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This also violates the US Flag Code.
July Fourth American Flag Napkins | Zazzle
Shop July Fourth American Flag Napkins created by suncookiez. Personalize it with photos & text or purchase as is!
All done playing with the other pigs in the pig pen? Welcome back. How were the Drag races? I sure hope what you paid for was worth it. This is the last war of Good vs Evil. You lost loser! Maybe Espola can join us for the Sunday Service? @espola get your ass over here so I can kick the both of you together tonight. God wins suckers!!!Looks like those Jewish space lasers will continue shootin’
I’m on his ignore list. He won’t be able to read this. He’s not one of those guys with issues re the Rothschilds, is he? I can test him with a prank about “inner Earth” and aliens. But he won’t see it to write an illiterate retort.Looks like those Jewish space lasers will continue shootin’
That was yesterday fool. I know demons work in a pack of 7 so I took you off for tonight's spiritual battle. Let's see, we got you Snobs, No x 5, Surf Futbol and Espola is lurking. We need 3 more of you pathetic cheaters to join in the Gr8t debate. I knew you guys would pop your sick heads out tonight. I'm prepared like no other night. sickos 100%. Let's see if we can get Espola, Dad4 and Husker to participate to make 7 demons. What a bunch of lying lunatics losers. Dumb dumb No time 5 say's I'm a troll. I am God's man and I took a stand against pay for play in youth soccer. You suckers tried to buy me just like your father tried to buy Jesus. I was not for sale losers. I need one more demon to make 7. My math was off. Any suggestions from the gang of 6?I’m on his ignore list. He won’t be able to read this. He’s not one of those guys with issues re the Rothschilds, is he? I can test him with a prank about “inner Earth” and aliens. But he won’t see it to write an illiterate retort.
He should be looking for table-pounding lawyers at this point.So has Trump found new lawyers after the most recent batch quit and the batch before that ratted him out?