Today in Fascism

Amazingly some of the most hardcore trumpist I know are starting to back away from the orange one admitting his lack of awareness and competency. He’s falling apart more everyday and the cracks are definitely showing.
Starting the weekend off binge-drinking again it looks like.
Please be sure not to get behind the wheel.
Your Highness, this Husker Du is nuts! They said that Them dude said the hardcore Trumpies and I mean the most intense Trump supporters are leaving the Orange Man. This guy is having fanatasy in his dreams. The trump supports leaving the tent is in this whackos dreams.
More word-salad.
She can sure chop up a word salad. It's funny watching Ratboy making up lies. No hardcore Trumpies have left the tent. It was only in his dream because he dreams that the hardcore trumpster would quit and go all in with a Witch who lies when she talks, just like espola and this freak of a human.
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Amazingly some of the most hardcore trumpist I know are starting to back away from the orange one admitting his lack of awareness and competency. He’s falling apart more everyday and the cracks are definitely showing.
This quote up here 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 is full blown TDS everyone. TDS starts with a lie and ends with a lie. Towards the end of this terminal illness, one begins to think their dreams are a reality when in fact their only in their dreams. It's going t get worse before the end. If Husker takes a few of these, they & them will not believe their dreams to be true.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought my own SoCal bros would turn on America, force the mask, stay 6 feet away, wash hands and be fully jabbed, hate Trump and anything that he stands for, close all churches and small mom & pop eateries and tell relatives, "If you're not vaccinated, you're not welcome to this year's Thanksgiving Dinner." Or my best friend at the time was told by his wife, "if you don't take the jabs, no sex from me." How do you think we all feel, the unvaccinated? I feel sad for many for you for being played and duped. Listen to Melania :eek:

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It starts with TDS and then you become psychotic and delusional like Husker Du. Poor guy wakes up around 4am after a long night binge drinking with the other rats and has a fantasy dream of Trump's biggest and most loyal supporters dropping Trump and voting for the Witch Kamala. This man has truly lost his mind🤪😫🤯🫤🥶🤕💀🤡👹☠️👽🤖

When Trump ran in 2016, I thought it was a joke. We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby hustler masquerading as a big shot, a two-bit playboy lying his way into the tabloids.- Robert DeNiro
When Trump ran in 2016, I thought it was a joke. We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby hustler masquerading as a big shot, a two-bit playboy lying his way into the tabloids.- Robert DeNiro
Another loser on The List to Epstein's Island of Horrors.

"ABC FAKE NEWS has been completely discredited, and is now under investigation. Did they give Comrade Kamala the questions? It was 3 on 1, but they were mentally challenged people, against one person of extraordinary genius. It wasn’t even close, as is now reflected in the polls. I WON THE DEBATE!" DJT