Show her the money! Maybe he should not have admitted how he grabs women by the pussy. Ha ha.
Why do you put "ha ha" after all your moronic posts? If you're funny, wouldn't we laugh without your begging?
Show her the money! Maybe he should not have admitted how he grabs women by the pussy. Ha ha.
Sounds like you and Trump should get a room, except Trump wants nothing to do with you other than to part you from your paltry savings. So how much are you loving your trump digital trading cards?
Well, Biden certainly wouldn't want me... I'm not 8 years old.
I remember having more money on Trump's watch. In fact, everyone did. You probably made a fortune filing bullshit documents with a secretary so small business owners had to struggle. Such a hero.
P.S. - Trump's digital trading cards sold out and doubled in value in a single day. Not a bad investment. Did you miss out?
Well, Biden certainly wouldn't want me... I'm not 8 years old.
I remember having more money on Trump's watch. In fact, everyone did. You probably made a fortune filing bullshit documents with a secretary so small business owners had to struggle. Such a hero.
P.S. - Trump's digital trading cards sold out and doubled in value in a single day. Not a bad investment. Did you miss out?
I’m so sorry you aren’t doing well financially. Probably all the trading cards, which collapsed financially because of course they did. You probably bought my pillows as an “investment” also.
Donald Trump's trading cards collapse in value
Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that due to his initial success selling NFTs he would release a second wave of trading
Of course you’re struggling financially given how much you put into Truth Social stock. That crap is floundering even worse than Budweiser stock. It’s gonna be worthless within 12 months. View attachment 17117
Check out your idiotic leader who can’t even violate the espionage act without fucking it up and getting caught.
View attachment 17118
ahh, fourth point of contact speaking again. What Ukrainian militia do you speak of? stay on topic little guy. You are saying there aren't any Ukrainian openly nazi Ukrainian military units----ones that we aren't directly funding or have trained in the past? you so silly.You mean like all of our “militias”, including the oath keepers and proud boys? Although the main difference between the nazi ukrainian militias and our nazi militias is that ours would probably use a foreign invasion as an opportunity to shoot black people and hang Mike Pence instead of at least defending their own fucking country.
how does that even factor into anything? gibberish from you as usual. Because they are jewish it means the nazis are less nazi like? I mean wut? So you are saying you don't believe for one minute that there are nazi units currently in the Ukrainian military? Even though their clearly are? It's all lies and viscous propaganda from the ruskies?And their President and Prime Minister are still both Jewish, right in front of the whole world.
Is this the year that you get Trump in Jail Surf Futbol Daddy who paid "big time?" Is Jack Smith going to finally get Trump? Your team has been saying this for 7 years. Little boy in big boy pants. You sure are something else today. I'm glad I pulled my daughter out of your evil circus of cheaters. How much did you spend helping your dd make the A Team and the YNT list?Pretty soon Trump’s pronouns will be inmate/gimp.