could have had a more productive mask policy that emphasized N95/KN95 production instead of cloth masks (again was saying this in April 2020). You could have also said, hey, maybe the BLM protests weren't the best idea in the middle of a pandemic (particularly after we came down on the churches), schools should have been open in fall of 2020, citizens encouraged to get exercise and vitamin D, not deliberately lied to them about health policies and been honest with them, not played politics with the vaccine, fired/retired Fauci (who has been a disaster on messaging), sheltered the nursing homes (I came out against the Cuomo policies in March 2020), and not exempted certain high risk things (like air travel and construction) when you actually were doing lockdowns.