Today in Fascism

"Dams can only Drip For So Long...
Then They, If Not Repaired, Break.....
Heavy Rains Come, From Time to Time......
Whether Organic on Planned By Man.............
They Hasten The Break and Exacerbate the Destruction.
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Can Wizards Control Weather?" Q
Let's not all forget that Husker Du "The Buffoon" told us all months ago that, "kids that go missing are just runaways." When the swamp is fully drained, Ratboy, Sunshine, Fudd, Liar, Magoo, little e, Papa, EOTL, Loser, Cheater, Projector, Pedo & MAP Supporter (PMS) at best, Dumb, Dumber, Dumb & Dumber, Dumbest, Dummy, Dork, beta male, Surf Futbol and so many others I would have to go back and look. It's interesting how this loser has so many made up smack talk names from all of us. As we wait to watch the debate, what avatar name do you like the most without one of yours. I told you all years ago we have to secure the children from monsters that eat them. I couldn't go on here with you in the past on the subject of cannibalism because well, I would be called a whacho bird, conspiracy theorist, off his medication, crazy, weirdo, moron, c and all the others. The bible referred to these half animals half human DNA as the ______________________________? Anyways, they never left, and they don't die like we do. Enjoy the debate and I look forward having after debate discussion on how it went.

Oh, I forgot. My pick for best name goes to, Ratboy! He's a Rat and acts like a little boy, just like little e (my second favorite).
Here's a little preview of coming attractions. I hope JFK Jr is alive, that would be so rad, but I'm prepared he's not with us anymore. I don't watch movies anymore, so I sometimes watch stuff on Rumble. This is a cool watch before the debate. Slow it down if it goes too fast. Lots of clues.

My take on the debate before I go to bed. Kamala did way better than crooked Joe. If you were from another planet, you would say she did ok and held her own. However, were not from another planet. She is a good liar and sneaky and slimy Witch. Trump walked into the hornets' nest. Obviously, he was shot in the ear and not Harris or that fake Muir or lady with him said anything about him being shot at his attempted assassination. Nothing on Covid, insane. ABC + Big Pharma=Marriage to the death. Trump was strong and his last sentence won the debate. Harris gets points from me for being a very good liar. Crooked Joe was a Bad Liar. Talk tomorrow fellas and look forward to hearing your takes in this circus of a world we all live in.
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So quiet on the forum and no response from Ratboy or Fudd, the forum cheaters and liars. My favorite lie from last night, "Nobody goes to a Trump rally. If they do, they leave early." Kamala
The Witch's biggest lie, "Nobody goes to a Trump rally. If they do, they leave early." I slept on this quote and asked for insight. The truth: The only ones who left early at a Trump rally were the President and the others who were shot!!!