Today in Fascism

How about this?

"When we say you do something, you do it!"

Source --

Might want to wait until you get the full story next time. Was it a little heavy handed, sure, but no one was hurt and they got the situation under control quickly.
These people are truly stupid and evil. A Navy Vet who became a Marxist Traitor and a Groomer. "Come on in SUCKERS!!!


Might want to wait until you get the full story next time. Was it a little heavy handed, sure, but no one was hurt and they got the situation under control quickly.
You desire an authoritarian to discipline you when you are a bad boy.
How about this?

"When we say you do something, you do it!"

Source --

He was pulled over for reckless speeding and mouthed off the entire time. Then his homey pulled up, in front of him, got on his cell phone, ignored the cop's direction and ran HIS mouth.

Face it... it's a pattern.
Any minor offense can put one under the boot depending on the fickle finger of fate. Most cops are professional but not all. To some it’s personal.
He should have gone to jail just for speeding, dummy. Anything 20+ mph over means you can be taken to jail. Instead, he and his homie totally disregarded local law enforcement and got what he deserved. Comply and act like a fucking adult. It's SO incredibly simple.

Might want to wait until you get the full story next time. Was it a little heavy handed, sure, but no one was hurt and they got the situation under control quickly.
Might want to wait until you read it before you post it.
Might want to wait until you read it before you post it.

Which part? The 2014 DV case against his former girlfriend while he was at OSU? Or the 2019 case against one of his kids for allegedly breaking
the kid's arm? Speaking of kids, pending paternity cases, he possibly has up to 10 kids. And it's cases..plural..not case.
Just like you and your boy HD, this guy can't get out of his own way either. He's a POS who thinks he's special because he's a pro football player.