Today in Fascism

These people are sick and total assholes. Bill Maher is claiming that Trump & Laura are having sex because Trump is a dog and once a dog like Bill, then always a dog. Mr. Kid Love Productions is in big trouble. Joke or not, that was very disgusting.

"I should sue Bill Maher @billmaher for Defamation. This is beyond the pale and it’s a complete and blatant lie. I have never in my life seen such a coordinated attack by the mainstream Media, the White House and leftist personalities to target a private citizen and investigative journalist simply because I flew on a plane, and I support Donald Trump. This is unacceptable. And it’s a full-blown LIE and incredibly disrespectful to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. It’s very obvious some type of memo went out because the reaction to what I said is completely overblown and it’s a full-blown character assassination campaign. This is a full-blown lie from @billmaher, and he is maliciously and deliberately defaming me." Laura Loomer

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